The Entire Marvel Cinematic Universe in 40 GIFS

In the most awesome displays of fandom I have ever seen Imgur user AZYD created this astounding montage of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe in .gif format.  Truly, truly, truly amazing collection here.  See the link below to the original imgur post and AZYD’s profile is here to thank him personally for these creations. via The Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline in 40 GIFs – Album on Imgur.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline in 40 GIFs
I love Marvel and gifs and (generally) so does imgur, so here we go! Btw, this gif doesn’t count since it’s not explaining anything and 41 is less fun for the title.
The timeline includes every movie and tv show up through Age of Ultron (May 2015). *SPOILER ALERT* for all the movies, but I tried to keep the tv spoilers vague.
P.S. If you like timelines and/or Doctor Who, you may want to check out River Song’s Timeline (JPEGs for all you gif-haters)

The Big Bang and the Infinity Stones

The Big Bang and the Infinity Stones
There are lots of resources out there about the Infinity Stones (or Gems). The only thing really clear in the movies is that there are six of them, formed around the time of the creation of the Universe, and each is extremely powerful.
Side note: in the comics, The Collector (shown here explaining the stones to the Guardians of the Galaxy) is an Elder of the Universe and has been alive for literally billions of years, so he actually fits at this point of the timeline too.

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