Captain Marvel official trailer!

Captain Marvel Official Trailer

Captain Marvel is scheduled to be released in the United States on March 8, 2019.

Elektra vs. Iron Fist

Elektra vs. Iron Fist 🤛🏻 #ironfist #marvel #defenders

From: Defenders #7

Deadpool vs.Cable (X-Force #15, 1992)

is cable in deadpool 2is cable in deadpool 2is cable in deadpool 2is cable in deadpool 2

Jessica Jones vs. Misty Knight (Jessica Jones #1)

Jessica Jones, a former costumes superhero, is now the sole owner and employee of Alias Investigative Services – a small private investigative firm.

But dark secrets from her superhero past haunt her, affecting her relationships and happiness.

Jessica Jones, a former costumed superhero, is now the sole owner and employee of Alias Investigative Services – a small private investigative firm.

But dark secrets from her superhero past haunt her, affecting her relationships and happiness.

Jessica Jones meets Misty KnightJessica Jones meets Misty KnightJessica Jones meets Misty KnightJessica Jones meets Misty Knight

Cosmic Powered Spectacular Spider-Man vs. T.E.S.S. One (Spectacular Spider-Man #160, 1989)

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

All Cosmic Spider-Man posts in order:

LUKE CAGE – season 2 – June 22nd

After clearing his name, Luke Cage has become a celebrity on the streets of Harlem with a reputation as bulletproof as his skin. But being so visible has only increased his need to protect the community and find the limits of who he can and can’t save.

After clearing his name, Luke Cage has become a celebrity on the streets of Harlem with a reputation as bulletproof as his skin. But being so visible has only increased his need to protect the community and find the limits of who he can and can’t save. With the rise of a formidable new foe, Luke is forced to confront the fine line that separates a hero from a villain.

New episodes premier on Netflix on June 22nd, 2018.

How Strong is The Hulk? Hulk can absorb the nuclear fire 🔥 of an ICBM.

Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena (Hulk vs. Thor) by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar.

From: Return to Planet Hulk Part V.

Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar.


In the climactic battle between the two, the warlord unleashes his version of a worldbreaker, a Cold War era tactical nuke (how he got it is not explained) and drops right on top of the jade giants pointy coif.

Return to Planet Hulk

We know that the Hulk can absorb nuclear energy, but so far the upper limits have not really been shown yet. My hypothesis is that the angrier he is the more he can absorb and you can see here, he was pretty angry…

Return to Planet HulkReturn to Planet Hulk

Marvel unlocks the secret of the Infinity Stones and their current owners. (Infinity Countdown #1)

In Infinity Countdown #1 (2018) it looks like Marvel has changed the colors of the Infinity Stones to match their MCU counter parts and tweaked how they work.

The Infinity Stones in the MCU

In Infinity Countdown #1 (2018) it looks like Marvel has changed the colors of the Infinity Stones to match their MCU counter parts and tweaked how they work. The stones (formerly called Gems) form a circuit when combined with each other forming a positive feedback loop unlocking their full potential and releasing the INFINITE power stored inside. The gems true potential lie within the users mastery of them individually.

The stones have always been mysterious and a subject of debate and discussion for years so it’s fun to see them fleshed out a bit more. I prefer the still have a twinge of mystery, but that’s just me.

Here are the new owners and new descriptions of the stones:

• The Soul Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Reality. It can preserve the soul to allow for life after death.

Current owner: Ultron

Location: Ego The Living Planet (mobile)

Read More: Thanos steals the Soul Gem from The In-Betweener.

• The Mind Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Soul. It can grant telepathy, or intelligence.

Current Owner: Turk Barrett

Location: Earth (mobile), most likely New York City

Read More: Thanos steals the The Mind Gem from The Grandmaster.

• The Power Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Mind. It can make a person more physically powerful.

Current “Owners”: Nova Corps & The Guardians of the Galaxy

Location: The desert planet of Xitaung.

Read More: Thanos takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.

• The Space Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Power. It can allow teleportation through space.

Current Owner: Wolverine

Location: Somewhere in the wilds of Canada

Wolverine space infinity stone

Read more: Thanos takes the Space Gem from The Runner.

• The Time Stone is powered by the user’s masteryof Space. It can allow a person to travel through time.

Current Owner: KL’RT

Location: Sakaar

Read More: Thanos takes the Time Gem from The Gardner.

• The Reality Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Time. It can allow a person access to the Multiverse.

Current Owner: Captain Marvel (alternate reality Captain Marvels)

Location: Unknown ~ Multiple realities

Read More: Thanos takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.


The current owner of THE SPACE GEM is Black Widow

Location: Madripoor (probably not for long)

Read even more!

Black Panther vs. Red Skull

I’m going to break your jaw.

From: Avengers #484 (Red Zone part 4 of 5)

The Red Skull has infiltrated the US Government and released a biological weapon in the form of a red mist at the base of Mount Rushmore. As the mist encroaches into nearby populated areas it kills everyone in its path and it’s up to the Avengers to stop him!

It’s a fairly basic story, bad guy intent on mass murder and the good guys have to stop him. It’s a good read with the highlight of Black Panther laying some serious smack down by brutally beating down the Skull and viciously breaking his jaw.

Black Panther Movie Review

It’s not just a movie, it’s a movement. #blackpanther #wakandaforever

Black Panther movie review

Black Panther is not your ordinary Marvel Comics film.  It has begun a cultural movement all its own.  As a black man, I can’t remember the last time a movie with a black director and a predominately all black cast has made such a splash in the mainstream cultural consciousness in such a positive way.  It’s so amazing to see all these young black kids (and adults) coming out and supporting this movie, its cast and director Ryan Coogler.  It’s an astonishing and humbling site to see.

Is it a good movie though?  I’m not going to let my blackness get in the way of looking at this film with a critical eye…. but the answer is yes.  So lets talk about it.

The general plot of the movie is that Wakanda is an isolationist nation that has never been conquered or colonized by an outsider.  This due to the mountain sized vibranium deposit that was left when a meteor crashed in Africa millions of years ago.  The vibranium powers all of their technology.  Everything from medicine and transportation to the weapons of war and self defense.  As a nation that is entirely self sufficient, they are also loathe to lend aid to others.  A similar analogy would be like feeding the birds at the park.  It starts with just one, but before you know it, you have a whole flock at your feet.

— Read More: Black Panther: Where is Wakanda?

This movie takes place after the events of Captain America 3: Civil War where King T’Chaka was killed by an explosion leaving young T’Challa in charge of a nation. Wakanda and its new king T’Challa, played exceptionally by Chadwick Boseman, want to protect their isolationist way of life from Erik Killmonger, played by Michael B. Jordan.

Killmonger feels like Wakanda is hoarding its technology and wants to use Wakandan advanced weapons and technology to wage war on the rest of the world.  Particularly those who he feels are currently oppressing peoples of color be it local police on up to governments.

— Read More: Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther?

The movie is beautifully shot with epic sweeping cinematography.  Wakanda is fleshed out with vibrant bustling streets, techno-organic skyscrapers, kids rushing off to school, young people jubilantly carousing about in cafes, waiting for sky car taxis, cooking street food and generally going about their business.  It’s definitely the most life like city in all of the Marvel Universe.

And the costumes.  Oh my god, the costumes. Ruth E. Carter, costume designer completely nails the afro-futurism look by blending the history and traditions of tribes from all over Africa. With 30 years of movie experience and two Oscar nominations for her work (on Malcolm X and Amistad), Carter understood the role clothing would play in shaping the film’s world. “Wakandans are serious about fashion,” Carter via said  The Atlantic, of the inhabitants of Black Panther’s tech-forward, eco-conscious, never-before-colonized country. Her vision for Wakandan dress draws from traditional and contemporary African fashion. Sartorial cues help viewers understand the social geography of a fictional place—its political ideologies, cultural norms, etiquette. It’s easier to convey these unspoken elements when a film is set in a space and time the audience already has some reference for. For example, American viewers can read the message of a certain dress or hairstyle in, say, 1960s Alabama, which worked in Carter’s favor when she was designing the costumes for Selma.



The impressive score is crafted by Ludwig Goransson.  The score is as textured and layered like the costumes as it blends and layers traditional African drums and vocalizations with a sweeping grandiosity usually reserved for epic films like Lawrence of Arabia, Out of Africa and dare I say it, Star Wars.

The cast rounds out the movie with powerhouse performances. Chadwick Boseman is a bit understated bringing a quiet maturity and presence to each scene, however I felt that the movie would have benefited from a bit more range from him.

The runaway star of the show, the scene-stealer is far and away is Shuri, the younger sister of T’Challa and played by Letitia Wright. She’s insanely smart, developing most if not all of the “Panther-tech”, plucky, irreverent and best of all: absolutely fearless.  If you are a fan and reader of the Black Panther comics, you already know that at some point Shuri dons the mantle of the Black Panther and becomes the protector of Wakanda. I’m hoping this is something we will seen in the inevitable sequel as word has it, Kevin Feige has already asked Ryan Coogler to return.

Black Panther Shuri Disney princess
Shuri steals the show! Do we have a new Disney princess in our midst?

This film does have some issues however.  So lets talk about those too.

First off, the fight choreography isn’t my favorite.  While Danai Gurira shines bright in her scenes as General Okoye, leader of the all female Dora Milaje, the same can’t really be said for most of the scenes involving hand to hand combat.  The shots are cut quickly and the camera is way too close to see any meaningful movements.  It’s tends to be a jumble of arms, legs and other flailing limbs. Aside from this action scenes (the car chase aside) end a few short minutes after they begin.

The CGI (especially during the final fight between Killmonger and T’Challa) is just plain bad. It looks unfinished is really the only way to describe it and  seeing how well everything else is in the movie it’s really unfortunate and distracting.

This shouldn’t deter you from seeing the movie however.  Not in the slightest. It’s a cultural milestone and I am anxiously looking forward to revisiting T’Challa, Shuri, Okoye and Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther 2.

Go see it.  Now. This isn’t just a movie.  It’s a movement.

— Read More Black Panther Posts here:

  1. Black Panther
  2. Black Panther Categories
  3. Black Panther vs. Kraven the Hunter (Black Panther, The Man Without Fear #519)
  4. Black Panther & Wolverine vs. Sabertooth
  5. Emma Frost tries to read The mind of the Black Panther. 
  6. Black Panther: Klaw kills King T’Chaka
  7. Black Panther: T’Challa avenges his father. 
  8. War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)
  9. Black Panther 50th Anniversary – NYCC 2016 Panel Highlights
  10. Images from the Black Panther premiere!

Venom trailer. Or something. 🤷🏾‍♂️

The Venom trailer seems to be missing something…

I gotta admit, I’m not a fan of a solo Venom movie without Spider-Man. I just don’t see the point. There’s a reason why Venom works as a villain. He’s (at least at first) the antithesis of Spider-Man, the dark version, the other side of the coin. The appeal of Venom is his juxtaposition against Spider-Man and the deep rooted psychological rivalry between Eddie Brock and Peter Parker.

In my opinion, on his own, Venom just isn’t that interesting unless he’s facing off against Spider-Man or it’s the Venom: Space Knight iteration or Venom: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this movie doesn’t seem to be going in that direction at all. As a matter of fact, I can’t really tell what direction this movie is going because the trailer doesn’t really show anything. There’s lots of cars flying around, some explosions, the back of Tom Hardy’s head, Tom Hardy running in the woods and a microsecond shot of what appears to be the symbiote trapped in a glass container.

It just boggles my mind in this age of The Avengers, Deadpool, Justice League, Steppenwolf, et cetera, they would deliberately go out of their way to NOT show the character the movie is named after.

That’s not the way to hype your movie Sony.

Future trailers desperately need a tease or a reveal of the symbiote and some meaningful action scenes or it will be DOA. See the trailer below and let me know what you think.

Venom is set to be released in the United States on October 5, 2018.

Cable vs. Deadpool (Cable & Deadpool #32)

Deadpool vs. Cable! #deadpool #PremiumCablePackage #cable

From: Cable & Deadpool #32

Duel With A Dark Lady – Star Wars #96 (1985)

Duel With A Dark Lady – Star Wars #96 (1985) – Classic Star Wars Comics #starwars #HanSolo

Luke vs. Lumiya part 1

Avengers Infinity War – Big Game TV Spot

What do you guys think? Does it look good?

Infinity war marvel gif

Avengers Infinity War pictures

Images from the Black Panther premiere!

Looks like it was an amazing night on the purple carpet!

Ant-Man & The Wasp teaser trailer and movie poster! 🐜 🐝

Ant Man and Wasp movie poster

Ant Man and the Wasp pictures

Ant Man and The Wasp Hello Kitty Pez gif

Ant-Man and The Wasp knife run gif

Ant-Man and the Wasp is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics characters Scott Lang / Ant-Man and Hope van Dyne / Wasp. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is intended to be the sequel to 2015’s Ant-Man, and the twentieth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Peyton Reed with a screenplay by the writing team of Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, Paul Rudd, and the writing team of Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari. The film stars Rudd as Lang and Evangeline Lilly as van Dyne, alongside Michael Peña, Walton Goggins, Bobby Cannavale, Judy Greer, Tip “T.I.” Harris, David Dastmalchian, Hannah John-Kamen, Abby Ryder Fortson, Randall Park, Michelle Pfeiffer, Laurence Fishburne, and Michael Douglas. In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Lang teams up with van Dyne to embark on a new mission from Hank Pym.

Ant-Man and the Wasp debuts on July 6th, 2018.

In what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

The best way would be to watch them in order of their release date. The films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have released in three phases. Which order did you watch the movies in?

Phase 1: Avengers Assembled

The Avengers Initiative (a.k.a Phase 1) was a secret project created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create the Avengers, a collection of the most able individuals to defend Earth from imminent global threats; these individuals functioning as a response team to said threats which are too great for the forces of mankind to handle.

The Initiative was scrapped by the World Security Council after the alien incursion in New Mexico in favor of a weapons development program known as Phase 2. It was eventually reactivated in 2012 during the Chitauri Invasion.

  1. Iron Man (2008)
  2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  3. Iron Man 2 (2010)
  4. Thor (2011)
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  6. The Avengers (2012)

Phase 2: Age Of Ultron

Phase 2” was part of a plan initiated by S.H.I.E.L.D. after the alien incursion in New Mexico to create weapons of mass destruction using the Tesseract.

In response to the events in New Mexico and the revelation of alien worlds and powers beyond our own, the World Security Council scrapped the Avengers Initiative in favor of a more practical approach– the development of weapons powered by the alien Tesseract.

  1. Iron Man 3 (2013)
  2. Thor: The Dark World (2013)
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
  5. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
  6. Ant-Man (2015)

Phase 3: Infinity War!

Phase Three is set during a time of discord generated from the aftermath of Ultron‘s attack against the Earth. With public opinion of superheroes becoming increasingly divided, the Avengers become fragmented. In the midst of the Avengers’ turmoils, a number of new characters are introduced, such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Mantis, Spider-Man, Valkyrie, and Captain Marvel. Thanos‘ plot to collect all of the Infinity Stones, which began late in Phase One, is drawn to a close in this saga.

  1. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
  2. Doctor Strange (2016)
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
  4. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
  5. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
  6. Black Panther (2018)
  7. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  8. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
  9. Captain Marvel (2019)
  10. Avengers 4 (2019)

Phase 4:

Phase Four will be the fourth part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Phase Three. Phase Four consists of an unknown number of films planned between 2019 and 2028.

  1. Spider-Man 2 (2019)
  2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020)
  3. Other TBA Films (2020-2028)

Source: Marvel Cinematic Universe

First look of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel ✨

Captain America vs. Wolverine

Captain America fight Wolverine

From: Captain America Annual #8 (1986)

The X-Men of 2099

The X-Men of 2099

X-men 2099

From: X-Men Blue #16 (2017)

Daredevil vs. Elektra

Why do some superheroes wear masks?

From: Defenders #6

Who is Ego the Living Planet? 🌎

Who is Ego the Living Planet?  If you just watched Guardians of the Galaxy you know that Ego, played by Kurt Russell is Peter Quill aka Star Lord’s father.  In the comics he has a similar origin as he explains in the movie, except he is not the father of any of the superheroes in the Guardians.  (Unless this has been retconned.  If so, let me know.)

So exactly who is he? What is he? Where did he come from? Keep reading for more answers…

I was digging around my old comic book archives looking for more stray trading cards and came across a few old issues of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. These official handbooks were compiled character profiles that were assembled into issues before Marvel started publishing them in the large hardcover format.

I flipped through a few pages and landed right on Ego the Living Planet! I had been meaning to do a profile since watching Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend but this saved me a ton of time. I scanned the two Ego pages and posted them here. I don’t think Ego has really changed much since this was printed, but if it has then please let me know!




Found some “old” Marvel trading cards in the basement (1992)

I was digging around in my old comic book boxes in the basement last night and came across this old shiny “hologram” Wolverine trading card.  It was sticking in the corner of the box and when I pulled it out, I also pulled out some old memories of riding my bike to the comic book store in the early 90’s with $10 bucks in my pocket and buying up all the latest Jim Lee and Rob Liefeld “X-books” and the Todd McFarlane “Spider-Man” comics.  I kept on digging through my old comic book box and unearth these treasures (along with a handful of Terminator 2 trading cards). I decided to scan them and add them here for posterity.  I’m not sure what sets they come from, all I really know is that I bought them around 1991-1992.  If you have any additional information or cards of your own like these, lets talk about it!






This the Wolverine “hologram” card.  I’m pretty sure I remember getting the Magneto hologram card too. I’ll look for that one.



Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 Movie Review

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 - Main Poster; Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista and Bradley Cooper

Guardians of the Galaxy manages to keep the heart and spirit of adventure from the prequel and inject a new level of weirdness into the sequel and it is 100% appreciated by this comic book fan.

I really loved this movie. When I said there is a new level of weirdness in Vol. 2, I meant it in the best way possible.  In this movie we are literally walking around on a friggin Living Planet!  Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 features the group who has now, through a series of adventures and misadventures, begun to mesh together as a tea

the sovreign
Ayesha of The Sovreign
m and family.  They lend out their special talents to others, in this movie a race of genetically perfect, super pretentious, gold skinned people called “The Sovereign”, to take on threats that would send other people running for the space hills.
That threat is a giant rainbow shooting, bug eyed tentacle monster that has been eating (?) some very expensive space batteries that the Sovereign use.   The interesting part about this scene, which is right at the beginning of the movie, is that in most sci-fi movies a fight scene like this would usually be THE key scene in the film.  It’s a scene that would usually be the end or mid movie climax that is meant to grab and hold your attention.   In Guardians of the Galaxy it’s just a backdrop for baby Groot to dance to Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra.

mantis and drax
Mantis has empathic powers and is able to transfer feelings to others as well as receive them.
The music in this movie is just as good as the first with some nice cuts like Fox on the Run by Sweet, My Sweet Lord by George Harrison, and Southern Nights by Glen Campbell and Bring it on Home to Me by Sam Cooke.   The highlights of the soundtrack for me were Brandy by Looking Glass and Father and Sons by Cat Stevens.  It was amazing to see how “Brandy” was used to illustrate the longing and the calling of the sea to the vast ocean of space that called Ego the Living Planet (played by Kurt Russell) away from Peter Quill’s mother and how that same calling can and will affect Peter in all of his future relationships. It’s a powerful and nuanced moment that I can’t help but feel that is almost too deep for a movie that features a talking tree and raccoon and where almost every other main character is a different hue.  But it fits.  It fits perfectly.  I didn’t think that that soundtrack was quite as powerful and striking as the Awesome Mix vol. 1 (Peter dancing to “Come and Get Your Love” is my favorite opening scene in all of the Marvel movies) but it still hit all the right notes right when it needed to.

Yondu gets his “fin” in Vol. 2.
To be completely fair and objective despite the amazing visuals and banging soundtrack, the first act of this movie is a bit of a mess.  It’snot unwatchable by any means (far from it actually), it just lacks direction.  There isn’t that one thing that really advances the plot (like trying to constantly stay one step ahead of Ronan the Accuser and keep the Infinity Gem out of his hands) and it kind of meanders a bit between action set pieces and people sitting and talking.  I’ll say this though, characters sitting and talking never gets boring because all the actors in this movie are all over the top interesting and the delivery of comedic lines are on point. When Ego finally lays bare his plans, that’s when things get REALLY get interesting.  I won’t spoil anything here, but he reveals a critical plot point that elicited loud gasps of disbelief in my theater.

That’s all I can really say about this movie for now because the longer I talk about it the more I’ll want to reveal some spoilers!  If you haven’t seen it, I definitely recommend going as soon as you can.  It’s worth the full price of admission, especially if you were a fan of the prequel.

What did you think about the movie?  Have you seen it yet? How many times have you seen it?  Comment below and let me know.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Rating: 4.5/5

+ Amazing visuals and soundtrack.

+ Some truly touching and heartbreaking moments.

– Plot meanders a bit in the first 1/4 of the movie.


*make sure you stick around for all 5 post credit scenes…







I’m Mary Poppins y’all!

Can Galactus Eat Ego The Living Planet?

Galactus travels through space…

The world devourer pauses when he detects the thoughts of a powerful creature and decides to seek out its source as his hunger is mounting once more. Taking a smaller craft, Galactus flies into the Black Galaxy and finds himself before Ego the Living Planet.

While aboard the Rigellian flagship, Thor meets with the Rigellian commander and the Recorder to determine their plan of attack against Galactus. With their course set, Thor and the Recorder travel off in a ship to confront Galactus himself. The Recorder detects that Galactus is within the Black Galaxy and the two speed off to meet their foe there. They are spied by a group called the Wanderers, a group of aliens that have survived the destruction of their worlds at the hands of Galactus and seek revenge against the world destroyer and they decide to follow after Thor and the Recorder.

Finally, back in the Black Galaxy, Galactus and Ego boast about their mutual power and Galactus demands to consume Ego’s energies. Ego tries to stop this by unleashing a furious blast at Galactus, the force of which reaches Thor and the Recorder’s ship destroying it and seemingly killing its passengers.



The Mighty Thor meets Ego the Living Planet!

ego the living planet

Thor and the Recorder robot travel into the Black Galaxy and find that it is structured in an almost organic fashion, dubbed by the Recorder as a “Bio-Verse.” Following their navigation they come before Ego the living planet, who tells the two that it has been waiting for them.

The Mighty Thor vs. Ego The Living Planet!

ego the living planet

Thor and the Rigellian Recorder have traveled into the “Bio-Verse” where they meet Ego the Living Planet. Wanting to have a dialogue with with the two visitors, Ego changes his environment to one that the two visitors find familiar, and creating a Asgardian themed Avatar to show them around, as well as give them a show of his vast powers.

Ego explains to Thor that he intends to beat Thor in combat, rationalizing if he can defeat the Thunder God, then nothing can stop him from taking over the world. Dissolving his avatar, Ego forms an army of anti-bodies to battle Thor and the Recorder. Forced with fighting these mindless drones and deal with Ego constantly shifting the planets shape. Fighting off the anti-bodies, Thor and the Recorder are then sucked into the arterized tunnels of Ego’s being.


From: Thor #133, October, 1996

Daredevil kills Bullseye (Shadowland)

They are called The Hand – An organization of ninjas, thieves and assassins.  Originally banding together 800 years ago to fight off the oppressive system of feudal Japan, The Hand turned to corruption and darkness when the mutinous Snakeroot Clan seized power.

Over the years, they’ve come into conflict with many super humans – Spider-Man, The Avengers and the X-Men to name a few – but none of the feuds compared to their war with Daredevil.  Matt Murdock’s ties to The Hand run deep; his mentor, Stick, died trying to destroy The Hand, and his former lover, Elektra, served The Had as an assassin for many years, nearly losing her soul in the process.

So when The Hand sought Daredevil out to become their new leader, he was understandably confused. He initially rejected their offer, but eventually consented, plotting to use the organization as a force for good When his arch-enemy Bullseye destroyed a city block – and killed 107 people in the process – Daredevil resolved to turn The Hand into an army of protectors.

Over the ensuing months, they’ve confronted crime and corruption on the streets of New York – with brutal force. As Daredevil’s power within the group has grown, so has his willingness to push the limits in order to keep the peace.  He sought to change The Hand but it appears The Hand has changed him.



From: Daredevil Shadowland (2010)

Cloak and Dagger swap powers. 

From: Cloak and Dagger- Spider Island #3

Cloak and Dagger: Origin  (Cloak & Dagger #4, 1983) ✨✨✨

The Origin of Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin storyCloak and Dagger Origin story

Tyrone “Ty” Johnson (Cloak) and Tandy Bowen (Dagger) met in New York City as runaways. Tyrone was a 17-year-old boy from Boston, Massachusetts with a debilitating stutter and ran away to New York City when his speech impediment prevented him from stopping his friend from being shot by police, who mistakenly believed he had just robbed a store. Tandy was a 16-year-old girl from a privileged upbringing (born in Shaker Heights, Ohio) who ran away because her multi-millionaire supermodel mother was too busy with her career and social life to spend time with her daughter. When they met, Tyrone considered stealing Tandy’s purse, but before he could, a thief stole the purse and Tyrone retrieved it for her.

Afterwards, they had dinner and became fast friends. When naïve Tandy accepted an offer of shelter from some strange men, wary Tyrone went along to protect her. The two teens were soon forcibly delivered to criminal chemist Simon Marshall developing a new synthetic heroin for Silvermane and the Maggia, testing it on runaway teens with fatal results. Johnson and Bowen somehow survived injections of the drug, and they fled.

During their escape, the drug turned them into superpowered beings Tyrone found himself engulfed in darkness and seized by a strange hunger which eased in the presence of Tandy glowing with a brilliant light. Trying to hide his newly shadowy appearance in a makeshift cloak, Tyrone began absorbing Marshall’s thugs into his darkness while Tandy struck them down with daggers of light. The two teens dubbed themselves “Cloak & Dagger” and declared war on drug crime in combating drug-dealers and helping runaway children.

At the end of this first issue you get a good sense of Cloak and Daggers power set. Dagger displays Olympic level gymnastics skills by jumping over a charging thug, evading gunfire and taking out a room full of armed men. And Cloak shows off his dark force by sucking in the bad guys and terrorizing their souls.

Another important scene shows that Tandy’s light has a pleasing effect on Tyrone, calming him and keeping the dark dimension at bay.


From: Cloak and Dagger #4 (out of a 4 part limited series), 1983

Created By: Bill Mantlo & Ed Hannigan

Story: Bill Mantlo

Pencils: Rick Leonardi

Inks: Terry Austin

Letters: Joe Rosen

Colors: Glynis Wein

Editor: Tom DeFalco

Chief: Jim Shooter

Cloak and Dagger post cover Deviantart by Daniel Murray

The Mighty Thor vs. Hela 2


From: The Mighty Thor #354 v.1 (1985)

The Mighty Thor vs Hela


From: The Mighty Thor #190 v.1 (1971)

Thor reveals what Nick Fury said to make him unworthy. (The Unworthy Thor)

Psylocke vs. Magneto (Uncanny X-Men)

From: Uncanny X-Men #19 (2107)

The Unworthy Thor vs. Black Swan, Proxima Midnight and The Collector (The Unworthy Thor)

Ahh it feels good to be posting about The Odinson once again. Thor and Beta Ray Bill are my two favorite characters in the Marvel Universe and I’m glad they are reunited in The Unworthy Thor. For those who haven’t been following, The Unworthy Thor picks up after the death of The Watcher and the events of Secret Wars 3. Thor was rendered “unworthy” by a yet-still-undisclosed whisper from Nick Fury. Thor dropped the mystic hammer Mjolnir on the Moon and was unable to pick it up. However Jane Foster, who was dying from cancer, was able to pick up the sacred weapon thus becoming the female version of The Mighty Thor. Battling with his axe Jarnbjorn and trusty war-goats Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder against the rock troll Ulik on the moon, the Odinson receives a tip from a mysterious stranger known as The Unseen that “another” Mjolnir is present in this dimension.

This run marks the return of Olivier Coipel to the series who in my opinion is one of the best artists working today and my favorite Thor artist since Walt Simonson. If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and pick up his run of Thor (2010) with writer J. Michael Stracznski. (and Spider-Verse, and AvX) The writer is Jason Aaron who wrote, X-Men Schism, Avengers vs. X-Men (Co-written with Brian Michael Bendis) and one of my all-time favorite Wolverine one-shots; The Man in the Pit. The Unworthy Thor is definitely worth your time.

The Story so far…

On the day Thor Odinson learned a long-kept secret stolen from The Watcher, he dropped the mystic hammer Mjolnir to the surface of the moon. Try as he might, Thor could not lift his once-faithful weapon. Unable to possess the power of his birthright, the thunder god relinquished the name of Thor and now simply calls himself Odinson. Now he searches for redemption, but until he finds it, he will remain….

The Unworthy Thor

When the being known as The Unseen alerted him to the existence of another hammer on old Asgard, Odinson raced to the ruins of his former home, but found the entire realm missing. Fortunately his old friend, Beta Ray Bill knew who had stolen it: The Collector. Outmatched, the pair were captured and imprisoned.

But The Collector isn’t the only one after the hammer. Aided by a mysterious ally, the imprisoned Thanos unleashed his lackeys – Black Swan and Proxima Midnight – on The Collectors ship. Meanwhile, Odinson and Beta Ray Bill broke out and freed the murderous Hel-Hound Thori and Odinson’s trusty steed Toothgnasher.

After mistakenly targeting Stormbreaker, Beta Ray Bill’s hammer, Thanos’ servants confronted The Collector and battled for the possession of the Ultimate Thor’s hammer. But Odinson and his friends are coming for them…


From: The Unworthy Thor #4


The Unworthy Thor vs. Beta Ray Bill (The Unworthy Thor)


From: The Unworthy Thor #3

Captain Marvel vs. Iron Man (Civil War II)


From: Civil War II #8

Medusa vs. Emma Frost 💎 (Inhumans vs. X-Men)


From: Inhumans vs. X-Men #5

Medusa vs. Beast (Inhumans vs. X-Men)


From: Inhumans vs. X-Men #2

Emma Frost 💎and Dazzler ✨ vs. Black Bolt ⚡️



From: Inhumans vs. X-Men #1

Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike


From: Uncanny X-Force 5.1

X-23 gets her adamantium.

X-23 adamantium claws

X-23 adamantium claws

X-23 adamantium claws

X-23 adamantium claws


X-23 adamantium claws

X-23 adamantium claws


From: X-23 #1

Wolverine and Domino vs. Bushwacker (X-Force: Sex & Violence)

X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence

X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence

From: X-Force Sex and Violence

Spider-Man Homecoming Trailer!


Spider-Man Homecoming Trailer Tease



Set your watches people!  New trailer tomorrow!


Oh and here’s a new promo picture!

Spider-Man Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming is an upcoming American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, produced by Marvel Studios and Columbia Pictures, and distributed by Sony Pictures. It is intended to be the second reboot of the Spider-Man film franchise and the sixteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Jon Watts, with a screenplay by Jonathan M. Goldstein & John Francis Daley and Watts & Christopher Ford and Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers, and stars Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Zendaya, Donald Glover, Jacob Batalon, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori, Tyne Daly, Bokeem Woodbine, Marisa Tomei, and Robert Downey Jr. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker tries to balance being the hero Spider-Man with his high school life.

In February 2015, Marvel Studios and Sony reached a deal to share the character rights of Spider-Man, integrating the character into the established MCU. The following June, Holland was cast as the title character, while Watts was hired to direct, followed shortly after by the casting of Tomei and the hiring of Daley and Goldstein to write the script. In April 2016, the film’s title was revealed, along with additional castings including Downey. Principal photography began in June 2016 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia and continued in New York City before concluding in Berlin the following October. During filming, Watts, Christopher Ford, Chris McKenna, and Erik Sommers were revealed as additional screenwriters, and further cast members were confirmed.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is scheduled to be released on July 7, 2017 in the United States in 3D, IMAX, and IMAX 3D.

The Silver Surfer travels beyond the edge of the universe.


First pictures from Marvel/Netflix Defenders! + returning cast members confirmed

Some set pictures from The Defenders have hit the Twitterverse!  The first set of pics shows Misty Knight and Jessica Jones meeting on the street.  Perhaps for the first time?  Jessica looks in pretty rough shape (more than usual?) with blood splattered on her face and clothes.  Misty has an incredulous look on her face so i’m guess this is their first meeting or maybe Misty has figured out that Jessica is a metahuman.  What do you think?

Also from the twitterverse….

The official twitter for the Defenders has been dropping title cards for returning cast members from previous Marvel/Netflix shows and it looks like Patsy, Stick, and Claire are all set to return.



Returning with them are Jeri Hogarth, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page and Malcolm from Daredevil and Jessica Jones respectively.  When will Luke Cage, Danny Rand and Colleen Wing show up?


Marvel’s The Defenders, or simply The Defenders, is an upcoming American web television miniseries developed for Netflix by Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films of the franchise and is the culmination of a series of interconnected shows from Marvel and Netflix. The miniseries is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios, with Petrie and Ramirez serving as showrunners.

The limited series stars Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock / Daredevil, Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones, Mike Colter as Luke Cage, and Finn Jones as Danny Rand / Iron Fist, all reprising their roles from their individual series. Development of the miniseries began in late 2013, with Cox the first actor cast in May 2014, and Jones the final of the title four cast in February 2016. Petrie and Ramirez joined as showrunners in April, after serving in the same role on the second season of Daredevil, and filming began in New York City that October.

The Defenders will consist of eight episodes, and is scheduled to be released in 2017.

Black Panther 50th Anniversary – NYCC 2016 Panel Highlights


In July 1966, Marvel Comics published Fantastic Four #54: a landmark issue featuring the first major super hero of color, the Black Panther. Born into the tumult of the 1960’s Civil Rights movement, Marvel’s Black Panther became an immediate inspirational and aspirational symbol to millions. Fifty years later, he has risen into a major pop culture icon, prominently featured in Marvel comic books, animation, games, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe and known across the globe! Join Macarthur Genius, National Book Award Winner, and current Black Panther writer Ta-Nehisi Coates along with artist Brian Stelfreeze, writer Christopher Priest, and other Mighty Marvel Guests on this momentous panel from New York Comic Con 2016, as they pay tribute to the character while discussing his tremendous impact on comics and pop culture.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Official Trailer #1

guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 movie poster



Hype Level: MAXIMUM


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team Guardians of the Galaxy, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is intended to be the sequel to 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy and the fifteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film is written and directed by James Gunn and stars an ensemble cast featuring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Sean Gunn, Glenn Close, Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Debicki, Chris Sullivan, and Kurt Russell. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the Guardians travel throughout the cosmos as they help Peter Quill learn more about his true parentage.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was officially announced at San Diego Comic-Con International 2014 before the theatrical release of the first film, along with Gunn’s involvement once again, with the title of the film revealed a year later in June 2015. The film began principal photography in February 2016 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia, and concluded in June 2016.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is scheduled to be released on May 5, 2017, in 3D and IMAX.




How did Iron Fist get his chest tattoo?

How did Iron Fist get his chest tattoo? How did Iron Fist get his chest tattoo? How did Iron Fist get his chest tattoo? How did Iron Fist get his chest tattoo? How did Iron Fist get his chest tattoo?


Daniel Rand was born in New York City, the son of Wendell Rand, who happened upon the mystical city of K’un-L’un as a young boy. During his time in K’un L’un, Wendell saved the life of the city’s ruler, Lord Tuan, and was adopted as Tuan’s son. However, Wendell eventually left K’un L’un and became a wealthy entrepreneur in the United States. He married socialite Heather Duncan and had a child: Daniel.

Wendell later organizes an expedition to again seek out K’un L’un, taking his wife Heather, his business partner Harold Meachum and nine-year-old Daniel. During the journey up the mountain, Daniel slips off the path, his tie-rope taking his mother and father with him. Meachum, who also loves Heather, forces Wendell to plunge to his death but offers to rescue Heather and Daniel. She rejects his help. Heather and Daniel come across a makeshift bridge that appears out of nowhere and are attacked by a pack of wolves. Heather throws herself on the wolves to save Daniel and is killed even as archers from K’un L’un attempt to save her. The archers take the grieving Daniel to see Yü-Ti, the hooded ruler of K’un L’un. When Daniel expresses his desire for vengeance, Yü-Ti apprentices him to Lei Kung, the Thunderer, who teaches him the martial arts.

Daniel proves to be the most gifted of Lei Kung’s students. Rand conditions his fists by plunging them into buckets of sand, gravel, and rock to toughen them. At 19, Daniel is given the chance to attain the power of the Iron Fist by fighting and defeating the dragon Shou-Lao the Undying, who guards the molten heart that had been torn from its body. During the battle, Daniel throws himself against the scar of Shou-Lao, which burns a dragon tattoo into his chest. Having killed Shou-Lao, he enters its cave and plunges his fists into a brazier containing the creature’s molten heart, emerging with the power of the Iron Fist. It is later revealed that Daniel is part of a long lineage of Iron Fists.


From: Marvel Premiere Featuring: Iron Fist #16 (July, 1974)

Iron Fist cover image by Dreekzilla.

“Logan” – New Wolverine movie coming next March!

Posted on his instagram account, Hugh Jackman shows off the poster for his latest , and some say final, Wolverine movie.



Simultaneously, director James Mangold, showed a high quality image of the movie poster and a page from the screenplay on Twitter.



Taking a look at the first fully readable “sentence”, you can kind of feel the direction the movie is heading in. Logan is definitely going to be heading in to the R-rated movie territory.

As the screenplay reads, “Basically, if you’re on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city -block destroying, CG fuckathon, this ain’t your movie. ”

I like it. Bring it on Wolverine, bring it on.

Directed by James Mangold, the film stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Boyd Holbrook, Richard E. Grant, Stephen Merchant, Eriq La Salle andElise Neal. The film is scheduled to be released on March 3, 2017.

Jam On It: Gang Starr ‘Luke Cage’ Supermix by Complexion


“You Know My Steez”

View original post 112 more words

Breathe Deep…. Netflix announces the release date for Marvel’s Iron Fist.

Heads up warriors of K’un L’un!  Neflix has announced the release date for Marvel’s Iron Fist.


As information starts to trickle out of the mystical city, today we were also treated to one of the first “official” on set pictures of one Mr. Daniel Rand in action.  Take special note of the bodies in the background!  These thugs clearly picked on the wrong man on the wrong day.


The cast is as follows:

A billionaire Buddhist monk and martial arts expert, proficient in kung-fu with the ability to call upon the power of the Iron Fist. On being cast as the character, Jones said he was drawn to the character and his background, saying, “I really enjoy how he’s a superhero with a real heart but has spiritual elements as well. I think it’s going to be an exciting character to play because there’s this contraction of on one hand he’s from a very wealthy family, he’s a billionaire, on the other hand he’s been in this world of K’un-Lun for a long time where he’s learned kung fu and buddhist philosophy. There’s a contradiction in those elements that’s going to be really fun to play.” In preparation for the role, Jones studied kung fu, wushu and tai chi, along with weight training, Buddhist philosophy and meditation.
  • Jessica Henwick as Colleen Wing: An ally of Rand, who runs her own martial arts dojo in New York City.
  • David Wenham as Harold Meachum: A ruthless corporate leader who was partners with Rand’s parents at the time of their deaths.
  • Jessica Stroup as Joy Meachum: The daughter of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand’s, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with her brother Ward is threatened to be undone with Rand’s return.
  • Tom Pelphrey as Ward Meachum: The son of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand’s, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with his sister Joy is threatened to be undone with Rand’s return.
  • Carrie-Anne Moss as Jeri Hogarth: An attorney who helps Rand once he returns to New York. Moss reprises her role from previous role in Marvel/Netflix’s Jessica Jones.

After a film based on the character spent over a decade in development at Marvel Studios, development for the series began in late 2013 at Marvel Television, with Buck hired as the series show runner in December 2015 and Jones cast as Rand in February 2016. Filming began in New York City in April 2016.

Iron Fist is scheduled to be released on March 17, 2017

Mark your calendars accordingly.

Luke Cage and “Blackness” – Why Race is Important

Pop Culture Uncovered

Netflix’s Luke Cage has become a phenomenon, like its predecessors Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Many people are talking about it, and while not everyone enjoyed the show, the overwhelming majority appear to be pleased. This isn’t a review of Luke Cage, though, as there are hundreds out there – this is a discussion about a different type of reaction. The response to the show’s “blackness,” or (more accurately) mentioning the show’s “blackness.”

Less than a day after its public release, articles appeared discussing the racial aspects of the show. One writer declared Luke Cagethe unapologetically Black superhero show I’ve been waiting for”, another called it “unadulterated, bulletproof, kick ass, Wu-Tang blackness, with a Marvel twist”, and most recently a group of fans discussed how the series “uses blackness” and whether it lived up to their hopes. There was no denying the…

View original post 537 more words

Luke Cage vs. Willis Stryker (aka Diamondback)

Willis Stryker and Carl Lucas grew up best friends, joining the local street gang, the Bloods, together, and eventually becoming its leaders. Fights against rival gangs such as the Diablos honed Willis’ knife-fighting skills. Lucas eventually quit the gangs, but Willis’ involvement deepened, and he tried to cut into the Syndicate’s territory.

Then both men became rivals for the affections of Lucas’ work colleague Reva Connors. At first Willis’ money impressed Reva, but witnessing Syndicate heavies ambush Willis demonstrated to her his lifestyle’s brutality. Reva fled for help, returning with Lucas in time to save Willis’ life. Despite this, an enraged Willis blamed Lucas when Reva dumped him.

Willis stole two kilos of uncut heroin from his rival Cornell Cottonmouth’s gang, and used it to frame Lucas, who was imprisoned, allowing Willis to move in on Reva, falsely promising to help prove Lucas’ innocence. She was in Willis’ car when it was forced off the road in retaliation for the theft; he survived, but she did not.

Over the next few years Willis won his place in the Syndicate, known as Diamondback, because of his speed with his blades. However Lucas gained superpowers and escaped prison; as “Luke Cage”, he returned to New York, and targeted Willis’ gang. Warned the Syndicate would drop him if he didn’t deal with Cage, Willis lured Cage into an ambush…

luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback

Some time later…

luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback


From: Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #2 (1972)

Artist: George Tsuka

Writer: Archie Goodwin

Inker: Billy Graham

Editor: Stan Lee

Iron Fist vs. The X-Men

Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men

From: Iron Fist #15, 1977

Writer: Chris Claremont

Artist: John Byrne

Inker: Dan Green

Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth (Iron Fist #14, 1977)

Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth


From: Iron Fist #14 (1977)

Writer: Chris Claremont

Artist: John Byrne

Inker: Dan Green


Captain America (Sam Wilson) vs. U.S. Agent (Sam Wilson, Captain America #13, 2016 ~ Civil War II)

captain america vs. US Agent


The character John Walker was first introduced as the super villain Super-Patriot in Captain America #323. Mark Gruenwald created Walker to counter the general message in Captain America of patriotism being invariably good, describing him as someone who embodied patriotism in a way that Captain America didn’t—a patriotic villain.

After a return appearance in Captain America #327, Gruenwald reintroduced him as the new Captain America in issue #333. Though Gruenwald said he would not have done this if it had not been a logical development from the preceding storylines, he also openly acknowledged that the motivating reason for replacing Steve Rogers as Captain America was to boost sales:

John Walker’s installation as Captain America indeed provided a major boost to the series’s sales  and he remained the main character of Captain America for issues 333 through 350, during which his character generally becomes more heroic.  In Captain America #354 he is given another name and costume change, this time as U.S. Agent using a discarded costume of Steve Rogers (the original Captain America), a black outfit with a different alignment of the stars and stripes to differentiate it from Steve Rogers’ suit.

Like some West Coast Avengers teammates who had their own series (such as Iron Man, or Hawkeye in Solo Avengers), the character U.S. Agent was popular enough to earn his own limited series in 1993. The mini-series was used to finish off a long-standing Marvel Universe plot thread involving the Scourge of the Underworld.


John Walker was born in the fictional town of Custer’s Grove, Georgia. He grew up idolizing his older brother, Mike, a helicopter pilot who died in the Vietnam War.  John  wanted to honor his brother’s memory by enlisting in the military, becoming a soldier himself.

After John received an honorable discharge from the United States Army, he was told by a friend about the Power Broker, a mysterious individual who gave people superhuman abilities.  Walker and his friend received treatments that granted him superhuman abilities…

captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent


captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent


captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent captain america vs. us agent



Sam Wilson – Captain America #13 (2016)

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Daniel Acuna

Letters: VC’s Joe Caramagna



Hawkeye Kills Bruce Banner (Civil War II)

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


From:  Civil War #3 (2016)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: David Marquez

Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Planet Earth is the heart of Eternity

marvel comics eternity


marvel comics eternity


Starbrand and Nightmask #6 (2016)

Writer:  Greg Weisman

Artist: Domo Stanton

Colorist:  Rachelle Rosenberg

The Terrigen Mists transform Kamala Khan to Ms. Marvel!

Meet Kamala Khan.  She’s 16 years old.  Into Avengers fan fiction.  Good at school.  Bad at fitting in.

So when the Terrigen Mists from the recently detonated Terrigen Bomb descends and morphs Kamala into a shape-shifting Inhuman… Fitting in is the least of her problems.

terrigen mists transform ms. marvel terrigen mists transform ms. marvel terrigen mists transform ms. marvel terrigen mists transform ms. marvel terrigen mists transform ms. marvel terrigen mists transform ms. marvel

Ms. Marvel #1 (2014)

Writer:  G. Willow Wilson

Artist:  Adrian Alphona

Colorist:   Ian Herring

War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II


From: Civil War II (Free Comic Book Day, May 2007)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Jim Cheung

Colorist:  Justin Ponsor


War Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense. (Civil War II)

War Machine becomes Secretary of Defense

War Machine becomes Secretary of Defense

War Machine becomes Secretary of Defense

From: Civil War II #0 (2016)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Olivier Coipel

Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Civil War II

Civil War II # 0
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Artist: Olivier Coipel; Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Civil War II is an upcoming comic book crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics that is scheduled to debut in June 2016. It is the sequel to 2006’s “Civil War” and consists of an eight issue eponymous core limited series, by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists Olivier Coipel, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor, and a number of tie-in books.

Functioning as an allegory about the nature of determinism versus free will,  the story sees opposing factions of superheroes led by Captain Marvel and Iron Man come into conflict when a new super powered person emerges with the ability to predict the future.

Civil War II Ulysses sees the future inhumans

Plot: In New York City, defense attorney She-Hulk loses an entrapment case against Jonathan Powers. Elsewhere, War 

Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense by the President of the United States, and Captain Marvel, struggling with the pressures of her duties, is analyzed by Doc Samson. Meanwhile, Ulysses and Michelle, students at Ohio State University, are exposed to the Terrigen Mist. When Ulysses emerges he has a vision of a dystopian future

At the Triskelion, Medusa and Crystal introduce Ulysses to Captain Marvel, War Machine, and Black Panther. There, Ulysses has a premonition that the villain Thanos is coming. The heroes take Thanos down by surprise when he arrives at his destination, but She-Hulk and War Machine are severely injured during the fight.


Key Players:

Civil War IICaptain Marvel (Carol Danvers):  Cosmically powered super hero.  Leader of Alpha Flight.  Earth’s first line of defense against extraterrestrial attack. 

War Machine:  James “Rhodey” Rhodes:  Decorated U.S. Marine in flying weaponized armor made by his best friend, Tony Stark.

She-Hulk: Attorney Jennifer Walters.  Imbued with the same gamma-powered super strength as her cousin, Bruce Banner.

Inhumans:  People who develop extraordinary abilities when exposed to the Terrigen Mists — gases which activate latent DNA from long ago alien experiments. 


Civil War II Posts

  1. War Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense. (Civil War II)
  2. The Terrigen Mists cover The Ohio State University. (Civil War II)
  3. Kamala Khan, Spider-Man and Nova save their classmates from a miniature fusion reactor. (Civil War II: Tie In)
  4. War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

Elektra tells Daredevil about her daughter.

When Matt Murdock was a kid, he lost his sight in an accident involving a truck carrying radioactive chemicals.  Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with a 360-radar sense.  Now Matt uses his abilities to fight for his city.  He is the MAN WITHOUT FEAR.  He is Daredevil.

In the months since his return to New York, former defense attorney Matt Murdock has not only become a prosecutor for the city of New York, he’s also somehow managed to hide his dual identity and erase any prior public knowledge that he is in fact, Daredevil.


But when Murdock’s past paramour, the deadly assassin Elektra, showed up in Hell’s Kitchen with a score to settle, the Man Without Fear was forced to face the true cost of regaining his secret identity…

Writer – Charles Soule

Artist – Matteo Buffgani

Color Artist -Matt Milla

Cover Artist – Bill Sienkiewicz














From: Daredevil #7 (2016)

Captain America vs. Baron Zemo

While fighting his way through S.H.I.E.L.D.’s reality-bending, small-town super prison, Pleasant Hill, an aged and de-powered Steve Rogers was returned to fighting form by a sentient Cosmic Cube named Kobik.  Sam Wilson, the current Captain America, offered to share the title—and with the Red Skull, Baron Zemo and Kobik at large after the collapse of Pleasant Hill, the world needs two Captain Americas more than ever…

Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA

Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA

Captain America is an Agent of Hydra?  I don’t think so.  Interesting to see where this story arc goes.

From: Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 (2016)

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Jesus Saiz



Old Man Logan vs. Bonebreaker

Old man Logan

Old man Logan


Old man Logan


Old man Logan

World War Hulk: Epilogue


world war hulk


World War Hulk

World War Hulk Finale

World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale world war hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Sentry (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk vs The Sentry


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (2) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (3)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (4)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (5)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (6) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (7)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (8)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (9)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (10)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (11)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (12)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (13)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (14)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (15)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (16)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (17)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (18)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (19)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (20)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Invincible Iron Man (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Juggernaut (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. Hercules (World War Hulk)

world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules


From:  The Incredible Hulk v. 3 #107

The Incredible Hulk vs. Doctor Strange part 2 (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange

The Incredible Hulk vs. X-Factor (World War Hulk)

world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor

The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverine (World War Hulk)

wolverine hulk world war hulk


wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut

The Incredible Hulk vs. The X-Men (World War Hulk)














world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men

The Incredible Hulk vs. Dr. Strange (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. Mr. Fantastic (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. The Human Torch, Storm and The Thing (World War Hulk)

image image image image image image image

The Incredible Hulk vs. She-Hulk (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

From: World War Hulk

Thor vs. Gwenpool?

Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool

From: The Unbelievable Gwenpool #2 (2016)

Meet the newest member of the All-New All-Different Avengers!

All-New All-Different Wasp All-New All-Different Wasp


All-New All-Different Wasp

All-New All-Different Wasp

From: All-New All-Different Avengers #9 (2016)

Iron Man vs. The Living Laser part 2

Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man 263 Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser

From: Iron Man vol. 1 #263 (1990)

Iron Man vs. The Living Laser part 1

Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser

From: Iron Man Vol. 1 #260 (1990)

Norman Osborn scores the kill shot on the Skrull Queen and becomes the Director of H.A.M.M.E.R. (Secret Invasion)


From: Secret Invasion

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes vs. The Living Laser & The Corruptor!

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes

The Avengers are on the run! Until they can be sure who’s on their side, Spider-Man, Captain America, Luke Cage, Ronin, Mockingbird, Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) are using Captain America’s hideout in Brooklyn as a safe house.  In the post-Civil War days, the Superhuman Registration Act is still in effect and they are collectively trying to keep the values of the Avengers name alive even though they are living on the wrong side of the law.

After scoring the final kill shot that was broadcast around the world during the climax of the Skrull Secret Invasion, Norman Osborn has become a media darling and director of H.A.M.M.E.R., the national peacekeeping task-force, which includes his own team of Dark Avengers.

The Hood, now in possession of the powerful Asgardian Norn Stones, thanks to Loki, has made a pact with Osborn to have his syndicate of criminals hunt down the elusive Avengers.

Meanwhile, Osborn prepares his forces for the invasion of Asgard, which is now located hovering above the plains of Broxton, Oklahoma.

From: New Avengers #61 (Siege Tie-In)

The Invincible Iron Man vs. The Adaptoid!

From: The Invincible Iron Man #49 (1972)

The Invincible Iron Man vs. Dr. Spectrum

From: The Invicible Iron Man #66 (1974)

Thanos takes the Power Stone from The Champion of the Universe. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

The Champion is one of the alien Elders of the Universe. He is an immortal who claims to have been born billions of years ago in the Ancrindo Nebula within the direction of the Magellanic Clouds. Although he wishes to prove himself the greatest warrior in the universe, he usually does so fairly. He keeps himself busy by fighting powerful warriors throughout the universe. The Champion of the Universe’s Promoter Supreme named Proja preceded the Champion’s journey to Earth and recruited eight of Earth’s strongest male heroes (Champion having decided eons earlier that females were inferior and not worth fighting). Champion then forced their participation by threatening to destroy the planet should they not fight him for those unworthy of the glorious gift that is the true spirit of competition would be “purified”.

The Champion challenged the superheroes Thing, Namor, Hulk, Colossus, Sasquatch, Thor, Doc Samson, and Wonder Man to a boxing match in Madison Square Garden while a forcefield is around it and brought them to his extra-dimensional training facility to prepare for the match. The Champion ended up disqualifying Namor for refusing to stoop to training. Then he disqualified Doc Samson for not being sufficiently skilled to qualify as an opponent. When it came to the day of the boxing match, Thor was disqualified for throwing his hammer Mjolnir (he was allowed to use it since he was powerless without it), Hulk was disqualified because the Champion refused to “soil his hands on a mindless animal,” Wonder Man was disqualified for tearing up the ring after being battered badly in the first round, Sasquatch was knocked out in the first round, and Colossus was defeated by technical knockout in the first round when he was unable to continue fighting.

Alone of all of Earth’s superheroes not previously disqualified, Thing managed to put up a semblance of fight against the Champion and lasted longer than any previous opponent the Champion had fought. Of all the opponents the Champion ever faced, only Thing lasted more than two rounds. Although the Champion fought Thing and ultimately defeated him with ease, Thing would not surrender, as he was convinced that the entire planet was in danger. Thing believed that everyone depended on him, and fought on despite broken bones and getting knocked out of the ring. Thing astonished the Champion with his resilience and courage leading the Champion to say Thing was the opponent he had sought through the ages, the one who would require all of his might and skill. His jaw broken and severely beaten after collapsing at the end of the third round, Thing crawled across the ring to demand the fight continue when the Champion claimed victory. When forced to choose between killing his defeated opponent or yielding, the Champion yielded. When Thing said he was “just too stupid and ugly to give up,” the Champion replied he could never defeat Thing. He might break his bones and his body, but he could not break his spirit. The Champion then stated that any planet which could produce a champion such as the Thing was a truly worthy world.

The Champion later attempted to kill the Silver Surfer to prevent him from interfering with a Skrull plot to use Nova to force Galactus to destroy the Kree Empire. The Champion was overpowered by the Silver Surfer, suffering his first known defeat in combat (however it is notable the Surfer used the Power Cosmic to blast the Champion rather than engage him physically).  The Champion was one of the eleven Elders who sought to restart the universe by killing Galactus. He attempted to kill Mantis but she was rescued by the Silver Surfer.  The Champion then battled Galactus and the Silver Surfer but was converted to energy and consumed by Galactus.  The Champion and the other four Elders devoured by Galactus caused Galactus “cosmic indigestion” from within until they were forced out of him by Master Order and Lord Chaos.  When asked to aid the Silver Surfer and Nova in helping Galactus to defeat the In-Betweener the Champion was one of the four Elders who agreed and he physically restrained the Grandmaster to prevent him from opposing them.   Once the In-Betweener had been defeated by Galactus the five Elders used their Infinity Gems to instantaneously travel very far away from Galactus and his vengeance. As a result, the Champion ended up with the Power Gem (one of the Infinity Gems) in his possession. Thanos eventually tracked the Champion down to the planet Tamarata, and tricked the Champion into causing a seismic disruption that destroyed Tamarata, forcing him to forfeit his Infinity Gem for transport to another planet. However, instead of helping the Champion after receiving the Gem, Thanos caused the Champion to fall to another world.


More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.


Thanos takes the Time Stone from The Gardner. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

The Gardener was once Ord Zyonz, a being who came into existence in the Seyfert Galaxy M-77. Like all the other Elders, he belongs to one of the first races to develop since the Big Bang and thus is nearly immortal and extremely powerful. He is absolutely obsessed with peace and quiet, and with his garden.

At one time he created an amazing lush garden in the Blue Area of the Moon using his Infinity Gem, the Time Gem. This was eventually brought to a halt when Adam Warlock,Spider-Man and the Stranger were caught up in a battle on the moon and he used his gem along with the Soul Gem of Warlock and successfully slowed down the Stranger enough to make him leave. After using his gem in battle it was corrupted and he believed he could no longer use it to make things grow; he left it behind in search of a new place for his garden (where it stayed until Thanos found it).

The Gardener was later revealed to possess Adam Warlock’s Soul Gem. He journeyed to K’ai to create a paradise valley. There, he battled the Hulk, and briefly lost the gem, but he soon had it in his possession again.

The cosmic entity Grandmaster had, by proxy, lost a contest for the entity Death. Angered, she forbade him and his fellow Elders, including the Gardener, from entering her realm. Thus the Gardener became immortal.

The Gardener was seen among a group of abstract and near-omnipotent beings (including Uatu the Watcher, Eternity, the In-Betweener, the Living Tribunal, Lord Chaos, Master Order, and a Celestial) confronting the Beyonder.

The Gardener was one of the eleven Elders who allied together to restart the universe by killing Galactus.  He used Earth plants to capture Mantis. He battled Galactus and theSilver Surfer, but was converted to energy and consumed by Galactus. Along with the other four Elders who were devoured by Galactus, he caused Galactus “cosmic indigestion” from within until they were forced out of him by Master Order and Lord Chaos. The Gardener was one of the four Elders who aided the Silver Surfer and Nova in helping Galactus to defeat the In-Betweener.  Once that was done the five Elders used their Infinity Gems to instantaneously travel very far away from Galactus and his vengeance. Afterwards, the Gardener retained possession of the Time Gem and used it once more. Thanos confronted him, using the Gems he had already recollected to seemingly kill the Gardener and take the Time Gem, as part of his ultimate goal to create the Infinity Gauntlet.

Later, during the Infinity War incident, the Contemplator spotted the Gardener in the Dimension Of Manifestations among a group of abstract and near-omnipotent beings who were conversing with the Beyonder. However, that was only a “reflection” (recording) of a manifestation-event that had taken place years earlier (and which is listed above).


More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.

Thanos takes the Space Stone from The Runner. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

The Runner is a traveler and explorer who has lived for billions of years. He seeks complete freedom and to see all there is to see. As such, he has spent his long life traveling across and experiencing the universe. He is regarded as one of the more pacifistic Elders. He once encountered Moondragon when she first left Titan, years ago.

The Runner was one of the eleven Elders who conspired against Galactus and battled the Silver Surfer in an attempt to gain power in a new, re-created universe. He battled Galactus and the Silver Surfer, and was converted to energy for consumption by Galactus. However, along with the other four Elders that had been consumed by Galactus, the Runner caused Galactus “cosmic indigestion” from within until they were forced out of him by Master Order and Lord Chaos. The Runner was one of the four Elders who aided the Silver Surfer and Nova in helping Galactus to defeat the In-Betweener.  Once that was done the five Elders used the five Infinity Gems they had retained to instantaneously travel very far away from Galactus and his vengeance.  Afterwards, the Runner kept the Space Gem, one of the Infinity Gems.


From: Thanos Quest

More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.

Thanos steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Stone, from The Grandmaster. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

Thanos’s final target is the Grandmaster, a consummate games-man. With the final gem, the Mind Gem, imprisoned in a random teleportation device that will only deactivate with his death, he informs Thanos that he cannot have the gem until he bests him in a game of his choosing. The two then compete in a virtual reality combat game, which Thanos seems to win until it is shown that the Grandmaster had sabotaged Thanos’s weaponry. However, Thanos then reveals that the body with which the Grandmaster had been competing was merely a robotic clone of Thanos; its destruction being inconsequential, the real Thanos proceeds to destroy the gaming equipment, killing the Grandmaster and freeing the Mind Gem.

Thanos returns to Death’s sanctum with the six Infinity Gems in his possession, boasting of his achievement and his new-found status as Death’s equal. Death congratulates his accomplishment, though still speaks to him through her various minions. When Thanos demands that Death address him personally as her mate, she points out to him, again through her minions, with his newly achieved status of omnipotence, Thanos is not her equal, but her superior, and that it would therefore not be fitting for her to address him directly. Thanos destroys the minion in a fit of anger and stalks from Death’s throne room, trying to comprehend his miscalculation, and finally wondering, while shedding a tear, how becoming a god could prove such a hollow victory.


From: Thanos Quest


  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Grandmaster.

X-Men: Apocalypse- History of Apocalypse Featurette 

X-Men: Apocalypse is an upcoming 2016 American superhero film based on the X-Men characters that appear in Marvel Comics. It is intended to be the sequel to 2014’s X-Men: Days of Future Past and the ninth installment in the X-Men film series. Directed by Bryan Singer, with a screenplay by Simon Kinberg from a story conceived by Singer, Kinberg, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris, the film features an ensemble cast starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn and Lucas Till. In X-Men: Apocalypse, ancient mutant Apocalypse awakens and plans to take over the world.

Daredevil vs. Elektra 

When Matt Murdock was a kid, he lost his sight in a accident involving a truck carrying radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with an amazing 360-radar sense. Now Matt uses his abilities to fight for his city. 
In the months since his return to New York, the former defense attorney has not only become a prosecutor for the city of New York, he’s also somehow managed to regain his secret identity and erase any prior public knowledge that he is in fact Daredevil. 

With a new lease on life – and the help of his protégé Blindspot – the Man Without Fear now protects his city with complete autonomy. And while everything seems to be going well, the past has a way of catching up. 

From: Daredevil #6 (2016)

Iron Man vs. Captain America (Civil War)

After Stamford, Connecticut is destroyed during a televised fight between the New Warriors and a group of dangerous villains, public sentiment turns against super heroes.

Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, is attacked outside a night club and beaten into a coma. Advocates call for reform, and a Superhuman Registration Act is debated, which would require all those possessing paranormal abilities to register with the government, divulge their true identities to the authorities and submit to training and sanctioning in the manner of federal agents.

One week later, the Act is passed. Any person with superhuman powers who refuses to register is now a criminal. Some heroes, such as Iron Man, see this a natural evolution of the role of super humans in society, and a reasonable request. Others view the Act as an assault on their civil liberties. After being called to hunt down heroes in defiance of the Registration Act, Captain America goes underground and begins to form a resistance movement.

The Amazing Spider-Man, who has allied himself with Iron Man and the pro-registration side, not only registers, but also unmasks as Peter Parker in front of the media.

Following a report of an explosion at the Geffen-Meyer Chemical Plant, Captain America and his resistance force arrive on the scene to aid in the rescue of the plant workers only find themselves in the middle of an Iron Man led – S.H.I.E.L.D. ambush.


Captain America vs Iron Man: The Final Battle (Civil War)

A Superhuman Registration Act has been passed which requires all individuals possessing paranormal abilities to register with the government. Those who do not register are considered criminals. Some heroes, such as Iron Man, see this as a natural evolution of the role of super-humans in society and a reasonable request. But Captain America has gathered an underground resistance movement against the new law.


As conflicts rage and tensions rise, heroes on both sides change their allegiances, switching between the pro- and anti-registration camps. Finally, the resistance mounts an attack on the pro-registration faction’s holding facility in the Negative Zone. But Iron Man and his forces are lying in ambush.


The battle is joined when Captain America and his team, with the aid of Namor the Submariner; King of Atlantis and his countrymen begin to beat back and his team. Captain America gains the upper hand and something unexpected happens…


From: Civil War #7 (2009)

Spider-Woman chooses a side (Civil War)

A Superhuman Registration Act has been passed which requires all people possessing paranormal abilities to register with the government, divulging true identities to the authorities and submitting to training and sanctioning in the manner of federal agents.  Those who do not register are considered criminals.  Some heroes, such as Iron Man, see this as a natural evolution of the role of superhumans in society and a reasonable request.  Others view the act as an assault on their civil liberties.  After being called upon to hunt down heroes in defiance of the Registration Act, Captain America goes underground and begins to form a resistance movement.

With the current Avengers team in disarray, Spider-Woman finds herself alone.  She is a double agent, working for both the terrorist group Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., the world’s peacekeeping taskforce.  Now, with the superhuman landscape shifting beneath her feet, Jessica Drew must decide on which side she falls.





From: New Avengers #23 (2006)

Punisher vs. Stilt-Man (Civil War)

punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war

From: Punisher War Journal #1 (2006)