War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II Civil War II


From: Civil War II (Free Comic Book Day, May 2007)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Jim Cheung

Colorist:  Justin Ponsor


Civil War II

Civil War II # 0
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Artist: Olivier Coipel; Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Civil War II is an upcoming comic book crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics that is scheduled to debut in June 2016. It is the sequel to 2006’s “Civil War” and consists of an eight issue eponymous core limited series, by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists Olivier Coipel, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor, and a number of tie-in books.

Functioning as an allegory about the nature of determinism versus free will,  the story sees opposing factions of superheroes led by Captain Marvel and Iron Man come into conflict when a new super powered person emerges with the ability to predict the future.

Civil War II Ulysses sees the future inhumans

Plot: In New York City, defense attorney She-Hulk loses an entrapment case against Jonathan Powers. Elsewhere, War 

Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense by the President of the United States, and Captain Marvel, struggling with the pressures of her duties, is analyzed by Doc Samson. Meanwhile, Ulysses and Michelle, students at Ohio State University, are exposed to the Terrigen Mist. When Ulysses emerges he has a vision of a dystopian future

At the Triskelion, Medusa and Crystal introduce Ulysses to Captain Marvel, War Machine, and Black Panther. There, Ulysses has a premonition that the villain Thanos is coming. The heroes take Thanos down by surprise when he arrives at his destination, but She-Hulk and War Machine are severely injured during the fight.


Key Players:

Civil War IICaptain Marvel (Carol Danvers):  Cosmically powered super hero.  Leader of Alpha Flight.  Earth’s first line of defense against extraterrestrial attack. 

War Machine:  James “Rhodey” Rhodes:  Decorated U.S. Marine in flying weaponized armor made by his best friend, Tony Stark.

She-Hulk: Attorney Jennifer Walters.  Imbued with the same gamma-powered super strength as her cousin, Bruce Banner.

Inhumans:  People who develop extraordinary abilities when exposed to the Terrigen Mists — gases which activate latent DNA from long ago alien experiments. 


Civil War II Posts

  1. War Machine is offered the position of Secretary of Defense. (Civil War II)
  2. The Terrigen Mists cover The Ohio State University. (Civil War II)
  3. Kamala Khan, Spider-Man and Nova save their classmates from a miniature fusion reactor. (Civil War II: Tie In)
  4. War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)

Dazzler vs. The Juggernaut

Uncanny X-Men 217-015 Uncanny X-Men 217-016 Uncanny X-Men 217-017 Uncanny X-Men 217-018 Uncanny X-Men 217-019 Uncanny X-Men 217-020 Uncanny X-Men 217-021 Uncanny X-Men 217-022

From: Uncanny X-Men #217 (1987)

What if? Crazy Questions from the 80’s!

From: What If? Vol. 1 #34 (1982)

What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If...

Galactus sends Dazzler into a black hole. (Days of Future Past)

Galactus sends Dazzler into a black hole to retrieve his herald….


Continue reading “Galactus sends Dazzler into a black hole. (Days of Future Past)”

Age of Apocalypse: Magneto vs. Apocalypse

“Age of Apocalypse” is a 1995–1996 comic book crossover story line published in the X-Men franchise of books by Marvel Comics. The Age of Apocalypse briefly replaced the universe of Earth-616 and had ramifications in the main Marvel Comics universe when the original timeline was restored. It was later retconned as having occurred in the alternate universe of Earth-295.
Legion (David Haller), a psionic mutant on Earth and son of Professor Charles Xavier, travels back in time with the intention of killing Magneto.
However, Legion traveled to a time when Magneto and Xavier were still friends. As Xavier dies trying to protect Magneto, Legion vanishes, and a new timeline is created. The only person aware of how history has changed is Bishop, a time traveling mutant who followed Legion.
Because of Xavier’s sacrifice, Magneto comes to believe in his late friend’s dream of a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants.
Apocalypse, an immortal mutant villain, was monitoring the fight. He chooses this moment as the perfect time to begin his world conquest, which did not happen in the mainstream Marvel universe for another ten years.
Magneto assembles the X-Men just as Apocalypse begins his war. Despite the X-Men’s resistance, Apocalypse conquers all of North America and eventually mutants are considered the ruling class. Apocalypse also initiated a genocidal campaign called “cullings” killing millions of humans. To further ensure that no one was left to challenge him or undo the circumstances that led to his reign, he had everyone with telepathic or chronal abilities hunted down.
Meanwhile, the changes in the timeline result in a destructive crystallization wave created by the M’Kraan Crystal.
The Amazing X-Men consist of team leader Quicksilver and Storm, Dazzler, Banshee, Iceman, and Exodus.  The team is sent to Maine by Magneto to aid in the evacuation of humanity to Europe. During this mission, the team fights Apocalypse’s Brotherhood of Chaos, as well as the Horseman Abyss, who is defeated (but not killed) by Banshee. During their absence from the Xavier Mansion, Magneto and Bishop are attacked by Apocalypse himself, who captures them both.
Fulfilling their mission, Quicksilver splits up his team to help the other X-Men: sending Iceman to rendezvous with Rogue’s team (the Astonishing X-Men) and Dazzler and Exodus to find Magneto’s son, Charles. Finally, Quicksilver, Storm, and Banshee go to rescue Bishop, who is in the hands of the Madri, Apocalypse’s priests.
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