The Avengers vs. The Space Phantom

The Avengers battle a strange new foe… The Space Phantom!

the space phantom

Upon debuting, The Space Phantom claimed he was a member of an unknown alien race, coming to Earth to defeat the Avengers as a means of testing if the planet could be invaded by his people. Taking the shape of several Avengers, he tried to sow dissent amongst their ranks. He was defeated when his power backfired, trying to duplicate Thor, sending him to Limbo.

From: The Avengers #2 (1963)

Through subsequent appearances, this classic “extraterrestrial invader” origin has proven something of a falsehood. At one time, The Space Phantom claimed to be a citizen of the planet Phantus as an elaborate hoax when truly he is a denizen of Limbo. In fact, the identity of “Space Phantom” isn’t that of an individual being but more of a generic term given to the trans-formative state wherein anyone lost for duration in that timeless nonplace can physically and mentally become one.

Later that day…
Photo Apr 07, 8 28 50 PMavengers vs. the space phantomPhoto Apr 07, 8 29 07 PMavengers vs. the space phantomIMG_6560IMG_6551Photo Apr 07, 4 50 44 PM (1)Photo Apr 07, 4 50 53 PM (1)

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Author: lowbrowcomics

Greetings! Hello! Welcome to my blog page! This is a page dedicated to comic books, comic book movies, pop culture news and other stuff that I find interesting. I will try to update this page as much as possible with the junk I find interesting. I hope you find it interesting too. Why the name Lowbrowcomics? Well, while comic books can be compelling, imaginative and extremely well written, they aren’t exactly Shakespeare. Even though I love reading them, the title of the blog serves as a reminder to just have fun with them. Ok, cool. So what about you? Who are you? I’m glad you asked! I’ve been reading comics for more than 35 years! I remember the day I started pretty clearly. When I was about 3 or 4, my dad came home from work and among the little treats he usually brought home, he brought an issue of the Incredible Hulk, Daredevil and Power-Man and Iron Fist. It was all over after that. All night long we laid on the floor, reading these comics and even though I was too young to read them myself, I listened intently while he discussed and explained Daredevil’s powers, what happens when Hulk gets mad and Iron Fist’s prodigious use of Kung-Fu. From then on out, I wanted to read as much as I could (not limited to comics of course) everything from the Marvel and DC universe. From then on out it was Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends on Saturday morning, Batman birthday cakes, Fantastic Four bed sheets, watching Superman movies and on and on and on. At age 7 in 1984, I was at a birthday party and while most of the kids were playing with toys with the birthday boy, I noticed a TV on in the other room. I poked my head in to see what was on and noticed something strange on the tube. Something I had never seen before. Strange machines were walking across a frozen wasteland shooting lasers at peculiar looking ships, a man clad in all black with a deep raspy voice strode through frozen hallways looking for someone called “The princess”. Yep, you guessed it. The Empire Strikes Back. Thus began my second great love affair. So there you have it, I’m not going to go through all my major milestones with comics, there just isn’t enough bandwidth available :) I just hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy making it! Hit me up on Twitter @lowbrowent. Fin.

4 thoughts on “The Avengers vs. The Space Phantom”

    1. Ok I did a little research into your question. The Hulk was a founding member of the original Avengers team consisting of Thor, Iron Man, Ant/Giant Man and The Wasp. The Hulk “left” the Avengers at the end of this issue with the Space Phantom; issue #2. Captain America was thawed out and joined The Avengers in issue #4. So I guess one could say that Cap technically filled the Hulks spot in the roster. There was a short period of 2 issues before Cap joined. In the comic continuum I believe it was a few days or a weeks time that had passed.

      However, in the first issue of Avengers, a young group of guys calling themselves The Teen Brigade who were led by Rick Jones. Rick saw a newspaper story talking about the Hulk menace and sent out a call for help to the Fantastic Four. Loki, fearing that the FF would stop his plans (he was manipulating the Hulk) diverted the message to Donald Blake who of course we know is the alter ego of Thor. Thor then gathers Iron Man, Wasp and Ant-Man together to fight the Hulk.

      Later Rick Jones could be seen in panels accompanying the Avengers into battle and at official team meetings. One could argue that Rick Jones is the sixth member of the original Avengers team.

      It wasn’t until issue 16, that the roster was reorganized to include Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Unlike the movies Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver wrote a letter to the Avengers asking if they could join. Ahh simpler times indeed…

      Hey! I hope this answers your question!

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