Captain Marvel official trailer!

Captain Marvel Official Trailer

Captain Marvel is scheduled to be released in the United States on March 8, 2019.

Marvel unlocks the secret of the Infinity Stones and their current owners. (Infinity Countdown #1)

In Infinity Countdown #1 (2018) it looks like Marvel has changed the colors of the Infinity Stones to match their MCU counter parts and tweaked how they work.

The Infinity Stones in the MCU

In Infinity Countdown #1 (2018) it looks like Marvel has changed the colors of the Infinity Stones to match their MCU counter parts and tweaked how they work. The stones (formerly called Gems) form a circuit when combined with each other forming a positive feedback loop unlocking their full potential and releasing the INFINITE power stored inside. The gems true potential lie within the users mastery of them individually.

The stones have always been mysterious and a subject of debate and discussion for years so it’s fun to see them fleshed out a bit more. I prefer the still have a twinge of mystery, but that’s just me.

Here are the new owners and new descriptions of the stones:

• The Soul Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Reality. It can preserve the soul to allow for life after death.

Current owner: Ultron

Location: Ego The Living Planet (mobile)

Read More: Thanos steals the Soul Gem from The In-Betweener.

• The Mind Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Soul. It can grant telepathy, or intelligence.

Current Owner: Turk Barrett

Location: Earth (mobile), most likely New York City

Read More: Thanos steals the The Mind Gem from The Grandmaster.

• The Power Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Mind. It can make a person more physically powerful.

Current “Owners”: Nova Corps & The Guardians of the Galaxy

Location: The desert planet of Xitaung.

Read More: Thanos takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.

• The Space Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Power. It can allow teleportation through space.

Current Owner: Wolverine

Location: Somewhere in the wilds of Canada

Wolverine space infinity stone

Read more: Thanos takes the Space Gem from The Runner.

• The Time Stone is powered by the user’s masteryof Space. It can allow a person to travel through time.

Current Owner: KL’RT

Location: Sakaar

Read More: Thanos takes the Time Gem from The Gardner.

• The Reality Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Time. It can allow a person access to the Multiverse.

Current Owner: Captain Marvel (alternate reality Captain Marvels)

Location: Unknown ~ Multiple realities

Read More: Thanos takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.


The current owner of THE SPACE GEM is Black Widow

Location: Madripoor (probably not for long)

Read even more!

Captain Marvel vs. Iron Man (Civil War II)


From: Civil War II #8

Hawkeye Kills Bruce Banner (Civil War II)

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


From:  Civil War #3 (2016)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: David Marquez

Colorist: Justin Ponsor