Elektra vs. Iron Fist

Elektra vs. Iron Fist 🤛🏻 #ironfist #marvel #defenders

From: Defenders #7

Black Panther vs. Red Skull

I’m going to break your jaw.

From: Avengers #484 (Red Zone part 4 of 5)

The Red Skull has infiltrated the US Government and released a biological weapon in the form of a red mist at the base of Mount Rushmore. As the mist encroaches into nearby populated areas it kills everyone in its path and it’s up to the Avengers to stop him!

It’s a fairly basic story, bad guy intent on mass murder and the good guys have to stop him. It’s a good read with the highlight of Black Panther laying some serious smack down by brutally beating down the Skull and viciously breaking his jaw.

Supergirl vs. Reign

From: Supergirl #5, 2012

Wonder Woman vs. Superman

Can Galactus Eat Ego The Living Planet?

Galactus travels through space…

The world devourer pauses when he detects the thoughts of a powerful creature and decides to seek out its source as his hunger is mounting once more. Taking a smaller craft, Galactus flies into the Black Galaxy and finds himself before Ego the Living Planet.

While aboard the Rigellian flagship, Thor meets with the Rigellian commander and the Recorder to determine their plan of attack against Galactus. With their course set, Thor and the Recorder travel off in a ship to confront Galactus himself. The Recorder detects that Galactus is within the Black Galaxy and the two speed off to meet their foe there. They are spied by a group called the Wanderers, a group of aliens that have survived the destruction of their worlds at the hands of Galactus and seek revenge against the world destroyer and they decide to follow after Thor and the Recorder.

Finally, back in the Black Galaxy, Galactus and Ego boast about their mutual power and Galactus demands to consume Ego’s energies. Ego tries to stop this by unleashing a furious blast at Galactus, the force of which reaches Thor and the Recorder’s ship destroying it and seemingly killing its passengers.



The Mighty Thor vs. Ego The Living Planet!

ego the living planet

Thor and the Rigellian Recorder have traveled into the “Bio-Verse” where they meet Ego the Living Planet. Wanting to have a dialogue with with the two visitors, Ego changes his environment to one that the two visitors find familiar, and creating a Asgardian themed Avatar to show them around, as well as give them a show of his vast powers.

Ego explains to Thor that he intends to beat Thor in combat, rationalizing if he can defeat the Thunder God, then nothing can stop him from taking over the world. Dissolving his avatar, Ego forms an army of anti-bodies to battle Thor and the Recorder. Forced with fighting these mindless drones and deal with Ego constantly shifting the planets shape. Fighting off the anti-bodies, Thor and the Recorder are then sucked into the arterized tunnels of Ego’s being.


From: Thor #133, October, 1996

Daredevil kills Bullseye (Shadowland)

They are called The Hand – An organization of ninjas, thieves and assassins.  Originally banding together 800 years ago to fight off the oppressive system of feudal Japan, The Hand turned to corruption and darkness when the mutinous Snakeroot Clan seized power.

Over the years, they’ve come into conflict with many super humans – Spider-Man, The Avengers and the X-Men to name a few – but none of the feuds compared to their war with Daredevil.  Matt Murdock’s ties to The Hand run deep; his mentor, Stick, died trying to destroy The Hand, and his former lover, Elektra, served The Had as an assassin for many years, nearly losing her soul in the process.

So when The Hand sought Daredevil out to become their new leader, he was understandably confused. He initially rejected their offer, but eventually consented, plotting to use the organization as a force for good When his arch-enemy Bullseye destroyed a city block – and killed 107 people in the process – Daredevil resolved to turn The Hand into an army of protectors.

Over the ensuing months, they’ve confronted crime and corruption on the streets of New York – with brutal force. As Daredevil’s power within the group has grown, so has his willingness to push the limits in order to keep the peace.  He sought to change The Hand but it appears The Hand has changed him.



From: Daredevil Shadowland (2010)

Batwoman vs. Knife (Batwoman #2)

Nightwing vs. Deathwing (Nightwing #19)


From: Nightwing #19 (2017)

Batman 🦇 vs. the Reverse Flash⚡️⚡️⚡️ (Batman #21)

Batman 021-008_009Batman 021-010Batman 021-011Batman 021-012Batman 021-013

Batman 021-014Batman 021-015Batman 021-016Batman 021-017

Batman #21 (2017) ~ The Button pt. 1

Script: Tom King

Pencils & Inks: Jason Fabok

Colors: Brad Anderson

Letters: Deron Bennett

Associate Editor: Rebecca Taylor

Editor: Mark Doyle

The Mighty Thor vs. Hela 2


From: The Mighty Thor #354 v.1 (1985)

The Mighty Thor vs Hela


From: The Mighty Thor #190 v.1 (1971)

The Unworthy Thor vs. Black Swan, Proxima Midnight and The Collector (The Unworthy Thor)

Ahh it feels good to be posting about The Odinson once again. Thor and Beta Ray Bill are my two favorite characters in the Marvel Universe and I’m glad they are reunited in The Unworthy Thor. For those who haven’t been following, The Unworthy Thor picks up after the death of The Watcher and the events of Secret Wars 3. Thor was rendered “unworthy” by a yet-still-undisclosed whisper from Nick Fury. Thor dropped the mystic hammer Mjolnir on the Moon and was unable to pick it up. However Jane Foster, who was dying from cancer, was able to pick up the sacred weapon thus becoming the female version of The Mighty Thor. Battling with his axe Jarnbjorn and trusty war-goats Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder against the rock troll Ulik on the moon, the Odinson receives a tip from a mysterious stranger known as The Unseen that “another” Mjolnir is present in this dimension.

This run marks the return of Olivier Coipel to the series who in my opinion is one of the best artists working today and my favorite Thor artist since Walt Simonson. If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and pick up his run of Thor (2010) with writer J. Michael Stracznski. (and Spider-Verse, and AvX) The writer is Jason Aaron who wrote, X-Men Schism, Avengers vs. X-Men (Co-written with Brian Michael Bendis) and one of my all-time favorite Wolverine one-shots; The Man in the Pit. The Unworthy Thor is definitely worth your time.

The Story so far…

On the day Thor Odinson learned a long-kept secret stolen from The Watcher, he dropped the mystic hammer Mjolnir to the surface of the moon. Try as he might, Thor could not lift his once-faithful weapon. Unable to possess the power of his birthright, the thunder god relinquished the name of Thor and now simply calls himself Odinson. Now he searches for redemption, but until he finds it, he will remain….

The Unworthy Thor

When the being known as The Unseen alerted him to the existence of another hammer on old Asgard, Odinson raced to the ruins of his former home, but found the entire realm missing. Fortunately his old friend, Beta Ray Bill knew who had stolen it: The Collector. Outmatched, the pair were captured and imprisoned.

But The Collector isn’t the only one after the hammer. Aided by a mysterious ally, the imprisoned Thanos unleashed his lackeys – Black Swan and Proxima Midnight – on The Collectors ship. Meanwhile, Odinson and Beta Ray Bill broke out and freed the murderous Hel-Hound Thori and Odinson’s trusty steed Toothgnasher.

After mistakenly targeting Stormbreaker, Beta Ray Bill’s hammer, Thanos’ servants confronted The Collector and battled for the possession of the Ultimate Thor’s hammer. But Odinson and his friends are coming for them…


From: The Unworthy Thor #4


The Unworthy Thor vs. Beta Ray Bill (The Unworthy Thor)


From: The Unworthy Thor #3

Captain Marvel vs. Iron Man (Civil War II)


From: Civil War II #8

Medusa vs. Emma Frost 💎 (Inhumans vs. X-Men)


From: Inhumans vs. X-Men #5

Medusa vs. Beast (Inhumans vs. X-Men)


From: Inhumans vs. X-Men #2

Emma Frost 💎and Dazzler ✨ vs. Black Bolt ⚡️



From: Inhumans vs. X-Men #1

Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike


From: Uncanny X-Force 5.1

Wolverine and Domino vs. Bushwacker (X-Force: Sex & Violence)

X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence

X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence X-Force Sex and Violence

From: X-Force Sex and Violence

Luke Cage vs. Willis Stryker (aka Diamondback)

Willis Stryker and Carl Lucas grew up best friends, joining the local street gang, the Bloods, together, and eventually becoming its leaders. Fights against rival gangs such as the Diablos honed Willis’ knife-fighting skills. Lucas eventually quit the gangs, but Willis’ involvement deepened, and he tried to cut into the Syndicate’s territory.

Then both men became rivals for the affections of Lucas’ work colleague Reva Connors. At first Willis’ money impressed Reva, but witnessing Syndicate heavies ambush Willis demonstrated to her his lifestyle’s brutality. Reva fled for help, returning with Lucas in time to save Willis’ life. Despite this, an enraged Willis blamed Lucas when Reva dumped him.

Willis stole two kilos of uncut heroin from his rival Cornell Cottonmouth’s gang, and used it to frame Lucas, who was imprisoned, allowing Willis to move in on Reva, falsely promising to help prove Lucas’ innocence. She was in Willis’ car when it was forced off the road in retaliation for the theft; he survived, but she did not.

Over the next few years Willis won his place in the Syndicate, known as Diamondback, because of his speed with his blades. However Lucas gained superpowers and escaped prison; as “Luke Cage”, he returned to New York, and targeted Willis’ gang. Warned the Syndicate would drop him if he didn’t deal with Cage, Willis lured Cage into an ambush…

luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback

Some time later…

luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback luke cage diamondback


From: Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #2 (1972)

Artist: George Tsuka

Writer: Archie Goodwin

Inker: Billy Graham

Editor: Stan Lee

Iron Fist vs. The X-Men

Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men

From: Iron Fist #15, 1977

Writer: Chris Claremont

Artist: John Byrne

Inker: Dan Green

Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth (Iron Fist #14, 1977)

Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth


From: Iron Fist #14 (1977)

Writer: Chris Claremont

Artist: John Byrne

Inker: Dan Green


Captain America (Sam Wilson) vs. U.S. Agent (Sam Wilson, Captain America #13, 2016 ~ Civil War II)

captain america vs. US Agent


The character John Walker was first introduced as the super villain Super-Patriot in Captain America #323. Mark Gruenwald created Walker to counter the general message in Captain America of patriotism being invariably good, describing him as someone who embodied patriotism in a way that Captain America didn’t—a patriotic villain.

After a return appearance in Captain America #327, Gruenwald reintroduced him as the new Captain America in issue #333. Though Gruenwald said he would not have done this if it had not been a logical development from the preceding storylines, he also openly acknowledged that the motivating reason for replacing Steve Rogers as Captain America was to boost sales:

John Walker’s installation as Captain America indeed provided a major boost to the series’s sales  and he remained the main character of Captain America for issues 333 through 350, during which his character generally becomes more heroic.  In Captain America #354 he is given another name and costume change, this time as U.S. Agent using a discarded costume of Steve Rogers (the original Captain America), a black outfit with a different alignment of the stars and stripes to differentiate it from Steve Rogers’ suit.

Like some West Coast Avengers teammates who had their own series (such as Iron Man, or Hawkeye in Solo Avengers), the character U.S. Agent was popular enough to earn his own limited series in 1993. The mini-series was used to finish off a long-standing Marvel Universe plot thread involving the Scourge of the Underworld.


John Walker was born in the fictional town of Custer’s Grove, Georgia. He grew up idolizing his older brother, Mike, a helicopter pilot who died in the Vietnam War.  John  wanted to honor his brother’s memory by enlisting in the military, becoming a soldier himself.

After John received an honorable discharge from the United States Army, he was told by a friend about the Power Broker, a mysterious individual who gave people superhuman abilities.  Walker and his friend received treatments that granted him superhuman abilities…

captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent


captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent


captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent captain america vs. us agent



Sam Wilson – Captain America #13 (2016)

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Daniel Acuna

Letters: VC’s Joe Caramagna



Batman vs. Deathstroke (Deathstroke #5, 2015)

Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


Batman fights Deathstroke Ben Affleck Batflek


From Deathstroke #5, 2015 “Battle Royale”

Writer: Tony S. Daniel

Artist: Tony S. Daniel

Inker: Sandu Florea

War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II


From: Civil War II (Free Comic Book Day, May 2007)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Jim Cheung

Colorist:  Justin Ponsor


Superman vs. Lobo

Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo



Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo


Superman vs. Lobo

From:  Superman: American Alien #7 (2016)

Writer – Max Landis

Artist – Jock

Colorist – Lee Loughridge

Superman and Wonder Woman vs. Solar Superman (The Final Days of Superman)

superman wonder woman the final days of superman

superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


superman wonder woman the final days of superman


Continued here…

From: Superman/Wonder Woman Part #7; Part 7 Fire Line (2016)

Writer –  Peter J. Tomasi

Artist – Jorge Jimenez

Colorist – Alejandro Sanchez



Elektra tells Daredevil about her daughter.

When Matt Murdock was a kid, he lost his sight in an accident involving a truck carrying radioactive chemicals.  Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with a 360-radar sense.  Now Matt uses his abilities to fight for his city.  He is the MAN WITHOUT FEAR.  He is Daredevil.

In the months since his return to New York, former defense attorney Matt Murdock has not only become a prosecutor for the city of New York, he’s also somehow managed to hide his dual identity and erase any prior public knowledge that he is in fact, Daredevil.


But when Murdock’s past paramour, the deadly assassin Elektra, showed up in Hell’s Kitchen with a score to settle, the Man Without Fear was forced to face the true cost of regaining his secret identity…

Writer – Charles Soule

Artist – Matteo Buffgani

Color Artist -Matt Milla

Cover Artist – Bill Sienkiewicz














From: Daredevil #7 (2016)

Captain America vs. Baron Zemo

While fighting his way through S.H.I.E.L.D.’s reality-bending, small-town super prison, Pleasant Hill, an aged and de-powered Steve Rogers was returned to fighting form by a sentient Cosmic Cube named Kobik.  Sam Wilson, the current Captain America, offered to share the title—and with the Red Skull, Baron Zemo and Kobik at large after the collapse of Pleasant Hill, the world needs two Captain Americas more than ever…

Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA

Captain America #1 HYDRA


Captain America #1 HYDRA

Captain America is an Agent of Hydra?  I don’t think so.  Interesting to see where this story arc goes.

From: Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 (2016)

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Jesus Saiz



Old Man Logan vs. Bonebreaker

Old man Logan

Old man Logan


Old man Logan


Old man Logan

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Sentry (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk vs The Sentry


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (2) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (3)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (4)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (5)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (6) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (7)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (8)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (9)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (10)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (11)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (12)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (13)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (14)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (15)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (16)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (17)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (18)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (19)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (20)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Invincible Iron Man (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Juggernaut (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. Hercules (World War Hulk)

world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules


From:  The Incredible Hulk v. 3 #107

The Incredible Hulk vs. Doctor Strange part 2 (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange

The Incredible Hulk vs. X-Factor (World War Hulk)

world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor

The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverine (World War Hulk)

wolverine hulk world war hulk


wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut

The Incredible Hulk vs. The X-Men (World War Hulk)














world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men

The Incredible Hulk vs. Dr. Strange (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. Mr. Fantastic (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. The Human Torch, Storm and The Thing (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. She-Hulk (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

From: World War Hulk

Batman vs. The Shredder

Batman vs Shredder

Batman vs Shredder

Batman vs Shredder


From: Batman & The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Batman vs. Crypsis

Batman vs. Crypsis

Batman vs. Crypsis

Batman vs. Crypsis


Batman vs. Crypsis


Batman vs. Crypsis Batman vs. Crypsis

From: Batman #52 (2016)

Thor vs. Gwenpool?

Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool


Jane Foster Gwenpool

From: The Unbelievable Gwenpool #2 (2016)

Iron Man vs. The Living Laser part 2

Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man 263 Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser Iron Man vs. Living Laser

From: Iron Man vol. 1 #263 (1990)

Iron Man vs. The Living Laser part 1

Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser Iron Man fights Living Laser

From: Iron Man Vol. 1 #260 (1990)

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes vs. The Living Laser & The Corruptor!

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes

The Avengers are on the run! Until they can be sure who’s on their side, Spider-Man, Captain America, Luke Cage, Ronin, Mockingbird, Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) are using Captain America’s hideout in Brooklyn as a safe house.  In the post-Civil War days, the Superhuman Registration Act is still in effect and they are collectively trying to keep the values of the Avengers name alive even though they are living on the wrong side of the law.

After scoring the final kill shot that was broadcast around the world during the climax of the Skrull Secret Invasion, Norman Osborn has become a media darling and director of H.A.M.M.E.R., the national peacekeeping task-force, which includes his own team of Dark Avengers.

The Hood, now in possession of the powerful Asgardian Norn Stones, thanks to Loki, has made a pact with Osborn to have his syndicate of criminals hunt down the elusive Avengers.

Meanwhile, Osborn prepares his forces for the invasion of Asgard, which is now located hovering above the plains of Broxton, Oklahoma.

From: New Avengers #61 (Siege Tie-In)

The Invincible Iron Man vs. The Adaptoid!

From: The Invincible Iron Man #49 (1972)

The Invincible Iron Man vs. Dr. Spectrum

From: The Invicible Iron Man #66 (1974)

Daredevil vs. Elektra 

When Matt Murdock was a kid, he lost his sight in a accident involving a truck carrying radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with an amazing 360-radar sense. Now Matt uses his abilities to fight for his city. 
In the months since his return to New York, the former defense attorney has not only become a prosecutor for the city of New York, he’s also somehow managed to regain his secret identity and erase any prior public knowledge that he is in fact Daredevil. 

With a new lease on life – and the help of his protégé Blindspot – the Man Without Fear now protects his city with complete autonomy. And while everything seems to be going well, the past has a way of catching up. 

From: Daredevil #6 (2016)

Iron Man vs. Captain America (Civil War)

After Stamford, Connecticut is destroyed during a televised fight between the New Warriors and a group of dangerous villains, public sentiment turns against super heroes.

Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, is attacked outside a night club and beaten into a coma. Advocates call for reform, and a Superhuman Registration Act is debated, which would require all those possessing paranormal abilities to register with the government, divulge their true identities to the authorities and submit to training and sanctioning in the manner of federal agents.

One week later, the Act is passed. Any person with superhuman powers who refuses to register is now a criminal. Some heroes, such as Iron Man, see this a natural evolution of the role of super humans in society, and a reasonable request. Others view the Act as an assault on their civil liberties. After being called to hunt down heroes in defiance of the Registration Act, Captain America goes underground and begins to form a resistance movement.

The Amazing Spider-Man, who has allied himself with Iron Man and the pro-registration side, not only registers, but also unmasks as Peter Parker in front of the media.

Following a report of an explosion at the Geffen-Meyer Chemical Plant, Captain America and his resistance force arrive on the scene to aid in the rescue of the plant workers only find themselves in the middle of an Iron Man led – S.H.I.E.L.D. ambush.


Captain America vs Iron Man: The Final Battle (Civil War)

A Superhuman Registration Act has been passed which requires all individuals possessing paranormal abilities to register with the government. Those who do not register are considered criminals. Some heroes, such as Iron Man, see this as a natural evolution of the role of super-humans in society and a reasonable request. But Captain America has gathered an underground resistance movement against the new law.


As conflicts rage and tensions rise, heroes on both sides change their allegiances, switching between the pro- and anti-registration camps. Finally, the resistance mounts an attack on the pro-registration faction’s holding facility in the Negative Zone. But Iron Man and his forces are lying in ambush.


The battle is joined when Captain America and his team, with the aid of Namor the Submariner; King of Atlantis and his countrymen begin to beat back and his team. Captain America gains the upper hand and something unexpected happens…


From: Civil War #7 (2009)

Punisher vs. Stilt-Man (Civil War)

punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war punisher war journal civil war

From: Punisher War Journal #1 (2006)

Carol Danvers vs. Julia Carpenter (Civil War)

After a terrible accident involving the super hero team New Warriors results in the deaths of hundreds of school-children, the long debated super hero registration act is finally made law.  Heroes must register their identities with the government and be trained as proper law enforcement officers.  Failure to register is a crime, punishable by incarceration. 

Heroes have divided into two camps – those allied with Iron Man, who supports the law and those who follow Captain America, who moved underground to fight back at a government that has turned his back on him.

Julia “Arachne” Carpenter changed sides when she was sent to hunt down her lover, Maximilian Coleridge (AKA “Shroud”).  The two of them went on the run, hunted by the United States Government.

Ms. Marvel and Simon Williams (AKA “Wonder Man”), who both side with Iron Man, captured Shroud, but Julia escaped.

In the midst of all this, Ms. Marvel has also taken on the task of mentoring Anya Corazon, the young hero known as Arana…

ms. marvel civil war ms. marvel civil war ms. marvel civil war ms. marvel civil war ms. marvel civil war ms. marvel civil war

From: Ms. Marvel #8 (2006)

The Winter Soldier vs. Black Widow – The Battle for Captain America’s Shield (Civil War Epilogue)

bucky vs. black widow bucky vs. black widow bucky vs. black widow bucky vs. black widow bucky vs. black widow bucky vs. black widow bucky vs. black widow

From: The Initiative: Captain America v.5 #27

The superhuman civil war is over and Captain America is dead. While on his way to be arraigned at a New York City courthouse; Steve Rogers was shot, and died en route to the hospital.  Witnesses to the horrific crime included former partners the Winter Soldier, Falcon and Sharon Carter, Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D.  Working behind the scenes are Cap’s old enemies, the Red Skull – secretly alive inside the body of ex-Soviet general Aleksander Lukin – Doctor Faustus, and mad scientist Arnim Zola.

After losing the man she loves, things become worse for Sharon Carter when she realizes that she has been brainwashed… and that she is the one who delivered the fatal shot that killed Steve Rogers.  Stuck in a downward emotional spiral, Sharon has quit S.H.I.E.L.D.  Meanwhile, as heroes around the country mourn the loss of Captain America and villains step up their schemes, the Winter Soldier goes off the grid, this time with a new mission: to kill Tony Stark, the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Damian Wayne vs. Donatello, Michaelangelo & Casey Jones

From: Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

Superman & Batman vs. The Four Pillars 



From: Batman/Superman #31

Captain America vs. Constrictor

Captain America vs Constrictor Captain America vs Constrictor Captain America vs Constrictor Captain America vs Constrictor Captain America vs Constrictor Captain America vs Constrictor

From: Captain America V.1 #228 (1978)

Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) vs. Rogue

carol danvers vs rouge carol danvers vs rouge carol danvers vs rouge carol danvers vs rouge carol danvers vs rouge carol danvers vs rouge magneto

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1 #269 (1990)

Lady Mandarin (Psylocke) vs. Wolverine

psylocke as lady mandarin psylocke as lady mandarin

From: Uncanny X-Men V.1 #257 (1990)

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Nimrod

uncanny x-men vs nimrod uncanny x-men vs nimrod uncanny x-men vs nimrod uncanny x-men vs nimrod uncanny x-men vs nimrod Image5

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1  #209 (1986)

Rachel Summers (with the Phoenix Force) vs. The Beyonder

beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1 #203 (1986)

The Juggernaut vs. Nimrod

juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod juggernaut vs nimrod

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1 #194 (1985)

Nimrod is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #191 (March 1985), and was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist John Romita, Jr. Hailing from the “Days of Future Past” timeline, Nimrod is a powerful, virtually indestructible descendant of the robotic mutant-hunting Sentinels. His name is derived from the Nimrod described in Genesis 10:8-9 as “a mighty hunter before the Lord.”

Nimrod is the most advanced form of Sentinel robot. Nimrod can convert his outward appearance to resemble that of an ordinary human being. Nimrod can also reconstruct himself so as to make improvements in his robotic form and internal systems that will make him a more formidable opponent. Even when smashed to pieces, Nimrod can reintegrate the portions of his body to become whole again. Apparently Nimrod’s electronic consciousness can somehow exist independently of his physical body, at least temporarily. Physically Nimrod is categorized in the “Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe” as possessing “Class 100” strength because Nimrod could engage the Juggernaut in hand-to-hand combat.

Nimrod contains highly advanced computer systems as well as scanning devices that make it possible for him to determine whether a human being is a superhuman or not; if they are, he can determine the nature of their superhuman abilities. Like present day Sentinels, Nimrod can draw upon devices and systems within his robotic body in order to cope with or neutralize an opponent’s superhuman power once he has determined the nature of that power.

Nimrod is capable of projecting energy blasts, magnetic energy to levitate material, create force fields, and can teleport. Nimrod has a weakness for elemental attacks such as lightning or extreme cold.

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1 #184 (1984)

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Mystique

mystique fights x-men

mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men mystique fights x-men

mystique fights x-men

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1  #177  (1984)

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Magneto

x-men fight magneto x-men fight magneto x-men fight magneto x-men fight magneto x-men fight magneto x-men fight magneto x-men fight magneto

From: Uncanny X-Men V.1 #112 (1978)

Incredible Hulk vs. Silver Surfer (Planet Hulk)

hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk

From: The Incredible Hulk v.3 #95

Bruce Banner has long seen his alter ego, The Incredible Hulk, as a threat to innocent life.  So when he saw the chance to use the Hulk’s strength for good, Banner accepted a mission from S.H.I.E.L.D. to destroy a rogue ssatellite.  But when the mission was complete, a group of Marvel heroes including Reed Richards, Iron Man, Dr. Strange and Black Bolt exiled Hulk from the Earth, intending to send his shuttle toward and idyllic, uninhabited planet where he would pose no threat to himself or others.

Instead, the shuttle flew off course, passing through a wormhole that deposited Hulk onto the savage planet of Sakaar.  Weakened by his trip through the portal, Hulk was sold into slavery and sent to the Great Arena to die in gladiatorial battle.

Shortly after, a group of rebels tried to free Hulk, offering him the chance to fight against the Empire.  He rejected the offer uninterested in being the  rebels pawn.  But Elloe, a warior whose father was killed during gladiator training, accepts the rebels’ offer only to be taken into custody by Death’s Head Warguards.

In the Great Arena, Hulk and his team learned that if they survived three rounds of combat, they would win their freedom.  But the Emperor broke the rules, attacking the gladiators with a Deathfire bomb and a platoon of Death’s Heads.  Hulks crew survived, except for Lavin Skee who was killed in the fray.  That night, the surviving members of the crew spoke their true names and took an oath – they are now Warbound to each other, no matter what may come.


And what’s coming is the Silver Savage…

Drax the Destroyer vaporizes Thanos with an antimatter bomb (The Thanos Imperative #3, 2010)

drax kills thanos drax kills thanos drax kills thanos drax kills thanos drax kills thanos

Thanos vs. Gamora

thanos infinity guantlet thanos infinity guantlet thanos infinity guantlet thanos infinity guantlet thanos infinity guantlet thanos infinity guantlet

Old Man Logan vs Captain America and Kate Bishop (Old Man Logan #4)



Iron Man vs. The Amazing Spider-Man (Civil War)


The Road to Civil War: Captain America vs Iron Man  Power Comparison Infographic. 

In preparation for Captain America: Civil War, I started working on this special little project. I’ve been working on this for a few days and this is my first attempt at making an infographic.  Let me know what you think in the comments below!  Was it informative? A jumbled mess? Perfect? I’d love to hear your comments.

In preparation for Captain America: Civil War, I started working on this special little project. I’ve been working on this for a few days and this is my first attempt at making an infographic.  It’s intention is to highlight Captain America’s and Iron Man’s individual strengths and weaknesses and overlay them to see what advantages they have over each other.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!  Was it informative? A jumbled mess? Perfect? Would you like to see other match-ups?  I’d love to hear your comments and I could use the practice.  Besides, it was pretty fun to make this and i’ll probably make more anyway.

Data was compiled from The Official Marvel Wiki and created with Piktochart, a free infographic creating website.

marvel comics civil war infographic

Captain America: Civil War is an upcoming American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is intended to be the sequel to 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger and 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the thirteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, with a screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, and features an ensemble cast that includes Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, William Hurt, and Daniel Brühl. In Captain America: Civil War, an act regulating superhuman activity fractures the Avengers into opposing factions, one led by Steve Rogers and another by Tony Stark.

Black Panther vs. Kraven the Hunter (Black Panther, The Man Without Fear #519)

 Matt Murdock (A.K.A. The vigilante known called Daredevil) has left the New York City neighborhood known as Hell’s Kitchen in the care of his longtime ally T’Challa, the former Black Panther and king of Wakanda. After stepping down from his rule and suffering the loss of powers once granted to him by the Panther God, T’Challa seeks to rediscover himself on the streets of Manhattan, refusing the help of his many friends and family.

Recently, T’Challa took down the rising crime lord Vlad Dinu, though many innocents on both sides were hurt in the conflict. Tying up loose ends, T’Challa now searches for his former employee Brian, who was left wandering the streets after being lobotomized and altered by a rouge super-powers experiment, unaware that the scientist involved has already hired Kraven the Hunter to find Brian first…  

Batman & Green Lantern vs. Superman


Wonder Woman vs. Ares (Wonder Woman #50)

Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares Wonder Woman fights Ares

Deathstroke vs. Red Hood

Deathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red Hood

Thor vs. Angela Queen of Hel

thor fights angela Angela - Queen of Hel (2015-) 006-011 Angela - Queen of Hel (2015-) 006-012

Batman vs. Superman (Lex Luthor Man of Steel #3)

batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel

Batman vs. Superman (The Dark Knight Strikes Again, 2001)

Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Strikes Again Frank Miller

Batman (with a Kryptonite ring) vs. Superman (Batman #612, 2003)

batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring

Batman vs. Superman (The Dark Knight Returns, 1986)

Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Batman vs. Superman The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller

Hawkeye vs. Taskmaster (The Avengers #223, 1982)

taskmaster vs. hawkeye taskmaster vs. hawkeye taskmaster vs. hawkeye

taskmaster vs. hawkeye taskmaster vs. hawkeye


Superman vs. Vandal Savage (Superman #50, plus five variant covers)


Superman #50 variant covers


Thor (Jane Foster) vs. Odin (The Mighty Thor #5, 2016)

The Mighty Thor vs Firelord (The Mighty Thor #246, 1976)


Loki kills Frejya (The Mighty Thor #5)


The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Hobgoblin (The Amazing Spider-Man #239)

The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula

The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula (Amazing Spider-Man #233)

The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Tarantula

The Amazing Spider-Man & Daredevil vs. Blackheart (Daredevil #270 1989)

Daredevil 270-010 Daredevil 270-011 Daredevil 270-012 Daredevil 270-013 Daredevil 270-014 Daredevil 270-015 Daredevil 270-016 Daredevil 270-017 Daredevil 270-018 Daredevil 270-019 Daredevil 270-020 Daredevil 270-021

From: Daredevil #270 1989

Hal Jordan vs. Parallax (Green Lantern #40)


Midnighter vs. Deadshot (Midnighter #10)


 A-Force vs. Antimatter (A-Force #3)


Spider-Man & The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Blackheart (Spider-Man #2)


From: Spider-Man #2

Uncanny X-Men vs. The Dark Riders (Uncanny X-Men#4)

From: Uncanny X-Men #4

Captain America reminds The Winter Soldier who he really is. (Cap vs. Winter Soldier)

ca-14-009 ca-14-011 ca-14-012 ca-14-013 ca-14-014 ca-14-015 ca-14-016 ca-14-017 ca-14-018 ca-14-019 ca-14-020

From: Captain America #14

Old Man Logan vs. The Totally Awesome Hulk

Old Man Logan 002-008 Old Man Logan 002-009 Old Man Logan 002-010 Old Man Logan 002-011 Old Man Logan 002-012 Old Man Logan 002-013 Old Man Logan 002-014

Daredevil vs. Mr. Fear

Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-006 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-007 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-008 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-009 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-010 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-011 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-012 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-013 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-014 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-015 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-016

From: Daredevil #105 (2008)

Daredevil vs. Elektra

Daredevil 179-015 Daredevil 179-016 Daredevil 179-017 Daredevil 179-018 Daredevil 179-019 Daredevil 179-020 Daredevil 179-021


From: Daredevil #179 (1982)