Jean Grey and The Phoenix vs. Galactus

From: The Phoenix Generations

Can Galactus Eat Ego The Living Planet?

Galactus travels through space…

The world devourer pauses when he detects the thoughts of a powerful creature and decides to seek out its source as his hunger is mounting once more. Taking a smaller craft, Galactus flies into the Black Galaxy and finds himself before Ego the Living Planet.

While aboard the Rigellian flagship, Thor meets with the Rigellian commander and the Recorder to determine their plan of attack against Galactus. With their course set, Thor and the Recorder travel off in a ship to confront Galactus himself. The Recorder detects that Galactus is within the Black Galaxy and the two speed off to meet their foe there. They are spied by a group called the Wanderers, a group of aliens that have survived the destruction of their worlds at the hands of Galactus and seek revenge against the world destroyer and they decide to follow after Thor and the Recorder.

Finally, back in the Black Galaxy, Galactus and Ego boast about their mutual power and Galactus demands to consume Ego’s energies. Ego tries to stop this by unleashing a furious blast at Galactus, the force of which reaches Thor and the Recorder’s ship destroying it and seemingly killing its passengers.



The Silver Surfer travels beyond the edge of the universe.


Galactus has a conversation with Death.

Galactus talks to death Galactus talks to death Galactus talks to death Galactus talks to death
Galactus talks to death

From: Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #257 (1983)

Galactus has come to wonder if he is dying now as he stands before the Skrull throneworld. Once again he finds himself caught in the moral conundrum of consuming a world teeming with life in order to prologue his own existence. Retreating to the interior of his vessel he continues to ponder this as he continues to grow weaker. Suddenly, Galactus is visited by the embodiment of Death, who reminds him that he has a purpose in the universe to serve and that his time has not yet come. Death tells him not to shirk that great duty before disappearing once again.

Galactus devours The Skrull Throne-World

FF257_13 FF257_16 FF257_17 FF257_18

From: Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #257 (1983)

On the Skrull throneworld, Empress R’Klll chastises her subordinates for failing to erect the planetary screen that has been previously used to hide their world from Galactus in the past. However one of her aides tells him that there was no hiding their planet from Nova, who seemed to see their planet even with the screen up.

R’Klll is joined by her daughter Princess Anelle who asks what is going on. R’Klll informs her that it is the end of their world. Even as she speaks, Galactus arrives on the surface of the Skrull planet. Shrugging off his attackers, Galactus then sinks into the core of the planet, turning into a bubling cauldron of death that consumes all life and decimates the entire planet. With his hunger sated, Galactus goes into a deep slumber, leaving Nova to collect him up and return him to his ship.

Galactus sends Dazzler into a black hole. (Days of Future Past)

Galactus sends Dazzler into a black hole to retrieve his herald….


Continue reading “Galactus sends Dazzler into a black hole. (Days of Future Past)”

Silver Surfer: The Herald of Galactus 

 silver surfer, norrin radd, galactus  silver surfer, norrin radd, galactus  silver surfer, norrin radd, galactus    


The Destroyer of Worlds. 

Driven by an unending hunger only fed by the unbridled energy of life sustaining planets. 

Imagine a hunger that large. Try to imagine the mind that could process that unending, ceaseless need.  Or the conscience that could exist to snuff the spark of all living things. 

I am his herald. 

His seeker. 

I will not allow him to devour cultures… societies…life. 
I find dead worlds upon which my master feasts. 

Worlds like this are ideal: mausoleums to cultures millennia-gone. 

There is infernal algebra at play in my mind always. The price that his hunger demands to be paid is never paid easily. 

I sail the cosmic winds finding these rare gems in his name. 

He is sublime. 

He is awe and terror. 

And I am his ambassador. 


I sense something…

Somewhere out there…

Powerful and alive…

On the edge of my consciousness I sense a great source of energy that could feed him for ages. 

And I am away. 

For my master must feast…and everything must, someday, surely die. 

I am the Silver Surfer. 

I am the Herald of Galactus. 

I do not wish to be the herald of death. 

Ultron vs. Galactus: Secret Wars (1984)

Ultron vs Galactus

Ultron vs Galactus

Ultron vs Galactus

Don’t mess with Galactus.

From Secret Wars (1984) 

The Mighty Thor vs. Silver Surfer Part 2

Odin Gives Galactus Some Head.

The world eater known as Galactus is passing through our neck of the woods threatening to eat earth as a midnight snack. Thor, Sif, Odin and the rest of the Asgardians who are currently living in Broxton, Oklahoma don’t exactly feel like having guests over for dinner at the particular moment.

Thor and Surfer continue to battle it out on the Martian surface.  Meanwhile on Earth, Galactus is approaching.  The last line of defense is the All-Father and he wants to give Galactus a piece of his mind…

   Continue reading “The Mighty Thor vs. Silver Surfer Part 2”

The Mighty Thor vs. Silver Surfer

Something funny happened when Galactus came to town.

The world eater known as Galactus is passing through our neck of the woods threatening to eat earth as a midnight snack. Thor, Sif, Odin and the rest of the Asgardians who are currently living in Broxton, Oklahoma don’t exactly feel like having guests over for dinner at the particular moment.
Thor vs. Silver Surfer

From: The Mighty Thor #4 (2011) Fraction, Coipel, Morales &
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