The Mandalorian Episode 2 Review: The Child

Episode 2 picks up right after Episode 1 ends. I guess its not a spoiler anymore that Mandy’s bounty target is a baby Yoda! Not THE actual Yoda, but whatever Yoda’s species is called. George Lucas always called him a frog and even once jokingly referred to him as “the illegitimate child of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.” No further information is provided about the species origins or home world other than physical descriptions on Wookiepedia:

Episode 2 picks up right after Episode 1 ends.  I guess its not a spoiler anymore that Mandy’s bounty target is a baby Yoda!  Not THE actual Yoda, but whatever Yoda’s species is called.  George Lucas always called him a frog and even once jokingly referred to him as “the illegitimate child of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.”  No further information is provided about the species origins or home world other than physical descriptions on Wookiepedia:

Members of the species were much shorter than an average Human, most standing below 70 centimeters, with lifespans of many hundreds of years (though their average lifespan is unknown because all known members of the species were Jedi, who generally lived longer than ordinary members of a species). Adults of the species were characterized by sharp, elfin ears, ridges on their foreheads, tridactyl hands and (most commonly) anisodactyl feet. Their leathery skin and blood were both light green. Their sharp teeth suggested a carnivorous diet. The diet of the most famous member of the species, Jedi Master Yoda, consisted of nutrient most other beings considered disgusting.

It was established in episode 1 by the bounty droid IG-11, that the bounty target was already 50 years old, but when we see the child he (or she) is the same size as a human infant.  Anyway, Mandy has captured the target and after several scenes that gave me straight up Lone Wolf and Cub vibes including a fight with several Trandoshan (i.e. Bossk) bounty hunters, he returns to his ship he notices that it is being stripped by Jawas.

Lone Wolf and Cub in space…. I like that.

The rest of the half hour episode (Really? Only a half hour?)  Mandy is fighting and later hilariously negotiating with Jawas to get his weapons and missing parts of his ship back, climbing up the side of a moving Sandcrawler and fighting a Mudhorn (similar to the rhinoceros beast from the arena battle in Attack of the Clones).  The Sandcrawler scene is a throwback to the old western tv shows and movies, with a dash of Adam West Batman wall crawling, where the hero jumps from his horse to a moving stagecoach or train only to get tossed over the side once he makes it to the top.

After that exercise in futility, Kuiil and Mandy negotiate for his missing items.  The Jawas tell him to get “the egg” from the lair of a Mudhorn, which of course he unhappily obliges.  In the final stage of the battle with the Mudhorn, Mandy is miraculously saved by baby Yoda who uses the force to levitate the beast to allow the fatal blow to be struck, thus proving that Yoda’s species is indeed strong with The Force from a very young age.

If I can talk about the Mudhorn and baby Yoda really quick… The monster is completely digital; however, baby Yoda seems to be a combination of both CGI and puppetry.  At least I think so.  Sometimes the child looks well rendered with tiny grey hairs on his head slightly moving in the breeze and his little mouth curling over tiny teeth and other times it straight up looks like a hand puppet operated by a kindergarten student in a school play. A little strange if you ask me and at times not well done.  

Another complaint that I didn’t address in my review of episode 1 is how flatly Pedro Pascal delivers his lines as The Mandalorian.  I realize that in general Mandalorians don’t speak very much, but I would hope that your lead character at least does something to make what little dialogue he has somewhat memorable.  Nick Nolte as Kuiil is far more interesting to listen to and spices it up a bit with his, “I have spoken.” This I remember.  After watching I can’t easily recall one line of dialogue uttered by what should always be the coolest character on the screen.

The episode ends with a touching scene with Kuiil where Mandy thanks him for negotiating with the Jawas and helping to repair his ship before taking off into space to return the child and retrieve his fortune.  Since Mandy doesn’t really let us viewers in on what he’s thinking were left to suppose that he has formed a bond with the child and won’t be too eager to hand him over.  At least not without asking some questions first.  I’m willing to bet that is what the rest of the season will be about: Mandy not handing over the child and now he is the one who is hunted by all the colorful bounty hunters the galaxy has to offer.

It was a solid episode for what it was, but to me the biggest missed opportunity at the end of the show is not having a preview to what comes next.  I guess I’m conditioned for that but not having that small inkling of what happening next and how the story is progressing makes each episode feel like they take place in a void.  You may or may not agree, just something to think about.

I give The Mandalorian Episode 2: The Child a: B-

What did you think of episode 2?  What do you think will happen next? Is the Mandalorian hitting you right in the Star Wars feels? 

Comment below and let me know!

The Mandalorian Q&A

Last night a cast and creative teamQ&A took place for the Disney+ live action Star Wars show, The Mandalorian. Headed up by Kathleen Kennedy, the event was broadcast live on the service and Twitter. Here is the replay along with cast and crew pictures live from the red carpet.

Last night a cast and creative teamQ&A took place for the Disney+ live action Star Wars show, The Mandalorian. Headed up by Kathleen Kennedy, the event was broadcast live on the service and Twitter. Here is the replay along with cast and crew pictures live from the red carpet.

The Mandalorian Episode 1 Review

After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. The series depicts a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.

The Mandalorian is currently streaming on Disney+.

After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. The series depicts a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.

— Jon Favreau

This is the Star Wars that I’ve wanted for a while now.  The Mandalorian is a well-deserved respite from The Jedi and The Sith, Kessel runs and trench runs, lightsabers and force lightning and the ultimate battle of good versus evil.  The Mandalorian is, in the words of Jango Fett, “Just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.”  It’s a story about what happens after.  Five years after the collapse of the Empire, empire credits aren’t worth a damn on backwater planets, people are out of work and hives of scum and villainy are all over the place.

Enter The Mandalorian, a lone gunfighter/bounty hunter going about his way collecting bounties, just making ends meet until he is given an off the books, high paying bounty by Greef Karga played by Carl Weathers, who really isn’t given enough shine in the 39 minute runtime.  Greef is the leader of the bounty hunter guild who gives ol Mandy a high value target to recover (recover alive specifically) at the behest of his deep pocketed client played by Warner Herzog. 

The client is hold over from the Empire days.  Complete with his gigantic empire chain and dusty Stormtrooper bodyguards who look ragged and like they have missed a few meals. The client is willing to pay in Beskar. He gives Mandy an ingot of Beskar and tells him he has a cargo hold full of the stuff as payment for completing the bounty.

I wasn’t familiar with Beskar, so I looked it up on Wookiepedia and learned that:

“Beskar is also known as Mandalorian iron.  It was an alloy used in Mandalorian armor, notable for its high tolerance to extreme forms of damage. The metal was durable enough to withstand a direct blaster shot and could potentially withstand the slash or glancing blow of a lightsaber, though could be penetrated with a direct stab. The metal could also be reforged to any warriors liking.”

Read more about Beskar here:

After leaving The Client, we see ol’ Mandy head to his local hideout where he takes his Beskar and has it reforged into a shoulder pauldron by another Mandalorian. A pauldron is a component of plate armor which cover the shoulder area.

Here is where I feel like the show misses a key moment in storytelling.  At this point the show should try to give us some idea of what the Mandalorians purpose is within the show.  What is he seeking? Why are we watching?  What are his goals?  Is he looking to forge a complete set of armor made from Beskar?  Who knows.  We see the other Mandalorian blacksmith pound the pauldron into shape and each ring of the hammer triggers a flashback of Mandy being violently separated from his parents as a child. The history and mythos of The Mandalorians could and should have been fleshed out a bit more here. 

A representation of subtle differences in Mandalorian armors. Usually all very similar.

Again, from Wookiepedia:

“Mandalorians were a predominantly human ethnolinguistic cultural group who originated on the planet Mandalore. Mandalorians had a particularly unique role in galactic history as legendary warriors against the Jedi and could be commonly found not only on the Mandalorian homeworld and its moon, Concordia, but across Mandalorian Space and the galaxy at large on worlds such as Kalevala, Krownest, and Concord Dawn.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: War “A Jedi Caught in the MANDALORIAN WARS! #1 (January 11th, 2012)

Originating from the planet Mandalore in the Outer Rim, the Mandalorians’ history was one of warriors who would become feared throughout the galaxy, gaining a reputation as mercenaries and bounty hunters. They were also known to ride Mythosaurs. (which is actually referenced in the show) Even prior to the formation of the Old Republic, war dominated their way of life.

Mandalore had a largely martial history, but by the time of the Clone Wars the pacifist and reformist New Mandalorian political faction controlled Mandalore’s government, led by Duchess Satine Kryze. This led to internal conflict with other Mandalorian groups like Death Watch, who wanted to maintain the warrior ways of their Mandalorian heritage.

This life of war eventually turned to dreams of expansion, and a group of Mandalorian warriors known as the crusaders began waging war against other people to conquer their worlds. Armor-clad and wielding swords, the crusaders lay waste to many worlds during their wars. The crusaders conquered several worlds and systems beyond their own, among them the planets of Krownest and Concord Dawn. This world bore the scars of a hundred wars, as almost a third of its planetary mass was fractured and reduced to space rubble. These early conquests remained part of the Mandalore sector during the later years of the Galactic Republic and into the reign of the Galactic Empire.”

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: War “ONWARD MANDALORIAN KNIGHTS!” #2 (January 11th, 2012)

Once completed with his shiny new shoulder guard (which hilariously doesn’t match anything else he’s wearing) Mandy trots off to the desert planet Arvala-7 to learn to ride a Blurrg (think: a much smaller Dewback), chat with the local moisture farmer voiced by Nick Nolte and collect his bounty target.

Upon reaching the bandit hideout (at this point, I was getting some serious The Outer Worlds vibes) he finds that another bounty hunter from the guild has already shown up, IG-11!

IG-11 is almost indistinguishable from the classic IG-88 from Empire.  He’s voiced by Taika Watiti (Thor Ragnarok and Thor: Blood and Thunder) and in my opinion steals the show. He’s funny, irreverent, insanely deadly and is always trying to blow himself up when cornered.

I’ll leave it there to avoid spoilers for the end of the show, but to sum it all up The Mandalorian is a good show for Disney+ first foray into additional Star Wars content. The cliff hanger for episode 1 has to be seen to be believed.  It’s incredible and I’m hooked for the next one.

 I just wished they would have fleshed out Mandy’s motivation for bounty hunting and maybe delve deeper into the history of Mandalorians.  But this is just the first episode.  The next episode comes out Friday November 15th.  (See below for the rest of the release schedule) There are a total of 8 episodes and judging by the strength of the ending for episode 1, it’s going to be a wild ride.

Mandalorian Release Schedule

  • Episode 1 – Tuesday, November 12
  • Episode 2 – Friday, November 15
  • Episode 3 – Friday, November 22
  • Episode 4 – Friday, November 29
  • Episode 5 – Friday, December 6
  • Episode 6 – Friday, December 13
  • Episode 7 – Wednesday, December 18
  • Episode 8 – Friday, December 27

All of the Star Wars live action movie digital release posters in chronological order. (and Rise of the Skywalker)

The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
Solo – A Star Wars Story
Rogue One
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
The Rise of Skywalker

New Rise of Skywalker poster!

Star Wars Episode XI The Rise Of Skywalker movie poster

Star Wars: Episode 9 – Rise of Skywalker Trailer

I love Star Wars so much, but I really hated The Last Jedi. Let’s bring in home with a fantastic ending JJ.

That’s all.

People are meme’ing the hell out of the Solo teaser posters… and it’s awesome.

People are meme’ing the hell out of the Solo teaser posters… and it’s awesome. #solo #starwars

Duel With A Dark Lady – Star Wars #96 (1985)

Duel With A Dark Lady – Star Wars #96 (1985) – Classic Star Wars Comics #starwars #HanSolo

Luke vs. Lumiya part 1

Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer #1 (and teaser posters)

#HanSolo #starwars #movie #trailer

So the full trailer is out now? What do you think?

Yay? 👍🏾

Nay? 👎🏾

Solo: A Star Wars Story, or simply Solo, is an upcoming American space Western film centered on Han Solo, a character from the Star Wars franchise. The film is being produced by Lucasfilm from a screenplay by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan, and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film will be the second Star Wars anthology film, following the 2016 film Rogue One. A stand-alone installment, set prior to the events of the original 1977 film, it explores the adventures of a young Han Solo and Chewbacca, including meeting Lando Calrissian. The film stars Alden Ehrenreich as Solo, alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, and Paul Bettany.

Solo – A Star Wars Story teaser trailer

Full trailer tomorrow! What did you guys think? 🤔 💭

Do you think it looks good? Comment below!

Solo a Star Wars Story movie

Solo: A Star Wars Story, or simply Solo, is an upcoming American space Western film centered on Han Solo, a character from the Star Wars franchise. The film is being produced by Lucasfilm from a screenplay by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan, and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film will be the second Star Wars anthology film, following the 2016 film Rogue One. A stand-alone installment, set prior to the events of the original 1977 film, it explores the adventures of a young Han Solo and Chewbacca, including meeting Lando Calrissian. The film stars Alden Ehrenreich as Solo, alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, and Paul Bettany.

Star Wars: Rouge One (final trailer)


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is an upcoming American epic space opera film directed by Gareth Edwards and written by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy, from a story idea by visual effects supervisor John Knoll.

It will be the first stand-alone Star Wars Anthology film. Set in the Star Wars universe some time after the events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and shortly before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, the story will center on a group of Rebel spies on a mission to steal the plans for the Galactic Empire’s new weapon, the Death Star. It will star Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Riz Ahmed, Jiang Wen and Forest Whitaker.

The film is produced by Lucasfilm and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Principal photography began at Elstree Studios, near London during early August 2015. Rogue One will be released on December 16, 2016.

This is how I feel about this trailer…

Rouge One: A Star Wars Story (official teaser trailer #1)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, or simply Rogue One, is an upcoming American epic space opera film directed by Gareth Edwards and written by Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz, from an idea by visual effects supervisor John Knoll.
It will be the first Star Wars Anthology film, a stand-alone story set in the Star Wars universe, and will star Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Neil Breen and Alan Tudyk.
Set shortly before the events of A New Hope, the story will center on a group of Rebel spies on a mission to steal the plans for the Galactic Empire’s new weapon, the Death Star.

The film is produced by Lucasfilm and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Principal photography began at Elstree Studios, near London during early August 2015. Rogue One will be released on December 16, 2016.

Obi-Wan Kenobi destroys an airship

Obi-Wan & Anakin 002-003 Obi-Wan & Anakin 002-004 Obi-Wan & Anakin 002-005 Obi-Wan & Anakin 002-006

Can Darth Vader dance?

The world will never know…
From: Darth Vader Annual #1

Luke meets Shara Bey

 Star Wars Marvel Comic luke skywalker  
Star Wars Marvel Comic luke skywalker 
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #4

Star Wars: The Force Awakens MNF Trailer

What do you think?  Leave your comments below!

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS – 4 Sneak Peak trailers!

Official Star Wars The Force Awakens movie poster

Star Wars The Force Awakens movie poster

December 18th, 2015

STAR WARS – THE AURALNAUTS – Why didn’t anybody tell me about these?

I seriously can’t breathe from laughing so damn hard….

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ – Behind the Scenes Video From Annie Leibovitz’s Vanity Fair Cover Shoot

We Geek Girls

Star Wars_The Force Awakens_Vanity Fair_BTSGo behind-the-scenes of Annie Leibovitz’s Vanity Fair cover shoot with the cast of J.J. Abrams’ ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens.’ The video confirms that Adam Driver is playing Kylo Ren. We also see Lupita Nyong’o playing a motion capture character. 

Abrams revealed to Vanity Fair that he thought about killing off Jar Jar Binks. “I have a thought about putting Jar Jar Binks’s bones in the desert there. I’m serious! Only three people will notice, but they’ll love it.”

Vanity Fair’s contributing editor Bruce Handy saw some new footage from the movie, including a scene in which a Jawa-like creature popped out of the desert. Abrams called it “a classic, old-school seesaw puppet. We just buried it in the sand, and Neal Scanlan, the creature guy, pushed down on one side and the thing came up on the other side. It’s so old-school and crazy. We could improve this thing, but at some point do we…

View original post 76 more words

Star Wars Graces Vanity Fair Cover

Throwback Thursday: Remembering ‘Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back’ 35 years later

Star Wars Celebration images: The Force is strong with convention-goers in Anaheim

Photos From The ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Panel

Watch Star Wars Celebration Anaheim Live On

Watching right now!


For the first time ever, highlights and more than 30 hours of exclusive video content from Star Wars Celebration Anaheim will be officially live streamed to a worldwide community of fans on, all powered by Verizon.

Launching with a live stream of the highly-anticipated kickoff panel featuring Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy, the Celebration live stream powered by Verizon will continue providing coverage throughout the four-day event from a specially-designed Star Wars Cantina set located in the middle of the action on the convention floor.

Verizon and will deliver 30-plus hours of live streamed content following Thursday’s Celebration kickoff, featuring over a dozen panels and events, including discussions with actors Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, Ian McDiarmid, and several other performers associated with the Star Wars saga. Additionally, and Verizon will be live streaming the…

View original post 182 more words


New Still Images from The Force Awakens

star wars the force awakens Continue reading “A bunch of stills from the STAR WARS FORCE AWAKENS OFFICIAL TRAILER #2”


Comics: DARTH VADER #4 Preview

We Geek Girls

Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Salvador Larroca
Published by Marvel Comics
Release Date: April 8, 2015

• Revenge of the Battle Droids???
• Vader returns to Geonosis to build his army!
• The Dark Lord’s ascension continues!


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