How strong is the Hulk? The Hulk catches Iron Fist’s punch (Hulk vs. Heroes For Hire)

How strong is the Hulk? The Hulk catches Iron Fist’s punch (Hulk vs. Heroes For Hire)

Hulk vs. Iron FistHulk vs. Iron Fist


The Hulk is on a rampage!  After destroying much of New York City, the heroes start to arrive on the scene to put a stop to the jade giant. The Human Torch unleashes a blast of flame but apparently The Hulk’s thunderclap is strong enough to snuff out the Human Torch’s flame! Iron Fist charges up his fist and punches at the Hulk, but the Hulk catches the blow and re-channels the energy back into Iron Fist’s body. Power Man charges at him from behind, and the Hulk responds by punching him through four skyscrapers.

From: Incredible Hulk #300 (1984)