Zack Snyder’s Justice League | Official Trailer | HBO Max

In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, determined to ensure Superman’s (Henry Cavill) ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) aligns forces with Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. The task proves more difficult than Bruce imagined, as each of the recruits must face the demons of their own pasts to transcend that which has held them back, allowing them to come together, finally forming an unprecedented league of heroes. Now united, Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and The Flash (Ezra Miller) may be too late to save the planet from Steppenwolf, DeSaad, and Darkseid and their dreadful intentions.

In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, determined to ensure Superman’s (Henry Cavill) ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) aligns forces with Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. The task proves more difficult than Bruce imagined, as each of the recruits must face the demons of their own pasts to transcend that which has held them back, allowing them to come together, finally forming an unprecedented league of heroes. Now united, Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and The Flash (Ezra Miller) may be too late to save the planet from Steppenwolf, DeSaad, and Darkseid and their dreadful intentions.

Black History Month – Feb 5th, 2021 – Character Profile: Cyborg

Victor Stone is the son of Silas and Elinore Stone, two STAR Labs scientists intent on using their research to improve mankind. Silas and Elinore scientific adventures often estranged their son, as they would sometime dedicate more time and toward their work, oppose to him. The two even used their son as a test subject for intelligence-boosting experimentation. While the successful experiment granted Victor a genius-level intellect, he resented his parents for treating him more like a lab subject oppose to a son.

Victor Stone is the son of Silas and Elinore Stone, two STAR Labs scientists intent on using their research to improve mankind. Silas and Elinore scientific adventures often estranged their son, as they would sometime dedicate more time and toward their work, oppose to him. The two even used their son as a test subject for intelligence-boosting experimentation. While the successful experiment granted Victor a genius-level intellect, he resented his parents for treating him more like a lab subject oppose to a son.

Vic’s resentment caused him to steer away from science and math in high school. Instead, he pursued an interest in athletics, much to his father’s disdain. His life changed profoundly during a visit to STAR Labs to meet up with his parents, who were busy conducting inter-dimensional experiments. The experiment accidentally allowed a protoplasmic creature into the lab. Silas managed to return the creature to its home dimension, but not before it had slain Elinore and severely injured Victor. Desperate to save his son’s life, Silas used untested cybernetic enhancements to rebuild and reconstruct Victor’s body. He succeeded, but didn’t anticipate Victor’s horror and anger at what he had done.

Pre-Flashpoint: Modern Age

The reaction of others to his new form made Vic even more resentful, and he isolated himself from his former life as much as possible by moving to Hell’s Kitchen. It was in this bad neighborhood that Raven found Vic and invited him to join the Teen Titans. After the team formed, Vic found a place where he was accepted and appreciated, despite his inhuman appearance. His father, still feeling guilt over what he made his son go through, constructed the Titan’s Tower for his son and his companions. Victor would remain a steadfast member of the Titans for a long time, serving not only as a hero but as a primary supplemental tech source for the team.

Post-Flashpoint (New 52)

After the events of Flashpoint, DC Comics relaunched their entire comic catalog. In this continuity, Cyborg is now one of the seven founding members of the Justice League (replacing the Martian Manhunter), having never served with Teen Titan. He makes his first appearance in Justice League #1 but not as part of the team. In fact, he’s a high school football player who hasn’t even become “Cyborg” yet. After the Darkseid invasion, Victor was gravely injured and later cybernetically enhanced by his father. Due to the events of Forever Evil, Cyborg gets an upgraded armor that appears to be much slimmer.

PowersAdaptiveAgility – Blast Power – Cosmic Awareness – Dimensional Manipulation – Electronic interaction – Energy Absorption – Energy Manipulation – Energy Shield – Enhance Mutation – Flight – Gadgets – Implants – Intellect – Invulnerability – Leadership – Power Suit – Radar Sense – Stamina – Super Hearing – Super Sight – Super Strength – Technopathy – Teleport – Vibration Wave – Weapon Master

Powers and Abilities


Cyborg possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Cyborg can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor were an infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.

Shape-Change: Cyborg has virtually unlimited shape-changing abilities that allow him to mimic road, air or space vehicles and even reshape his entire body or parts of it to form such complex shapes such as a tank.

Superhuman Strength: At optimal capacity, Vic can lift/press in excess of four metric tons. If he pushes himself, he can even exceed five tons, but not without causing severe stress to his cybernetic components. Recently Victor breaks apart Kalibak’s Chaos Cannon used to destroy planets.

Superhuman Speed/Agility: He possesses a degree of superspeed.

  • Jump Jets: As his request Dr. Silas Stone installed Jump Jets so that wouldn’t be so dependent of Boom Tubes. Apparently the Jump Jets provides the ability to super-jump across the state lines.


Sensor Systems/superhuman Senses:. Due cybernetic enhancements their five senses were increased to superhuman levels.

  • Super hearing
  • Microscopic Vision
  • X-Ray Vision
  • Night Vision
  • Target/Tracking Systems
  • Physiological/Medical Scanners

Superhuman Stamina: Victor doesn’t need to sleep,eat or drink. Adding the Environmental Mode (that replaced his last lung) no longer has the need to breathe, and can operate in any area that has no oxygen in space or as in underwater.

Superhuman Durability: The nature of Cyborg’s body provides offers protection against physical and energy attacks,being able to withstand the pressures of the deepest parts of the oceans.

Computer Interfacing: Cyborg is connected with all Earth’s computers and satellites including government agencies, secret service (CIA,MI-6…) and even the Batcomputer.

  • The Grid: Alongside Batman created a program to prevent himself from being distracted while on duty, because he is constantly bombarded with endless influx data streaming into his system and that program selectively focus on high-priority items and filter out other received data,which helps him to create a complete database of every metahuman/superhuman on Earth.
  • Cyberverse/Digitalverse connection

Technopathy: Since is linked with Earth’s computers and satellites Victor can control any type of technology that have connection with the Internet as well control any form of electronic communication,allowing it to manipulate data or rearrange security privileges. Recently demonstrated the ability to hear Brainiac’s drones communicating with each other.

  • Technomorphing: He doesn’t just command technology,but is also capable to incorporates them into himself as did with Red Room’s technology and a Motherbox,where did came most of their weapons. Recently their systems suffered serious damage after the explosion of the Watchtower and to repair himself used technology from a escape pod.

Teleportation – Cyborg can use Boom Tubes to transport himself and the League to anywhere n Earth and in the Universe,since is stated Darkseid use it to cross dimensions,however one out of every thousand ‘jumps’ results in transporting himself and whoever is with him to Apokolips. Recently installed a silent mode to not be noticed by others,not even Superman couldn’t note him coming.

Integrated Weapons: He had various types of weapons integrated into his cybernetic parts.

  • White Sound Disruptor: The Sound Disruptor or White Noise Canon fires focused sound blasts powerful enough to vaporize a Parademons group,blown up portion of a building and affect spirits. The canon has been able to reach 300 decibels and theorically can exceed this limit.
  • Sonic Emmiter: Beyond the sonic cannon also has a sonic emitter that allows to mimic and generate any sounds he desires,may run voices through his systems to make real-time translation and even generate ultrasonic sound attacks.
  • Ice Beam
  • Energy Cannon/Energy Gun:
  • EMP Pulse: It may incapacitate any technology (that’s not shielded against such attack) in a distance of 50 meters away. T.O. Morrow nicknamed it as a Heart Attack.

Character Profile

  • Height: 6′ 6″
  • Weight: 385 lbs.
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Citizenship: American
  • Occupation: Adventurer
  • Relatives: Silas Stone (father), Elinore Stone (mother, deceased)
  • Base of Operations: Justice League Watchtower

Black History Month – Feb 4th, 2021 – Character Profile: Amanda Waller

Amanda Blake grew up in the crime-ridden Cabrini-Green area of Chicago. At the age of 18 she married the 20-year-old Joseph Waller, and they quickly had a large family together. Her first child was Joe, Jr., then Damita, then the twins Martin and Jessie, and then her youngest child Coretta. Their lives were a financial struggle, and they relied on social programs, but they were happy. Joe, Jr. was set to go to college on a basketball scholarship until he was killed in a mugging gone wrong. Damita was raped and murdered in an alleyway on her way home from church. They knew who was responsible, but the police could not get a conviction with no witnesses. Her husband Joseph Waller set out to kill the rapist “Candyman” and both men shot each other dead. Amanda swore that the streets would take no more of her family. She worked hard to put all of her other children through college, then she put herself through college and earned a political science degree. Amanda decided to go into politics, and she approached democratic congressional candidate Marvin Collins to become his campaign director. Collins was elected thanks to her efforts, and he took her to Washington as his aide. Amanda discovered the old Task Force X files while searching through old bills, and asked to revive the Suicide Squad under her direction.

Real Name: Amanda Blake

Alias: Amanda Waller

Other Aliases: Black King, Mockingbird, White Queen

Relatives: Coretta Walker (daughter), Damita Walker (daughter, deceased), Jessie Walker (son), Joseph Waller Jr. (son, deceased), Martin Waller (son), Bubba (son-in-law), Joseph Waller (husband), Mary White (sister), Flo Crawley (cousin, deceased)

Affiliation: Task Force X, U.S. Government, Shadow Fighters, Suicide Squad, Agence, Checkmate, D.E.O.

Base of Operations: Washington D.C.

Black History Month – Feb 3rd, 2021 – Character Profile: Nubia

Formed from clay as a twin to Diana (Wonder Woman), the dark-skinned Nubia was kidnapped by Mars, who raised her, controlling her mind so that she would help him bring down the Amazons.

Formed from clay as a twin to Diana (Wonder Woman), the dark-skinned Nubia was kidnapped by Mars, who raised her, controlling her mind so that she would help him bring down the Amazons.

After a session in the Amazon memory banks, Diana was confronted by an armored female warrior who challenged her to single combat. The two initially wrestled, then faced each other with swords. Diana and the intruder seemed evenly matched until the intruder knocked the sword from Diana’s hands, and then hesitated to kill her, giving Diana the chance to wrestle her to a draw.

The stranger declared herself as Nubia. Queen Hippolyta wondered if this was indeed the same Nubia who was to be raised as Diana’s sister.

Nubia left the Amazons and returned to her mist-concealed Floating Island (named Slaughter Island by Mars). She told Diana that they will meet again and one of them will be proven the true Wonder Woman. She eventually did return, and reiterated her claim to the title of Wonder Woman. Later on, Nubia put down a challenge to her rule by one of the male warriors of Slaughter Island; she defeated the man but let him live, stating that “A woman doesn’t destroy life, she cherishes it!”

Sometime later, Supergirl was made an honorary Amazon. When it was discovered that Nubia was suffering from a mutated shark’s poisoning, Hippolyta sent Kara to retrieve a rare root needed to cure her.

Real Name: Nubia

Alias: Wonder Woman

Relatives: Hippolyta (mother), Diana (sister), Donna Troy (adopted sister), Ares (grandfather)

Affiliation: Amazons

Base of Operations: Paradise Island, Themiscyra

Height: 6’3″

Weight: 115lbs. (70kg)

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Powers: Super strength, speed, agility, reflexes, senses, stamina and endurance. Flight, hand to hand combatant, Magical weaponry, including a magical sword and armor. Paralyzing “Cold Sight”, ability to open dimensional portals, the ability to relieve her body of physical injury and toxins by becoming one with the Earth’s soil and then reforming her whole body again.

Creators: Robert Kanigher, Don Heck

First Appearance: Wonder Woman #204 (February, 1973)

This version of Nubia, including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985–86 Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. Even though versions of the character may have since appeared, this information does not apply to those versions. –

Black History Month – Feb 2nd, 2021 – Character Profile: John Stewart

John Stewart was an architect from Detroit, Michigan who was selected by The Guardians of the Universe as Hal Jordan’s backup after Guy Gardner was seriously injured in a disaster. Although Jordan objected after seeing that Stewart had a belligerent attitude to authority figures, the Guardians stood by their selection. Jordan complied and recruited and equipped Stewart with the standard uniform and power ring. To Jordan, Stewart’s first mission began badly with the assignment of protecting a racist politician and Stewart took advantage of averting an accident to embarrass him in the process. However, Stewart soon proved his worth when an apparent African American assassin shot at the politician, but Stewart refused to intervene with Jordan to move in response to the attack. However, Stewart had good reasons for this apparent dereliction of duty when he stopped a gunman from killing a police officer in the outside parking lot at the event while Jordan was pursuing a decoy. When Jordan confronted Stewart for his actions, Stewart effectively explained the situation of the ruse and the fact the politician staged it for political advantage. With that adventure, Jordan concluded that Stewart was an excellent recruit after all.

black history month comics

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"><strong>John Stewart</strong> was an architect from Detroit, Michigan who was selected by The Guardians of the Universe as Hal Jordan's backup after Guy Gardner was seriously injured in a disaster. Although Jordan objected after seeing that Stewart had a belligerent attitude to authority figures, the Guardians stood by their selection. Jordan complied and recruited and equipped Stewart with the standard uniform and power ring. To Jordan, Stewart's first mission began badly with the assignment of protecting a racist politician and Stewart took advantage of averting an accident to embarrass him in the process. However, Stewart soon proved his worth when an apparent African American assassin shot at the politician, but Stewart refused to intervene with Jordan to move in response to the attack. However, Stewart had good reasons for this apparent dereliction of duty when he stopped a gunman from killing a police officer in the outside parking lot at the event while Jordan was pursuing a decoy. When Jordan confronted Stewart for his actions, Stewart effectively explained the situation of the ruse and the fact the politician staged it for political advantage. With that adventure, Jordan concluded that Stewart was an excellent recruit after all.John Stewart was an architect from Detroit, Michigan who was selected by The Guardians of the Universe as Hal Jordan’s backup after Guy Gardner was seriously injured in a disaster. Although Jordan objected after seeing that Stewart had a belligerent attitude to authority figures, the Guardians stood by their selection. Jordan complied and recruited and equipped Stewart with the standard uniform and power ring. To Jordan, Stewart’s first mission began badly with the assignment of protecting a racist politician and Stewart took advantage of averting an accident to embarrass him in the process. However, Stewart soon proved his worth when an apparent African American assassin shot at the politician, but Stewart refused to intervene with Jordan to move in response to the attack. However, Stewart had good reasons for this apparent dereliction of duty when he stopped a gunman from killing a police officer in the outside parking lot at the event while Jordan was pursuing a decoy. When Jordan confronted Stewart for his actions, Stewart effectively explained the situation of the ruse and the fact the politician staged it for political advantage. With that adventure, Jordan concluded that Stewart was an excellent recruit after all.

Real name: John Stewart

First Appearance: Green Lantern #87

Created by: Denny O’Neil
Neal Adams

Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern Corps, Honor Guard, Justice League
Formerly: Indigo Tribe, Guardians of the Universe, Darkstars, United States Marine Corps

Sector: Space Sector 0000
Formerly: Space Sector 2814

Home Planet: Earth

Partner: Formerly:
Kyle Rayner, Ganthet, Guy Gardner, Fatality

Abilities: Green Lantern Ring Mastery, Architect, Marine Training, Flight Combat Expert

Oan Energy Conduit: The rings use Oan energy (supplied by a Green Lantern Power Battery) which in most cases takes the form of green light. Rot Lop Fan, from a race without eyes, perceives it as the sound “F-Sharp” and his ‘ring’ is actually a bell. A Green Lantern’s ring, considered to be one of, if not the most powerful weapon in the universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including gravity, radiation, heat, light, and blasts of concussive force. It is also theorized that the ring also has a basis in other dimensional energies commonly called magic by users of such energies. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users’ will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user.

  • Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Oan energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. Kyle generally uses fanciful constructs in the shape of advanced technology. Their appearance does not indicate the power of the weapon. The weapons power is more an indication of the will of the user. Certain users (i.e. Hal Jordan) have been powerful enough to stagger even Superman. If the user wishes, they can alter the form of the blasts, such as Kilowog‘s “booms.”
  • Force Field: The ring can create various forcefields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic scope of a Green Lantern’s duties, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting him/her/it from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder’s biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. The only exception to force fields was attacks based on the color yellow. The newer version of the ring is not limited by the color yellow as long as the wielder can overcome their fear.
  • Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of Oan energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer’s thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer’s strength of willpower. A Green Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the willpower necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of green energy, which is a tangible form of pure willpower, and they exist only as long as a Green Lantern is fueling it with their willpower. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the willpower of the Green Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer’s personality. Green Kryptonite has also been constructed using a Ring.
  • Phasing: The Power Ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects, such as walls. Which objects that are not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the wearer’s willpower and the density of the object’s molecular structure. It has also been cited that the wielder could pass through the fourth dimensional gap or dissemble their own molecular structure.
  • Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the ring wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder’s level of expertise creating simulacrums. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the ring wielder’s undivided attention.
  • Invisibility & Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green. As Hal Jordan’s experience grew, he was able to create power ring illusions of people and objects. It can be assumed the ring wielder would not risk the extra time and effort to create other colors in a combat situation.
  • Energy Twin: The power ring allows the wearer to create an “energy twin” of his/her/itself that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder’s physical form. While the energy twin is active the ring wielder remains motionless, his/her/its life force is needed to guide the energy twin. The energy twin can not alter its surroundings, and may only be perceived by the Guardians or another ring wielder as a green, ghostlike image. Any knowledge gained by the energy twin is transferred back to the ring wielder’s physical form upon recontact with the body. The Guardians frequently used energy twins as a means of contacting a Green Lantern. As a rule, a ring wielder can not create actual, independent duplicates of him/her/itself, as the power ring cannot create life.
  • Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store most other energies. Doing so does NOT replenish the normal store of energy the ring has. A ring that needs recharging but contained a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity, for example. In an episode of Static Shock, John Stewart was able to defeat Sinestro via merging the remainder of his Oan energy and discharging it simultaneously with electrical energy supplied continuously by Static.
  • Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, a Green Lantern has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, his speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 mph. In space, Green Lantern’s speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring’s field.
  • Wormholes & Spacial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport. The Guardians established at least one known wormhole to Oa, which required the use of a power ring to enter. Black holes can be navigated by experienced ring wielders. During a battle with Sinestro and his ally, Mad God Sector 3600, members of the Green Lantern Corps of Earth and the Green Lantern Corps of the Klyminade traveled through a black hole to be deposited outside a white hole in Space Sector 872. The power ring cannot generate a Boom Tube, as it needs a Mother Box and a sample of the highly unstable X-Element. There is no known way to duplicate either item, even with the power ring. Should a Green Lantern make his/her/its way to the other-dimensional worlds of Apokolips or New Genesis through a Boom Tube, the ring will function as it does in the rest of the universe. John Stewart encountered no ring related difficulties during his stay on New Genesis, despite the loss of the Central Power Battery. The ring wielder would still need a Boom Tube to return to his/her/it’s dimension.
  • Time Travel: Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more willpower it takes. As Green Lantern, Hal Jordan once explored as far as the 70th century. Jordan had also traveled to the 58th century as Pol Manning, a role later adopted by Salaak of Slyggia.
  • Limited Cellular Regeneration: This ring has a limited ability to heal physical injuries; this seems to be a feature held over from the previous incarnations of the ring. Green Lantern can use the ring to repair minor injuries in himself or others. Speculation has been rendered to wonder if Kyle actually had medical knowledge, that he would be able to cure a wider variety of dysfunctions, beyond normal physical injuries.
  • Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, he can probably detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.
  • Search Probes: A user was capable of sending probes through their Power Ring that were tasked with locating specific targets or individuals.
  • Galactic Encyclopedia: The earlier rings worn by the Corps functioned as references for their users. Having the vast knowledge of the Oans to draw upon, each ring functioned as a ready reference on most peoples, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns. The rings also served as a repository of adventures had by the Green Lantern and these mission reports were stored in the Prime Battery on Oa for review and training.
  • Universal Translator: The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations. Complications can arise, though, when a frame of reference for translation is not available, as evidenced during Katma Tui’s induction of Rot Lop Fan into the Green Lantern Corps.
  • Material Alteration: The Green Lantern’s uniform is not made out of fabric. It is created by the Power Ring whenever the wearer wills to wear it. It automatically appears over the wearer’s normal clothing, and vanishes when the wearer wills to return to their civilian attire. Most Green Lanterns wear similar uniforms that are programmed into the ring by default, such as Hal Jordan’s uniform. However, each Green Lantern is able to adjust their uniform to fit their own needs, personalities and whims. Jack Chance is the most extreme example, refusing to wear a uniform save for a Lantern badge on his trench coat. The green parts of the wearer’s uniform are usually hot to those who touch it, while the black parts are cold. The uniform also produces a “siren” taking on the form of the Green Lantern Corps’ symbol, circling the Green Lantern when active. The symbol, or badge, will not appear on the uniform until after a newly inducted Lantern has completed training on Oa, leading to the term “White-circle” to describe a rookie Lantern.
  • Ring Duplication: Most Power Rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves. Each duplicate typically shares the qualities and capabilities of the original ring. Each duplicate still requires to be recharged by a personal power battery. Some “temporary” rings can also be made, as well as rings with severe limitations and pre-programmed commands. All power rings, as being based upon the green ring templates created by the Guardians of the Universe, are all programmed to be able to duplicate themselves on a specialised command known apparently only by the Guardians.
  • Emergency Beacon: A Green Lantern in distress can use his/her/its power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to a Green Lantern’s neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
  • Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another. This was one of the recent power ring upgrade features added by the Guardians of the Universe. The power ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers. Most often ring wielders will allow the beacon to signal their location to others. The Green Lantern Corps of Earth found the remnants of the Green Lantern Corps of The Klyminade by tracking them through their power rings.
  • Mind Alteration: Though the ethics of mind tampering may be debatable, sometimes it is necessary. As the power ring relies on thought and will to operate, mind tampering is not impossible. The difficulty lies in properly applying the power. There lies a risk of catastrophic damage to the mind should mistakes be made. A ring wielder can use the power ring to erase portions of an individual’s memories. To protect his secret identity as Hal Jordan, Green Lantern created a mental block in the mind of Major Disaster. Green Lanterns have used mind techniques as part of training. New recruits may be subjected to mind scans by other Green Lanterns or the Guardians of the Universe. They are taught to build mental defenses to protect themselves from psionic attack. The power ring can also be used to beam information from the ring wielder to another being. Green Lanterns have used this technique to share information regarding their enemies during combat situations.
  • Pocket Dimension: Within the ring exists the possibility of an entire world. When Green Lantern Abin Sur of Ungara defeated the evil sorcerer Myrwhydden, he reduced the magician to submicroscopic size and imprisoned him inside the power ring, into a world created by the Green Lantern’s will. This undefined space may be a tesseract or a virtual reality created by the power ring. Whether or not this area exists in all rings has yet to be proven. Years after Abin Sur’s death, Myrwhydden’s power grew, allowing him to alter his environment and escape to battle the next Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. The power ring’s interior appeared as a barren wasteland, dotted with dead trees and sea shells which Myrwhydden used during an escape attempt.
  • Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen. The ring will refuse to take an action that would kill a being unless they are on Oa or with permission. The Guardians recently removed the lethal force prohibition, first to allow lethal force against members of the Sinestro Corps, then against all enemies of the Green Lantern Corps.
  • Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date, even if the bearer is not wearing the ring.
  • Thought Relay: Otherwise known as a telepathic link.
  • Levitation
  • Hope Symbiosis: When in the presence of a Blue Lantern Power Ring, a Green Lantern Power Ring gains a power boost, as well as allowing the Blue Lantern to fully utilize his or her powers.
  • Compassion Absorption: Similar to other lanterns natural “purge” of certain Power Rings, the Green Lanterns’ Power Ring has the ability to absorb energy of Indigo Lantern’s. This is made possible by their natural weakness found in Will Subversion.

Halloween Havoc: The Joker 🃏 🎃: The Joker driven sane by Lex Luthor?

In one of the more insane stories from this Joker mini-series the Joker and Lex Luthor swap emotional states. For a story written in the late 70’s, its super meta as Lex and the Joker don’t exactly swap brains, they semi-swap personalities. This story is basically a Saturday Morning cartoon that is dripping with behind the scenes drug use. Somebody was definitely smoking something when they were writing this. (Edit: Saturday Morning Cartoons don’t really exist anymore and if you missed that blessed era in history, I weep for you.)

The story starts out with The Joker sitting in a movie theater wearing a HILARIOUSLY RIDICULOUS AFRO wig (yeah hes’s still got the same pasty white face, red lips and rictus grin) watching a news reel(?) documentary of some of his past highlights.

What? Why would any theater show that? And just for posterity, have to say it again… HE’S WEARING A GODDAMN AFRO WIG.

Lex Luthor, who also just happens to be sitting in the same theater (WHAT?) hears Joker laughing and turns just in time to see the clown rushing out of the theater. Despite Jokers HILARIOUSLY RIDICULOUS AFRO, Lex stops him in the atrium and they start talking. Lex Luthor, the greatest criminal mind of our time and a mass murderer are just hanging out in a movie theater having a chat. Then they go across the parking lot and get a burger. Let that sink in.

Ok, I’m going on too long so I’ll just skip to the good stuff. Here’s the stuff you need to know quickly:

  • Lex tries to hatch a plan called Operation Mindbreak. The plan is to put on a stupid looking helmet (think Cerebro from the X-Men) to drain the Green Lantern of his willpower.
  • Green Lantern is asleep when Lex launches his brain rays across the city and is thus unaffected.
  • The Joker barges in Lex’s secret hideout (he scaled the building using suction cups) and grabs the other helmet and puts it on.
  • The machine somehow manages to force Lex and J to swap personalities.
  • The story is batshit crazy (pun intended) and the writers know it.

The Joker is still the Joker, except now he’s not a goddamn maniac. He has the criminal focus of Luthor. However at his core, he’s still the Joker and has the presence of mind to know that he is still in full control of his Id but it’s his ego and super-ego that has been swapped out.

Luthor on the other hand is no longer the cold, calculating, ruthless businessman/super-villain, he’s stark raving mad. He’s in in possession of Jokers ego and super-ego. He’s laughing maniacally, is just as unpredictable and he likes it!

In an interesting back and forth, Lex states, “I don’t want to be sane again! When I was sane, I did everything because I hated Superman! Now I don’t hate anyone!”

To which the Joker responds, “You were driven by your hatred– Now you’ll be driven by your madness! You’re still in the same hell — only with different scenery!” For a story so Saturday Morning Cartoon this is surprisingly deep. But then it all goes back to schlock with more suction cup wall walking, jet boots and the Jokermoblile. Eventually Lex and Joker switch identities back, pass out in an alley (on top of each other) and get arrested.

the joker with an afro the joker driven sane

So. Damn. Strange.

Click the JOKER WITH AN AFRO to see the other time Joker has been driven sane!

Halloween Havoc: The Joker 🃏 🎃 The Joker vs Two Face!

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn ♠️♣️♦️♥️

The like silence that follows a mighty roar, the conclusion of Avengers Endgame and it’s spectacular epilogue Spider-Man: Far From Home have seemingly left a vacuum in the onslaught of superhero movies.
And we all know… that nature abhors a void.

Like the silence that follows a mighty roar, the conclusion of Avengers Endgame and it’s spectacular epilogue Spider-Man: Far From Home have seemingly left a vacuum in the onslaught of superhero movies.

And we all know… that nature abhors a void.

But fear not! DC comics and Warner Brothers pictures are all too happy fill this void with the Joker standalone movie, Birds of Prey and the upcoming Suicide Squad 2.

While my personal jury is still out on if I will like a Joker movie with no Batman, I have to say I’m actually quite pumped for Birds of Prey. I even love the elongated title. Margot Robbie was one the only bright spot outside of the Batman cameos in the dumpster fire that was Suicide Squad and I’m eager to see how she has grown into the character after dumping the dead weight of Jared Leto’s “Mr. J”.

The next few characters I’m REALLY looking forward to seeing on the big screen is The Huntress played by Mary-Elizabeth Winsted and Black Canary played by Jurnee Smollett-Bell. I’ve been a huge fan for years and even though they didn’t really show that much of them in action using their powers in the trailer, I’m keeping the dream alive that they are saving the best bits for the next few trailers and TV spots.

Oh! And it’s R-Rated too??? Count me in.

Birds of Prey is scheduled to be released in the United States on February 7, 2020, by Warner Bros. Pictures.

Halloween Havoc: The Joker 🃏🎃 The Joker vs Green Arrow!

The #Joker in love! When the #Joker falls for the siren call of the lovely Dinah Lance, it’s up to Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, to come to the rescue!

The Joker in love! When the Joker falls for the siren call of the lovely Dinah Lance, it’s up to Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, to come to the rescue!

Released: 8/6/1975

Cover: Ernie Chan

Writers: Elliot Maggin

Pencilers: Jose Luis Garcia Lopez

Inkers: Vince Colletta

Wally West goes to the Batcave for the first time.

Wally West goes to the Batcave for the first time.

why does the flash run weird in justice league

From: The Flash vol. 3

Is Batman the greatest superhero of all time?

This is why he’s the god damn Batman.

why batman is better than superman

Welcome to the Justice League (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

Justice League and Suicide Squad #harleyquinn #batman

From: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

Batman vs. Lobo (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

From: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn. (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

From: Suicide Squad vs. Justice League

Gorilla Grodd strips the speed force from Barry Allen

From: The Flash #40

Supergirl vs. Reign

From: Supergirl #5, 2012

Superman vs. Deathstroke

From: Superman #32

Batman: Dawnbreaker vs Green Lantern

From: Batman: Dawnbreaker #1

Wonder Woman Review!

Wonder Woman has finally hit the big screen! After decades in comic books, television, animated movies, the Super Friends, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited and many others i’m probably forgetting, Wonder Woman has finally landed her own feature film.  And it was a really good movie.

A few things I appreciated about the film right off the bat (see what I did there?) were the direction, cinematography and action choreography.  Patty Jenkins should be applauded for taking this character, the mythos and location hopping and not turning it into one big commercial for the upcoming Justice Leauge movie.  You definitely get your tie-ins to the larger DC universe, as shown in the first three scenes of the movie when a Wayne Enterprises armored truck pulls up to the Louvre museum in Paris and a note from Bruce Wayne, but that is it for the rest of the movie.

The movie is told as one complete tale that solely focuses on Wonder Woman and her journey from the relative safety of Themyscira, through the trenches of what I am assuming was the Somme and to the final climactic battle with the head of the German war machine in the grim and grey of World War I.  She has a fully fleshed out character arc and I totally appreciate the care that went into crafting this tale.

Gal Gadot lights up the screen every time she appears and for all intents and purposes IS Wonder Woman.  She is unfairly beautiful, emotive, charismatic, charming and you can tell she fully prepared physically for this role.  She’s the best thing about the movie (as she should be) and I would argue that she was the best thing about Batman V Superman as well.

Chris Pine is Captain Kir– um, Steve Trevor, the dashing spy that crash lands in Themyscira and is the catalyst for Wonder Woman to leave her home and protect the world from the threat of war.  Pine is great as usual, with his familiar Kirk swag, but he never outshines Gadot.  A delicate balance struck by Patty Jenkins, to which more kudos should be given.

I don’t want to go into too much more detail about the movie for fear of spoiling some of the more exciting moments of the movie. Suffice to say, this is a film that should be experienced inside the theater. 

So what are you waiting for?


Wonder Woman vs. Superman

Does Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth Work on Batman?

Can Batman resist the golden lasso of truth?
#wonderwoman #dccomics #batman #superman #justiceleague

From: Wonder Woman Annual #1 (Rebirth) (2017)

Writer – Greg Rucka

Artist – Nicola Scott

Letters – Romulo Fajardo Jr.

Letters – Jodi Wayne

Wayne’s never stay down… (Rebirth)

From: Batman #22, 2017 – “The Button” Part Three

The Joker beats Robin to death. (Batman: A Death in the Family)

Sometime in late 1987, DC Comics and Batman editor Dennis O’Neil became aware that Jason Todd had become unpopular with readers and decided to remove him from the Robin role. The question was how to do that. Seeking a new way to interact with fans, and perhaps inspired by references to a dead Jason in Frank Miller’s non-canonical future history comic book miniseries, The Dark Knight Returns, the company set up two 1-900 number 50-cent hotlines giving callers the ability to vote for or against Jason’s death. The call-in period started after publication of the issue in which Jason and his mother are trapped in the warehouse.

Over 10,000 votes were cast, with the final vote being 5,343 votes for Jason to die over 5,271 for him to live. DC published A Death in the Family to massive media attention, some of it critical. Over a decade later, in a Newsarama interview conducted alongside writer Judd Winick, O’Neil said: “I heard it was one guy, who programmed his computer to dial the thumbs down number every ninety seconds for eight hours, who made the difference.” If true, that would have amounted to over 200 votes (and 100 dollars), certainly enough to decide the count. There is no way to confirm that rumor, but it adds uncertainty to the question of whether the poll was an accurate measure of what fans wanted to happen to Jason Todd.

Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd Batman Death in the Family Jason Todd

The issue of Jason Todd’s death was often raised over the years in the mainstream Batman stories, becoming almost as important a factor in his life as the death of his parents. It intensified Batman’s feud with the Joker, making it even more personal. In the course of the Batman: Knightfall story arc, Batman is exposed to the Scarecrow’s fear toxin, causing him to hallucinate about Jason’s death. However, instead of fear, he reacts in rage, and brutally beats the Joker while screaming Jason’s name. He often visits Jason’s gravesite and raises his death as a factor in his reluctance to take on new sidekicks, such as Tim Drake (the third Robin and current Red Robin), Stephanie Brown (the fourth Robin, and third Batgirl), Cassandra Cain (the second Batgirl), and Damian Wayne (the fifth Robin). Jason is memorialized in the Batcave; his Robin costume is preserved under glass, along with the epitaph “A Good Soldier.”

In the Hush storyline, it was hinted that Todd is alive, as a young man who strongly resembles him is standing on his desecrated grave. However, in the end, Batman finds that it was Clayface mimicking the role. In the “Under the Hood” arc, it is revealed that it was Todd whom Batman had fought, but he then switched places with the shapeshifter in collaboration with the villains Hush, Riddler, and Talia al Ghul. Todd reveals himself to Batman as the murderous vigilante, the Red Hood. Jason cripples Black Mask’s criminal organization in Gotham, and kidnaps the Joker and beats him with a crowbar in an abandoned building. During the ensuing struggle with Batman, Todd detonates the building, but he, Batman and the Joker survive.

The details of Todd’s return are revealed in Batman Annual #25 and Red Hood: The Lost Years #1-6.


From: Batman Vol.1 #427, 1988

Wonder Woman – “Together” & “Power” trailers

Last night Warner Brothers and Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins, dropped a pair of trailers for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie!  It looks awesome!






Wonder Woman is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is intended to be the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universe. The film is directed by Patty Jenkins, with a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns, from a story by Heinberg & Zack Snyder and Jason Fuchs, and stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, Elena Anaya, Lucy Davis, Saïd Taghmaoui, Ewen Bremner, and David Thewlis. In Wonder Woman, after American pilot Steve Trevor crashes on the island of Themyscira and tells Diana Prince about World War I, Diana leaves her home to try to stop the war and becomes Wonder Woman.

Principal photography began in late November 2015 and wrapped in May 2016. Wonder Woman is scheduled to be released on June 2, 2017, in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D.

Remembering Prince 👑, Batman (1989) & the Batdance.

Remembering Prince, Batman and the Batdance! #Prince #Batman #Batdance

It’s been a year since Prince died and i’m still a little bit in shock.  I’m in shock because I still can’t really wrap my mind around the fact that he’s gone and because it already been a year!  I’ve always been a big fan of Prince since I was a kid.  As a kid, back in 1985 (I was 8)  I remember going with my mom over to her friends house to play Scrabble every Saturday night.  All of her friends had kids my age and we would play around the house while the adults sat in the dining room laughing and blasting music.  Invariably it always came down to two choices of music by the end of the night.  Prince or Michael? The debate was never answered or won, but it was always a source of lively discussion.  The answer didn’t really matter because by the end of the night both Purple Rain and Thriller had both been played in their entirety.  Those were two albums that were the soundtrack of my childhood.


A short 4 years later in 1989, Batman was released. Up until then the only live action Batman that I had seen were the old Adam West and Burt Ward serials.  But as we all know now, this was NOT the same Batman from the Golden Age of comics.  This was a dark and gritty (a phrase that gets thrown around WAY to often nowadays) Batman who patrolled the garbage strewn alleys and the gargoyle laden rooftops of a gruesome Gotham City.  It seemed to perpetually dark and had a character all its own.

It seemed only natural that it had a soundtrack to match.  The score was composed by Danny Elfman, whose “Batman Theme” is now iconic for anyone who grew up on this movie, it’s sequels and Batman: The Animated Series.

Batdance was one of two songs that made it on to the Batman soundtrack.  The other being “Partyman” which was played during Joker’s parade of hot air balloons with Smilex gas canisters attached.  Batdance is pretty much two different songs mixed together.  The first part of the song is a crazy mix of electric guitar solos, soundbytes from the movie and and electro-synth piano/drumbeat mix.  The middle of the song, the “Vicky Vale” section, features more drum beats, soundbytes and Prince adding signature vocals. The third act of the song is similar to the beginning with more craziness added in.

The video for the song, features Prince in one half Batman costume and one half Joker costume complete with white face paint and green hair.

The video also features one Vicki Vale wearing a black dress with the words “All this and brains too”, a reference to The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, in which a female news presenter wears a top with the same slogan.

Gemini is Prince’s astrological sign, and is a reference to the duality in his music. “Gemini” would also make an appearance in the “Partyman” video, but with the “Batman” half replaced by Prince’s face without makeup.


The Batman and Jokers alternate dance sections, while Prince (as both himself and Gemini) sings the lyrics. The video ends with Gemini hitting a detonator, exploding an electric chair (referenced in the song), and Prince (actually Michael Keaton’s voice) saying “Stop” as the video abruptly ends.

The video earned Prince a 1990 Soul Train Music Award nomination for Best R&B/Soul Music Video, and nomination for Best Video From a Film from the MTV Video Music Awards of the same year.

What do you think about the song?  Have you heard it? Do you love it? What is your favorite Prince song?  Let’s discuss below.

To watch the full Batdance video, click here!

Batwoman vs. Knife (Batwoman #2)

Nightwing vs. Deathwing (Nightwing #19)


From: Nightwing #19 (2017)

The Green Lanterns stop Dr. Polaris from crashing the Watchtower into the city!

Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-012Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-013Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-014Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-015Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-016Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-017Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-018

Batman 🦇 vs. the Reverse Flash⚡️⚡️⚡️ (Batman #21)

Batman 021-008_009Batman 021-010Batman 021-011Batman 021-012Batman 021-013

Batman 021-014Batman 021-015Batman 021-016Batman 021-017

Batman #21 (2017) ~ The Button pt. 1

Script: Tom King

Pencils & Inks: Jason Fabok

Colors: Brad Anderson

Letters: Deron Bennett

Associate Editor: Rebecca Taylor

Editor: Mark Doyle

Wonder Woman official trailer! + 3 New Posters!


Wonder Woman is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is intended to be the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universe. The film is directed by Patty Jenkins, written by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns, from a story by Heinberg and Zack Snyder, and stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Lucy Davis, Danny Huston, Elena Anaya, Saïd Taghmaoui, Ewen Bremner, Lisa Loven Kongsli and David Thewlis.

Principal photography began in late November 2015 and wrapped in May 2016. Wonder Woman is scheduled to be released on June 2, 2017, in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D.



First look at Amber Heard as MERA in Justice League (updated)

Mera Aquaman




I don’t know why Zack Snyder continues to release these dim press photos. Here is a color corrected image that shows the craftsmanship off in a better light.  #turnonthelightszack

Clearer (and unfiltered) pic of Mera and her amazingly detailed costume



Courtesy of IGN, we have our first look at Amber Heard as Mera, Queen of Atlantis from the upcoming Justice League movie.

View original post 66 more words

Review: Supergirl #2

Graphic Policy

supergirl2fiSupergirl #2 has all the ingredients of an intriguing teen superhero comic: twisted family drama, killer robots, punching, and of course, adolescent awkwardness. Writer Steve Orlando, artist Brian Ching, and colorist Michael Atiyeh give Supergirl quite the hard time as various men in her life keep telling her what’s best for her from Cyborg Superman saying that he’s her dad Zor-El to her classmate, Ben Rubel, interrupting her and getting a spot as one of Cat Grant’s Young Innovators. In light of a male presidential candidate interrupting a female presidential candidate multiple times and still complaining about not having equal time, the events of Supergirl #2 are very relevant as Orlando simultaneously explores the tragedy of Krypton’s destruction and the cutthroat world of new media.

Speaking of media, Orlando and Ching’s take on Cat Grant is fantastic as they start to build her arc as a journalist who wants to…

View original post 599 more words

Batman vs. Deathstroke (Deathstroke #5, 2015)

Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


From Deathstroke #5, 2015 “Battle Royale”

Writer: Tony S. Daniel

Artist: Tony S. Daniel

Inker: Sandu Florea

Superman vs. Lobo

Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo



Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo

From:  Superman: American Alien #7 (2016)

Writer – Max Landis

Artist – Jock

Colorist – Lee Loughridge

Superman and Wonder Woman vs. Solar Superman (The Final Days of Superman)

superman wonder woman the final days of superman

superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


Continued here…

From: Superman/Wonder Woman Part #7; Part 7 Fire Line (2016)

Writer –  Peter J. Tomasi

Artist – Jorge Jimenez

Colorist – Alejandro Sanchez



The Death of Supeman (Final Days of Superman)

Death of Superman


Death of Superman



Death of Superman


Death of Superman


Death of Superman


Superman vs. Solar Superman (Final Days of Superman)

Final Days of Superman

Final Days of Superman


Final Days of Superman




Final Days of Superman


From: The Final Days of Superman #8

Wally West travels through the flashpoint… (DC Rebirth #1)

DC Rebirth Wally West travels back in time


DC Rebirth Wally West travels back in time

From:  DC Rebirth #1 (2016)

Wally West tries to warn Batman… (DC Rebirth #1)

DC Rebirth #1 Wally West warns Batman


DC Rebirth #1 Wally West warns Batman


DC Rebirth #1 Wally West warns Batman


DC Rebirth #1 Wally West warns Batman


From: DC Rebirth #1 (2016)

Barry Allen and Wally West (DC Rebirth #1)

DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash


DC Rebirth Barry Allen and Wally West Flash

From: DC Rebirth #1 (2016)

Batman vs. The Shredder

Batman vs Shredder

Batman vs Shredder

Batman vs Shredder


From: Batman & The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Joker shoots Barbara Gordon (The Killing Joke)

joker paralyzes Barbara Gordon joker paralyzes Barbara Gordon joker paralyzes Barbara Gordon

Batman interrogates The Joker (The Killing Joke)

Batman the Killing Joke Batman the Killing Joke Batman the Killing Joke Batman the Killing Joke Batman the Killing Joke

Batman vs. Crypsis

Batman vs. Crypsis

Batman vs. Crypsis

Batman vs. Crypsis


Batman vs. Crypsis


Batman vs. Crypsis Batman vs. Crypsis

From: Batman #52 (2016)

Damian Wayne vs. Donatello, Michaelangelo & Casey Jones

From: Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

Superman & Batman vs. The Four Pillars 



From: Batman/Superman #31

Suicide Squad -Trailer #3 MTV Movie Awards 

 Suicide Squad is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics antihero team of the same name. It is intended to be the third installment in the DC Extended Universe. The film is written and directed by David Ayer and stars an ensemble cast featuring Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, Jay Hernandez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ike Barinholtz, and Scott Eastwood.











By February 2009, a Suicide Squad film was in development at Warner Bros. Pictures. Ayer signed on to write and direct in September 2014 and by October the casting process had begun. Principal photography began on April 13, 2015 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with additional filming in Chicago, Illinois, and ended in August that year. The film is scheduled to be released on August 5, 2016.

Superman vs. The Flash



Batman & Green Lantern vs. Superman


Metallo shoots Superman with a kryptonite bullet.  (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Day Special Edition #1


Wonder Woman vs. Ares (Wonder Woman #50)

Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares

Harley Quinn responds to a creepy comment… (Harley Quinn #26)

harley quinn ass harley quinn ass

The creation of Themyscira and birth of Wonder Woman. 

From: The Legend of Wonder Woman #1



The Women of Themyscira!

Picture Source: Entertainment Weekly

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince (center left)

Connie Nielsen as Queen Hippolyta (Diana’s mother, center right)

Robin Wright as General Antiope (far right)

Lisa Loven Konglisi as Menalippe (General Antiope’s lieutenant, far left)

General Antiope and her lieutenant Menalippe are in charge of preparing and training Diana on the isolated island of Themyscira. They don’t always see eye to eye with her mother Hippolyta who looks to shelter Diana as long as she can. 

Wonder Woman is directed by Patty Jenkins and is the origin story of young Diana Prince and how she transforms into Wonder Woman, the greatest Amazonian warrior of them all. 

Wonder Woman is set for a June 23, 2017 release and also stars Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Lucy Davis as Etta Candy and Danny Houston, David Thewlis, Ewen Bremner, Said Taghmaoui and Elena Anaya in undisclosed roles. 

The Rise of the Amazonians

From: The Legend of Wonder Woman #1 (2015-2016) 


Deathstroke vs. Red Hood

Deathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red Hood

Batman vs. Superman (Lex Luthor Man of Steel #3)

batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel

Batman vs. Superman (The Dark Knight Strikes Again, 2001)

Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller

Batman (with a Kryptonite ring) vs. Superman (Batman #612, 2003)

batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring

Batman vs. Superman (The Dark Knight Returns, 1986)

Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller

Superman’s thoughts on Gotham City (Batman and Superman Worlds Finest #2, 1999)

batman and superman in gotham city batman and superman in gotham city batman and superman in gotham city

Superman vs. Vandal Savage (Superman #50, plus five variant covers)


Superman #50 variant covers


Ra’s Al Ghul rises from the Lazarus Pit (Batman #243, 1972)

ras al ghul lazarus pit ras al ghul lazarus pit ras al ghul lazarus pit ras al ghul lazarus pit

A Lazarus Pit is a natural phenomenon that possesses restorative properties that instantly heal injuries and even grant immortality. The origins of the Lazarus Pit were accidentally discovered by Ra’s al Ghul while digging a pit. There he discovered the restorative chemical pools while searching for a cure for a dying prince. Although the Lazarus Pit saved the prince’s life, it also drove him mad and caused him to kill Ra’s al Ghul’s wife, Sora. This incident led to a series of cruel circumstances for Ra’s al Ghul, eventually turning him into the feared “Demon’s Head”. For several centuries, the Lazarus Pits were used by Ra’s al Ghul to prolong his life.

The substance that fills each pit is a chemical blend of unknown composition, seemingly originating from somewhere within the Earth’s crust. For an unknown reason, it bubbles to the surface only at certain key points around the globe, typically at the junction of ley lines. The chemicals can rejuvenate the sick and the dying (and even the technically deceased as long as they have not yet truly died), but will typically kill a healthy user. In addition, it appears to act as a youth restorative sometimes, decreasing the age of a user depending how long they were in the pit, and in many cases, resurrect the dead.

For maximum efficiency however, someone must be placed in the Lazarus pit within a relatively short period of time following their death. Although older bodies may be resurrected, there is no guarantee that they will return in perfect condition. On one occasion, Ra’s exhumed the bodies of Thomas and Martha Wayne, threatening to immerse them in the pit, thus transforming them into undead zombies.

When used to heal or to bring someone back to life, that person is also rendered temporarily insane — although in one instance when it was used for the Joker, the reverse effect occurred, i.e. it temporarily rendered him sane).

Batman explains previous Robins to Damian (Batman & Robin Eternal #22)


Hal Jordan vs. Parallax (Green Lantern #40)


Midnighter vs. Deadshot (Midnighter #10)


That final Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer though!!!! (Edit:Wait! Darkseid??????) *see pics*

Who’s coming with me to see this day one?!?!?!?

EDIT: I was screen capping the trailer for a separate post and lo and behold on one of the caps what do I see?  The Greek symbol or Omega on the cap where Batman is standing on the mountainside.  We know that Darkseid shoots his Omega beams out of his eyes, so is Bats on Apokolips? Or is this still the Knightmare dream sequence? Take a look at all the screen caps and  tell me what you think! 




Kightmare Apokalips Batman v Superman Omega Darkseid
The Dark Knight on Apokolips?

Superman vs. Salvaxe King of Barbarians!


Action Comics (2011-) 049-014

Action Comics (2011-) 049-015 Action Comics (2011-) 049-016 Action Comics (2011-) 049-017 Action Comics (2011-) 049-018

From: Action Comics #49 (2016)

Superman uses kryptonite to burn away his poisoned cells.

Superman kryptonite

Action Comics (2011-) 049-007

From: Action Comics #49 (2016)

Batman and The Joker vs. Bane – Batman Europa #4

Batman - Europa (2015-) 004-013 Batman - Europa (2015-) 004-014 Batman - Europa (2015-) 004-015 Batman - Europa (2015-) 004-016Batman - Europa (2015-) 004-017Batman - Europa (2015-) 004-018

From: Batman Europa #4 (2016)

Midnighter explains why he needs only one second…

Midnighter (2015-) 009-007 Midnighter (2015-) 009-008 Midnighter (2015-) 009-009

From: Midnighter #9 (2016)

Midnighter vs. Suicide Squad

Midnighter (2015-) 009-018 Midnighter (2015-) 009-019 Midnighter (2015-) 009-020 Midnighter (2015-) 009-021

Thursday night pull…

Just doing some light reading on a late Thursday night!

Captain Marvel #1  

 Just finished this Captain Marvel. It’s good to see that we are getting back to old school Captain Carol Danvers.  No more silly faux hawks (she even references the change in hairstyle by saying, ” I’m not high maintenance any more” which is a nice touch) or time traveling capers.  It’s good ol alien busting action replete with cameo appearances and the return of Alpha Flight!  



Wonder Woman # 48


Wonder Woman is on the hunt for Dr. Maru who may or may not hold the cure to a deadly poison.  Maru makes it into the city with Dub Dubs in close pursuit. Maru releases more gas into a crowd of pedestrians to make them attack Wonder Woman. Get this, the gas is laced with PCP. Is this 1973?


Batman: Arkham Knight – Genesis #6

Jason Todd, the Arkham Knight is pissed the hell off at Batman.  Having come face to face with The Joker, the two square off over control of Jason’s soul. 



Batman vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-004 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-005 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-006 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-007 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-008 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-009 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-010

Trapped in a world where they can scarcely tell friend from foe, the Turtles’ first encounter with the Dark Knight puts their fighting skills to the ultimate test. And while Batman and scientist Lucius Fox search for any clue as to where these strange ninjas come from, Shredder strikes a deal with The Penguin!

From: Batman -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2015)

Power Girl & Harley Quinn vs. a Stepford Wife version of Powergirl

Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-011 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-012 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-013 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-014 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-015 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-016 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-017 Harley Quinn and Power Girl (2015-) 006-018

Nice to meet you… Harley Quinn

img_9506 img_9507 img_9508 img_9509 img_9510 img_9511

From:  Batman: Arkham Knight:  Batgirl & Harley Quinn Special #1

Daredevil vs. Batman






Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 004 Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 005 Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 006 Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 007 Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 008 Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 009 Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye 010

It’s Billy Club vs. Batarang when DD meets the Dark Knight. When you think about it, Daredevil and Batman have a lot in common. Both lost their parents at a young age, both prowl urban jungles, and both strike fear in the hearts of superstitious and cowardly criminals. So why are they at each other’s throats? Maybe it’s because Batman has chased Two-Face and Mr Hyde into the Big Apple and is soon to learn that he’s not in Gotham City anymore.

Deathstroke vs. Snakebite (Harley Quinn is here too!)


DC vs. Marvel: Robin vs. Jubilee


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm.

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

DC vs. Marvel: Wolverine vs. Lobo


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm.

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

DC vs. Marvel: Superman vs. The Hulk


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm.

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

DC vs. Marvel: Wonder Woman vs. Storm (Wonder Woman wields Mjolnir)

Wonder Woman vs. Storm Wonder Woman vs. Storm Wonder Woman vs. Storm


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm (Marvel Comics) (Marvel).

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

DC vs. Marvel: Batman vs. Captain America


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm (Marvel Comics).

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

DC vs. Marvel: The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Superboy


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm (Marvel Comics).

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

Batman V Superman – NEW POSTERS



Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice posters Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice posters Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice posters

Red Robin vs. Red Hood (Robin War)

Red Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red Hood

Harley Quinn gets bloody


From: Harley Quinn #23

It’s all-out action on two fronts as the Gang of Harleys must split up to tackle two missions at the same time! Zena Bendemova’s vendetta against Harley has to be stopped before innocents are caught in the crossfire…and they have to bust Mason Macabre out of prison before he gets killed! There’s no way Harley will be ready for this shocking twist ending, though…

Batman Europa #2: Batman and The Joker join forces…




From: Batman: Europa #2

Batman vs. Deadshot

Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot

From: Detective Comics #474

[Review] Supergirl – S1 E07 – Human For A Day

Synopsis:  An earthquake leaves Kara helpless without her powers, as she attempts to help James and Winn.  The earthquake allows the alien Jemm to break out of his cell and face off against Alex and Hank.  Hank explains what happened to her father, Jeremiah Danvers and details about his own life.

Supergirl is getting better.

This week shows us a depowered girl of steel who is struggling with her fleeting mortality.  In the last episode, “Red Faced”, Kara uses her solar flare ability to destroy the military’s rouge “Red Tornado” combat cyborg.

Supergirl’s Solar Flare Ability

The “Solar Flare” is a fairly new ability to both Superman and Supergirl.  It is an immediate and violent expulsion of all the stored solar energy in the Kryptonian cells.  The flare is released in one big burst leaving the Kryptonian, as Maxwell Lord says in this episode, “a dead battery”.  Following the use of the flare ability, Superman/Supergirl are rendered “human” for a period of  48 hours (or less, depending on how much energy was expended).  Until their cells can restock their spent solar energy, they are susceptible to sickness, injury, hunger and even death.  They can even get drunk. (see below)


This is the position we find Supergirl in from the beginning of the episode.  She’s not drunk, but she does have the sniffles, the ouchies, the sneezy-poo’s and is an overall sad sack.

Back at Mother Base, excuse me, DEO HQ, Hank and Alex are beginning the containment unit scrub down procedure of a particularly nasty baddie, Jemm.  In addition to looking like the world’s biggest asshat, Jemm can also control minds.  I think I’m just gonna call him Asshat from now on.

supergirl jemm
I came to clean your cell Asshat.


Just before the cell scrub down can start an earthquake rocks National City, cracking streets, destroying buildings and sending people into a panic.  In the ensuing panic, Kara breaks her arm after being shoved out of the way by James Olsen, who then uses the opportunity to de-shirt himself in the most awkward manner possible to make a sling.  I literally laughed out loud at that part and my fiancé, who was in another room across the hall NOT watching Supergirl called out, “Somebody just took off their shirt didn’t they?  Your laugh had a ‘B’ in front of it.”  (Translation: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH)  I know they are trying to turn Mechad Brooks into a teen heartthrob to maintain ratings, but this was so forced, awkward and predictable, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they started making out right there in the middle of the disaster.  They did it in Man of Steel right?  I did say this show is getting better didn’t I?


Yes I did.  And it is.

It’s getting better because in this episode we see Kara actually become a hero and do it not by punching something until it breaks.  She’s unable to use her powers to save a man with massive internal bleeding and experiences human frailty and mortality up close.  She breaks up an attempted armed robbery despite being depowered, having a broken arm and  a gun shoved in her face. Supergirl talks the robber out of shooting up the place using the power of her personality, big giant ‘S’ on her chest and a not-so-veiled threat that she could take the guy out in “20 different ways”.  It is entirely possible that she was successful because nobody wants to shoot a hot blonde in the face, but hey, I’ll take some character development over none at all.


Back at Mother Base, Asshat is running amok and Henshaw is in pursuit. The next few beats are standard action movie fare: Alex watches the assault teams sweep the compound/first person body cameras crackle out/life signs go dead (see: Aliens, Jurassic World) / Alex disobeys orders and follows Henshaw/Alex gets her partner either killed or mind-boned by Jemm/ Alex corners Henshaw in a server room.

In the server room with Henshaw, instead of formulating a plan to FIRST stop Asshat from mind-boning the entire place, Alex chains him to a blinky machine and tries to force him at gunpoint to tell the truth about her father.  Unsatisfied by his answers, Alex runs out of the room, turns into Jack Bauer and guns down Jemm.  No seriously, she finds this dude and SHOTGUNS HIM RIGHT IN HIS STUPID ALIEN FACE.  Right before Alex can capture Asshat, he turns the tables and slaps the shit out of her knocking her across the room.

Right at that moment Henshaw drops in, snaps Asshat’s neck, thus saving the day.

Then the show drops the bomb.

Henshaw reveals that he is not actually Hank Henshaw and that the real man died the same day as Alex’s father.  He says that Jeremiah Danvers and Hank Henshaw were perusing an alien being and had him cornered somewhere in Peru.  Henshaw attempted to kill the alien but Danvers intervened instead getting himself killed. The alien killed Hank Henshaw and then made a vow to the dying Danvers that he would watch out for and protect his children, both Alex and Kara as if they are his own.  He says that he is the last surviving member of a race of people from the planet Mars and reveals his true name and visage:

J’onn J’onzz

image Supergirl Martian Manhunter



There you have it folks!  We now live in a world where a live action Martian Manhunter is on TV.

Told ya, this show is getting good.


I give this episode 4/5 Martian Manhunters!



Supergirl & Powergirl vs. Appex



Amazing re-edit of the Batman V Superman trailer

I was cruising YouTube and came across this awesome re-cut/re-edit of the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer.  It combines all of the teasers and trailers that have been released so far and manages to keep some secrets.

Harley Quinn’s Little Black Book 

 Harley Quinn Wonder Woman  
Harley Quinns Little Black Book  Harley Quinns Little Black Book  
Harley Quinns Little Black Book  Harley Quinns Little Black Book 

Robin and the Red Hood vs. Bane

 Batman Robin Eternal Bane  
Batman Robin Eternal Bane  Batman Robin Eternal Bane  
Batman Robin Eternal Bane 

Thoughts on the NEW “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” Trailer

It seems that this trailer has divided the internet once again. Some folks don’t like Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, saying that his attitude is a little to flippant and voice a little too annoying. I totally get that, I don’t really care for his voice too much either. Especially after growing up on Gene Hackman as Lex in the early/late 80’s and Clancy Brown III in the 90’s-2000’s.


It seems that this trailer has divided the internet once again.  Some folks don’t like Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, saying that his attitude is a little to flippant and voice a little too annoying.  I totally get that, I don’t really care for his voice too much either.  Especially after growing up on Gene Hackman as Lex in the 70’s/early/late 80’s and Clancy Brown III in the 90’s-2000’s.


Others are saying that they gave away the entire movie by showing Doomsday and B,S & W becoming the Super-Friends to do battle together.

On one hand I can agree that WB may have blown their wad just a tiny bit, especially after the stellar trailers of Captain America: Civil War and Star Wars: The Force Awakens last week.  It’s kind of true, this trailer does reek of desperation, however keep in mind my fellow fanboys and fangirls that this is only 170 seconds of disjointed images set to music.  You want to see a trailer that gave away the whole movie? Take a look here.

We still need to see more of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex.  We don’t know why or how he becomes bald yet or if he is bald from the beginning and that is just one bad merkin stuck to the top of his dome.  Perhaps he will have a character altering moment that will add a sinister layer to his character.  We just don’t know yet.

In the few seconds we see of Doomsday, he does look like a little like a Ninja Turtle.  I think he looks more like The Abomination from The Incredible Hulk. 


abomination doomsday
See for yourself.
I am still holding on to hope that there is much, much more to this movie than a poorly edited one hour finale of punching, kicking, flying, splosions and crumbling buildings.  I am holding on to hope that Zack Snyder hired a better editor after Man of Steel.  I am holding on to hope that Zack Snyder actually put a coherent narrative into this movie and not just trivial drivel that serves as a place holder before the next face punch.

Please, Zack Snyder.



See the Batman V Superman:Dawn of Justice Comic-Con trailer here along with more stills from the movie!



Batman Europa #1- Batman vs. Killer Croc

Batman- Europa (2015-) 001-007

Continue reading “Batman Europa #1- Batman vs. Killer Croc”

Wonder Woman is shown what a world without war looks like.


From: Wonder Woman #46

Superman fights a clone of himself

Superman (2011-) 046-018Superman (2011-) 046-019Superman (2011-) 046-020

From: Superman #46

Supergirl vs. living nanotech

IMG_9180IMG_9181Supergirl vs.

Continue reading “Supergirl vs. living nanotech”


CBS’s Supergirl finally joins the smattering of superhero related TV shows this fall, but is it any good? CBS has been hyping this show for what seems like an eternity and it finally took flight last night. So let’s get a brief overview before hopping into the GOOD, BAD and the Meh…

DCE_Supergirl INT v01_r01.indd

CBS’s Supergirl finally joins the smattering of superhero related TV shows this fall, but is it any good?  CBS has been hyping this show for what seems like an eternity and it finally took flight last night.  So let’s get a brief overview before hopping into the GOOD, BAD and the Meh…

First we are shown a very short origin of Kara Zor-El’s (Melissa Benoist) escape from the doomed planet Krypton minutes before it explodes.  It is explained by Kara’s mother Alura that she is being sent to Earth protect her younger cousin Kal-El (do I really need to explain who this is?).  Her capsule gets trapped in the Phantom Zone for a period of time before finally escaping and landing on Earth years after Kal has reached our planet.  When Kara finally arrives she hasn’t aged a day and Kal has already become ‘The Man of Steel’.

The Man of Steel’s shadow looms large over this series. Literally and figuratively.

She is taken by Superman to live with foster parents, Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers, played by Dean Cain and MY original Supergirl, Helen Slater and their daughter Alex (Chyler Leigh). Kara explains via voice over that she was brought there by Kal to receive the same type of wholesome upbringing he had upon his arrival.  Kara, now using the surname “Danvers”, grows into a 24 year old young adult living and working in National City as an under appreciated gofer at a multimedia conglomerate run by Cat Grant, played by Calista Flockheart who is doing her best to channel Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.   And this is where our story and review begin.


  • Melissa plays a great Supergirl with just the right amount of pluckiness, charisma, optimism and she looks damn good in the costume.

    Supergirl cbs review
    THE costume.
  • The sets, lighting and camera work in the “talky” parts are top notch and you can tell most of the production is spent here. (We’ll get to the special effects in a bit)
  • I love that Helen Slater in as Kara’s adoptive mother in this series. I had a poster of her on my bedroom wall in the Supergirl costume back in 1984, so admittedly I’m a little biased.
  • The episode was rather light and airy as there didn’t seem to be a heavy cloud of dread hanging over the show. Benoist has a lot to do with this; her happy-go-lucky, always smiling character interpretation definitely sets the tone of the show. Something I hope they keep up without getting overly chintzy during the life of the show.

The BAD.

  • The writing is… well… Ugh. It’s bad.  No really. It’s not good at all.  It’s not quite CW level bad but it’s pretty damn close.  The show whizzes through the opening backstory, which is ok because her backstory is so similar to Superman’s that we don’t really need to trudge through that again, but her transition from Kara Danvers to a full on cape wearing, plane saving, faster than a speeding bullet(proof) crime fighter is so swift it’s blow past you in a red and blue blur.  In the span of 30 minutes she goes from, “Not having flown in years!” to battling an escaped Kryptonian convict with no combat training whatsoever.  It makes the development period (i.e. the time in-between action scenes) purely perfunctory and unsatisfying.

    The Department of Extra-Normal Operations
  • Still in the writing department, the show introduces two separate love interests in the first half hour. Jimmy, excuse me, James Olsen (yes that very same Olsen fellow from Metropolis; who apparently has personal relationship with Big Blue himself) played by Mehcad Brooks and Winslow “Winn” Schott, Jr., played by Jeremy Jordan.  Kara spends her onscreen time with Olsen making googly eyes at him and fumbling over her words, while Winn spends his onscreen time with Kara outfitting her in her new duds and telling her how pretty she looks without her glasses on.  Barf.

The MEH.

supergirl heat vision
Supergirl uses her heat vision for the first time.

  • The special effects range from excellent (for a TV show) to just plain bad. In the promo trailers, we see a scene when Kara is saving a plane from crashing, stopping a semi by letting it crash into her, heat vision and general shots of her flying around the city… Well, that’s the triple A stuff right there folks.  The cuts in-between, getting punched through a wall, a high speed flying jump kick and some of the battle with the Kryptonian criminal are not handled so deftly.  There are quick cuts, (very) obvious camera tricks and some animation errors (missing frames of digital Supergirl as she gets knocked through walls) that can ruin the illusion if you’re a nerd like me and look for such things.

Final Thoughts

Supergirl cbs
Any crash you can walk away from…

So far the GOOD outweighs the BAD and the MEH.  I tried to not spoil the main elements of the show like how and why the Kryptonian criminal is on Earth, who he is working for and their motivation is because I do believe the show is worth a watch and we will cover more of that as the season goes on and in subsequent reviews.

For a show that is and was so heavily marketed, it got off to a pretty shaky start.  However, in the spirit of fairness, a lot of great shows have gotten off to a shaky start and a lot of shows have gotten off to a strong start only to fizzle out in less than three seasons.

If DC and WB want this show to succeed and have a long and glorious life span, they are going to seriously need to tone up their writing and sharpen the animation during the more frenetic action sequences.  If they do that Supergirl will certainly be a long term success.

Hope you like the review, leave a comment below and let me know what you thought of the pilot episode and join me next week when I review Supergirl Episode 2 – “Stronger Together”.

Don’t forget to check out my other Supergirl related posts right here!

Supergirl Ep. 1 – “Pilot” FINAL RATING (out of 5)


Kara Zor-El leaves a doomed Krypton. 

#supergirl #supergirlcbs

supergirl leaves krypton
supergirl leaves krypton  supergirl leaves krypton
supergirl leaves krypton  supergirl leaves krypton
supergirl leaves krypton  supergirl leaves krypton
supergirl leaves krypton   supergirl leaves krypton
supergirl leaves krypton  supergirl leaves krypton
From : Supergirl #0