Zack Snyder’s Justice League | Official Trailer | HBO Max

In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, determined to ensure Superman’s (Henry Cavill) ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) aligns forces with Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. The task proves more difficult than Bruce imagined, as each of the recruits must face the demons of their own pasts to transcend that which has held them back, allowing them to come together, finally forming an unprecedented league of heroes. Now united, Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and The Flash (Ezra Miller) may be too late to save the planet from Steppenwolf, DeSaad, and Darkseid and their dreadful intentions.

In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, determined to ensure Superman’s (Henry Cavill) ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) aligns forces with Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. The task proves more difficult than Bruce imagined, as each of the recruits must face the demons of their own pasts to transcend that which has held them back, allowing them to come together, finally forming an unprecedented league of heroes. Now united, Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and The Flash (Ezra Miller) may be too late to save the planet from Steppenwolf, DeSaad, and Darkseid and their dreadful intentions.

Batman vs. Lobo (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

From: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

Killer Frost absorbs Superman’s life force. (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

From: Suicide Squad vs. Justice League

Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn. (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

From: Suicide Squad vs. Justice League

The Green Lanterns stop Dr. Polaris from crashing the Watchtower into the city!

Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-012Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-013Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-014Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-015Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-016Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-017Green Lanterns (2016-) 021-018

First look at Amber Heard as MERA in Justice League (updated)

Mera Aquaman




I don’t know why Zack Snyder continues to release these dim press photos. Here is a color corrected image that shows the craftsmanship off in a better light.  #turnonthelightszack

Clearer (and unfiltered) pic of Mera and her amazingly detailed costume



Courtesy of IGN, we have our first look at Amber Heard as Mera, Queen of Atlantis from the upcoming Justice League movie.

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Bruce Wayne becomes Batman.