Captain Marvel official trailer!

Captain Marvel Official Trailer

Captain Marvel is scheduled to be released in the United States on March 8, 2019.

In what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

The best way would be to watch them in order of their release date. The films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have released in three phases. Which order did you watch the movies in?

Phase 1: Avengers Assembled

The Avengers Initiative (a.k.a Phase 1) was a secret project created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create the Avengers, a collection of the most able individuals to defend Earth from imminent global threats; these individuals functioning as a response team to said threats which are too great for the forces of mankind to handle.

The Initiative was scrapped by the World Security Council after the alien incursion in New Mexico in favor of a weapons development program known as Phase 2. It was eventually reactivated in 2012 during the Chitauri Invasion.

  1. Iron Man (2008)
  2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  3. Iron Man 2 (2010)
  4. Thor (2011)
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  6. The Avengers (2012)

Phase 2: Age Of Ultron

Phase 2” was part of a plan initiated by S.H.I.E.L.D. after the alien incursion in New Mexico to create weapons of mass destruction using the Tesseract.

In response to the events in New Mexico and the revelation of alien worlds and powers beyond our own, the World Security Council scrapped the Avengers Initiative in favor of a more practical approach– the development of weapons powered by the alien Tesseract.

  1. Iron Man 3 (2013)
  2. Thor: The Dark World (2013)
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
  5. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
  6. Ant-Man (2015)

Phase 3: Infinity War!

Phase Three is set during a time of discord generated from the aftermath of Ultron‘s attack against the Earth. With public opinion of superheroes becoming increasingly divided, the Avengers become fragmented. In the midst of the Avengers’ turmoils, a number of new characters are introduced, such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Mantis, Spider-Man, Valkyrie, and Captain Marvel. Thanos‘ plot to collect all of the Infinity Stones, which began late in Phase One, is drawn to a close in this saga.

  1. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
  2. Doctor Strange (2016)
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
  4. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
  5. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
  6. Black Panther (2018)
  7. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  8. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
  9. Captain Marvel (2019)
  10. Avengers 4 (2019)

Phase 4:

Phase Four will be the fourth part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Phase Three. Phase Four consists of an unknown number of films planned between 2019 and 2028.

  1. Spider-Man 2 (2019)
  2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020)
  3. Other TBA Films (2020-2028)

Source: Marvel Cinematic Universe

First look of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel ✨

Captain Marvel vs. Iron Man (Civil War II)


From: Civil War II #8

Hawkeye Kills Bruce Banner (Civil War II)

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


From:  Civil War #3 (2016)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: David Marquez

Colorist: Justin Ponsor

War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II


From: Civil War II (Free Comic Book Day, May 2007)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Jim Cheung

Colorist:  Justin Ponsor


Civil War II

Civil War II # 0
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Artist: Olivier Coipel; Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Civil War II is an upcoming comic book crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics that is scheduled to debut in June 2016. It is the sequel to 2006’s “Civil War” and consists of an eight issue eponymous core limited series, by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists Olivier Coipel, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor, and a number of tie-in books.

Functioning as an allegory about the nature of determinism versus free will,  the story sees opposing factions of superheroes led by Captain Marvel and Iron Man come into conflict when a new super powered person emerges with the ability to predict the future.

Civil War II Ulysses sees the future inhumans

Plot: In New York City, defense attorney She-Hulk loses an entrapment case against Jonathan Powers. Elsewhere, War 

Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense by the President of the United States, and Captain Marvel, struggling with the pressures of her duties, is analyzed by Doc Samson. Meanwhile, Ulysses and Michelle, students at Ohio State University, are exposed to the Terrigen Mist. When Ulysses emerges he has a vision of a dystopian future

At the Triskelion, Medusa and Crystal introduce Ulysses to Captain Marvel, War Machine, and Black Panther. There, Ulysses has a premonition that the villain Thanos is coming. The heroes take Thanos down by surprise when he arrives at his destination, but She-Hulk and War Machine are severely injured during the fight.


Key Players:

Civil War IICaptain Marvel (Carol Danvers):  Cosmically powered super hero.  Leader of Alpha Flight.  Earth’s first line of defense against extraterrestrial attack. 

War Machine:  James “Rhodey” Rhodes:  Decorated U.S. Marine in flying weaponized armor made by his best friend, Tony Stark.

She-Hulk: Attorney Jennifer Walters.  Imbued with the same gamma-powered super strength as her cousin, Bruce Banner.

Inhumans:  People who develop extraordinary abilities when exposed to the Terrigen Mists — gases which activate latent DNA from long ago alien experiments. 


Civil War II Posts

  1. War Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense. (Civil War II)
  2. The Terrigen Mists cover The Ohio State University. (Civil War II)
  3. Kamala Khan, Spider-Man and Nova save their classmates from a miniature fusion reactor. (Civil War II: Tie In)
  4. War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

 A-Force vs. Antimatter (A-Force #3)


Thor vs. Thanos (End of Infinity)

Infinity 006-033 Infinity 006-034 Infinity 006-035 Infinity 006-036 Infinity 006-037 Infinity 006-038

From: Infinity 06 (of 6) (2014)

Dr. Strange vs. Dormmamu

   Continue reading “Dr. Strange vs. Dormmamu”

Kevin Feige: Captain Marvel Was in the Early Draft of ‘Age of Ultron’

Legion of Leia

captain marvel

During the Avengers: Age of Ultron press junket this weekend, MTV News’ Josh Horowitz pressed Kevin Feige about the rumors on whether or not Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers would make a cameo appearance in the movie. “In an early draft of the script, yes,” said Feige, “We didn’t want to introduce her fully-formed flying in a costume before you got to know who she was and how she came to be.” He then said they’re in very early days of finding the lead actress for the film, which is scheduled to open November 2, 2018. “It’s about finding writers right now; we’re very close.”

Feige also mentioned that they won’t be bringing in Miles Morales as Spider-Man…yet. But they are open to the idea after they introduce Peter Parker. That makes sense. They haven’t explores Parker’s story in the MCU, and that character has a pretty important role in the comic book version of the Civil War story arc.

To add icing to…

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