The Incredible Hulk vs. The Gardener and the Time Stone. (The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #248, June, 1980)

Hulk has returned to Jarella’s world of K’ai to bury her body. Having found the world decimated since he last visited it he was taken to the Valley of Life to bury his love. There he was attacked by the Gardener who refuses to let any living humanoid set foot in his small paradise.

Hulk has returned to Jarella’s world of K’ai to bury her body. Having found the world decimated since he last visited it he was taken to the Valley of Life to bury his love. There he was attacked by The Gardener who refuses to let any living humanoid set foot in his small paradise.

Bound in vines, the Hulk demands that the Gardener to let him free so he can bury Jarella. The Gardener refuses, and as the Hulk continues to struggle, the Elder of the Universe realizes that he cannot explain himself to the Hulk in this state of mind. Using his Soul Gem, the Gardener awakens the mind of Bruce Banner….

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war
Although they are all referred to as Soul Gems here, these are actually the Infinity Gems which are not called by that name until Silver Surfer Vol 3 #44. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #5 clarifies that the Infinity Gem that the Gardner had in his possession on the moon was actually the Time Gem. It also confirms that the Gem used by Adam Warlock was specifically the Soul Gem.

He explains how he, like the other Elders of the Universe, have one single obsession to govern the eons-long lifetimes, with his being Gardening. He tells how he obtained a Soul Gem and used it recently to create a lush garden on Earth’s Moon. When the Stranger came to his paradise, the Gardener got assistance in dispelling the invader with the aid of Spider-Man and Adam Warlock. Warlock and the Gardener combined the power of their Soul Gem’s in order to repel the Stranger.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war

However, thinking that he had tainted his Gem’s ability to sustain life on the moon, the Gardener left, leaving the Gem behind. This Gem ended up in the possession of the Mad Titan known as Thanos, who was collecting all the Soul Gems to power a massive synthetic gem which he plotted to use to snuff out all the stars in the universe. Thanos was stopped thanks to the combined efforts of the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Thing and Adam Warlock. However, Warlock perished while turning Thanos into stone. The heroes then buried Warlock’s body on an asteroid and left his Soul Gem there on his grave. The Gardener later came and collected the Soul Gem and took it with him to K’ai where he created the Valley of Life. Remembering how his last paradise was tainted, the Gardener vowed to never allow man to tread in his gardens again.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war

With the tale finished, Banner asks the Gardener to at least allow him to give the woman he loves a decent burial. The Gardener refuses and carries Jarella’s body away, assuring Banner that she will be buried. Having yet another thing taken away from him causes Banner to burst into tears. His sorrow is so great his body reverts back to human form, allowing him to get free of the vines he is caught in. However, Banner refuses to give in and vows to find Jarella and bury her himself, even without the power of the Hulk.


Jarella’s followers wait outside of the Valley of Life fearing that their would-be king had been killed there. Suddenly, a stampede of animals come rushing out of the forest and begin attacking them. While inside the lush region, Banner stops by a stream to get a drink of water when he is suddenly attacked by the very thing he tried to drink. As he is being pulled into the liquid, Banner’s pulse races enough to trigger another transformation into the Hulk. The Hulk fights his way free and then leaps across the Valley in order to intercept the Gardener and his animal followers. The Gardener orders the animals to attack the Hulk, but they are no match for him. Seeing signs of the battle, the people of K’ai are reinvigorated and start fighting back against their attackers. Meanwhile, with no more animals to set upon the Hulk, the Gardener tries to fight the brute one-on-one.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity warThe two struggle and the Gardner begins to wonder how powerful the Hulk really is. As they fight, the Soul Gem levitates off the Gardener’s brow and the Hulk knocks the Gardner aside and plucks it out of the air. Hulk comes to the conclusion that if the Soul Gem could create the Valley of Life it could also restore Jarella’s entire world. With that, the Hulk throws the Soul Gem into the ground and it burrows its way directly into the planet’s core.the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war


As the planet begins springing to life, the animals quit fighting. The people of K’ai soon join the Hulk as he buries Jarella in the Valley of Life. When her grave marker is constructed they are all surprised by a flower that suddenly pops out of the rocks. This is the work of the Gardener who has realized how selfish he was being and asks the Hulk if he can stay. The Hulk tells the Gardener as long as he remains peaceful, he may remain on K’ai. With his lover finally buried, the Hulk tells the Gardener to send him back home. With a wave of his wand, the Gardner causes the Hulk to resume his normal size, leaving the people of K’ai leaderless but with a bright future ahead of them.

Read More: Thanos takes the Time Gem from The Gardner. (Thanos Quest)


New Infinity War “All of Them” TV Spot, New Movie Posters, 100 Days until “Ant-Man & The Wasp” and one big mosaic of every MCU movie so far! Whew!

Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — the evil Thanos.

Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — the evil Thanos. On a mission to collect all six Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to use the artifacts to inflict his twisted will on reality. The fate of the planet and existence itself has never been more uncertain as everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment.

Avengers: Infinity War

Rating: UR

Release Date: Apr 27, 2018

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Posters

Avengers Infinity War has a release date. April 27th, 2018.

Avengers Infinity War has a release date. April 27th, 2018.

How Strong is The Hulk? Hulk can absorb the nuclear fire 🔥 of an ICBM.

Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena (Hulk vs. Thor) by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar.

From: Return to Planet Hulk Part V.

Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar.


In the climactic battle between the two, the warlord unleashes his version of a worldbreaker, a Cold War era tactical nuke (how he got it is not explained) and drops right on top of the jade giants pointy coif.

Return to Planet Hulk

We know that the Hulk can absorb nuclear energy, but so far the upper limits have not really been shown yet. My hypothesis is that the angrier he is the more he can absorb and you can see here, he was pretty angry…

Return to Planet HulkReturn to Planet Hulk


Return to Planet Hulk Part IV! Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar. In one of his arena battles, Hulk is pitched against The Odinson himself… THE MIGHTY THOR.

Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar. In one of his arena battles, Hulk is pitched against The Odinson himself… THE MIGHTY THOR.

READ MORE: Return to Planet Hulk Part V: How Strong is The Hulk? Hulk can absorb the nuclear fire of an ICBM.

From: Incredible Hulk #712 (2018)

Artist: Greg Land

Writer: Greg Pak

In what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

The best way would be to watch them in order of their release date. The films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have released in three phases. Which order did you watch the movies in?

Phase 1: Avengers Assembled

The Avengers Initiative (a.k.a Phase 1) was a secret project created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create the Avengers, a collection of the most able individuals to defend Earth from imminent global threats; these individuals functioning as a response team to said threats which are too great for the forces of mankind to handle.

The Initiative was scrapped by the World Security Council after the alien incursion in New Mexico in favor of a weapons development program known as Phase 2. It was eventually reactivated in 2012 during the Chitauri Invasion.

  1. Iron Man (2008)
  2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  3. Iron Man 2 (2010)
  4. Thor (2011)
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  6. The Avengers (2012)

Phase 2: Age Of Ultron

Phase 2” was part of a plan initiated by S.H.I.E.L.D. after the alien incursion in New Mexico to create weapons of mass destruction using the Tesseract.

In response to the events in New Mexico and the revelation of alien worlds and powers beyond our own, the World Security Council scrapped the Avengers Initiative in favor of a more practical approach– the development of weapons powered by the alien Tesseract.

  1. Iron Man 3 (2013)
  2. Thor: The Dark World (2013)
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
  5. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
  6. Ant-Man (2015)

Phase 3: Infinity War!

Phase Three is set during a time of discord generated from the aftermath of Ultron‘s attack against the Earth. With public opinion of superheroes becoming increasingly divided, the Avengers become fragmented. In the midst of the Avengers’ turmoils, a number of new characters are introduced, such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Mantis, Spider-Man, Valkyrie, and Captain Marvel. Thanos‘ plot to collect all of the Infinity Stones, which began late in Phase One, is drawn to a close in this saga.

  1. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
  2. Doctor Strange (2016)
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
  4. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
  5. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
  6. Black Panther (2018)
  7. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  8. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
  9. Captain Marvel (2019)
  10. Avengers 4 (2019)

Phase 4:

Phase Four will be the fourth part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Phase Three. Phase Four consists of an unknown number of films planned between 2019 and 2028.

  1. Spider-Man 2 (2019)
  2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020)
  3. Other TBA Films (2020-2028)

Source: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Avengers Infinity War Trailer #1

Rogues Gallery of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

From our new best friends murdockmanila at  I present an infographic on the Rogues Gallery of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This super detailed infographic breaks down all the major and minor threats in the MCU, from the movies, the Netflix and TV shows, right down to the One-Shots!





Thor: Ragnarok Trailer and poster! ⚡️🎥⚡️

Thor Ragnarok movie poster



After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor, held captive on the planet Sakaar without his hammer, must win a gladiatorial duel against an old friend — the Hulk — in order to return to Asgard in time to stop the villainous Hela and the impending Ragnarök, the doom of the Asgardian civilization.

Thor: Ragnarok is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Thor, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is intended to be the sequel to 2011’s Thor and 2013’s Thor: The Dark World and the seventeenth film installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Taika Waititi with a screenplay by Eric Pearson, and stars Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo and Anthony Hopkins. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor must defeat the Hulk in a gladiatorial duel in time to save Asgard from Hela and the coming Ragnarök.

A third Thor film was confirmed in January 2014, with the title and involvement of Hemsworth and Hiddleston announced that October. Waititi joined the film as director the next October, after Alan Taylor chose not to return from the second film, and Ruffalo joined the cast, crossing over the character Hulk from other MCU films. With the Hulk’s inclusion, elements from the 2006 comic storyline “Planet Hulk” were adapted for Ragnarok. The rest of the cast was confirmed the next May, with Pearson revealed to be involved with the film at the start of filming in July 2016. Principal photography took place from July to October, 2016, in Queensland and Sydney, Australia, with the film having exclusive use of Village Roadshow Studios in Oxenford.

Thor: Ragnarok is scheduled to be released on November 3, 2017, in IMAX.


Chris Hemsworth as Thor:

The crown prince of Asgard, based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name. Hemsworth stated that following the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ragnarok finds Thor exploring and policing the universe while enjoying being a “drifter”.  Hemsworth expressed interest in having Thor interact with Bruce Banner, as the two have not had a lot of interaction previously and “it would bring something different out of the characters,” adding he hoped the film was a “[Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid] sort of story” for the duo.  Director Taika Waititi said that he wanted to use more of Hemsworth’s comedic talents showcased in films like Vacation and Ghostbusters, saying, “He’s so good and underutilized in that department. He’s legitimately one of the funniest things in this film.”

Tom Hiddleston as Loki:

Thor’s adoptive brother and nemesis based on the deity of the same name. On playing the character for a fourth time, Hiddleston said he was interested in how Loki’s attitude has changed, adding “I’m four years older… and there will just be new things [I] find in it. The most exciting thing about [Loki] is that he is always a trickster. It is trying to find new ways for him to be mischievous”. Regarding the inclusion of the Hulk in the film, Hiddleston said that Loki has “a few chips on his shoulder” due to the previous interaction between the two characters in The Avengers.

Cate Blanchett as Hela:

The ruler of Hel and Niflheim, based on the deity Hel,  who has been inadvertently released from her prison. About the character, Blanchett said, “She’s been locked away for millennia getting more and more cross, and then, with a mistake, she gets unleashed and she ain’t getting back in that box.” Blanchett also stated that Hela’s headdress can be used as a weapon and that she can manifest weapons from different parts of her body. She also took care to discuss with Marvel and Waititi to help define when Hela would be masked and when she would not be. Blanchett worked with stuntwoman Zoë Bell and studied capoeira in preparation for the role.

Idris Elba as Heimdall: The all-seeing, all-hearing Asgardian sentry of the Bifröst Bridge, based on the deity of the same name.

Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster:

A cosmic being fascinated with gaming and chance, who enjoys manipulating lesser life-forms  and is the ruler of the planet Sakaar.  Goldblum described the character as “a hedonist, a pleasure-seeker, an enjoyer of life and tastes and smells.” He also said that Waititi encouraged improvisation in order for Goldblum to “make [the character his] own”.

Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie:

A tough, hard-drinking Asgardian warrior, based on the mythological being Brynhildr, who has formed a business relationship with Grandmaster while hiding out on Sakaar.   About Valkyrie’s inclusion in the film, producer Kevin Feige said, “[Thor’s] relationship with Jane [Foster] may have evolved in unexpected ways in between The Dark World and Ragnarok and we wanted to pit him against a character who was much more his equal and in many ways his superior.” Feige also stated that Valkyrie has spurned her Asgardian heritage elaborating, “Thor thinks maybe that will create a bond between them and, on the contrary, she wants to forget it all entirely.”  Waititi stated that Thompson’s casting was not just about creating diversity explaining, “I’m not obsessed with the idea that you have to cast someone just to tick a box… You should cast people because they’re talented. [With Valkyrie] I wanted to make sure we weren’t making a female character that was boring and pretty. What I wanted was someone who was going to play the opposite and be even more of the ‘guy’ character than the guys.” Regarding Valkyrie’s wardrobe, Thompson said, “she’s such a bad ass that she doesn’t need a lot of metal to protect her. I’m essentially in leather.” Thompson stated that she was inspired by pictures of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day while training for the role. Thompson will also appear in future Marvel films.

Karl Urban as Skurge:

An Asgardian warrior. Urban shaved his head and worked out for the role, though he noted that “you won’t actually see my body in this movie under the costume that I have, but it’s important for me to get into the zone and feel [the part].”

Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk:

A genius scientist who, because of exposure to gamma radiation, transforms into a monster when enraged or agitated and becomes a successful and popular gladiator on Sakaar.  Ruffalo, who said he is always excited to keep returning to the role as he sees “a lot of space for it to grow”, hoped the film would explore the relationship between Banner and the Hulk, potentially with the two in a scene together.  Regarding the relationship between Banner and Thor, Ruffalo said, “There’s a little bit of Midnight Run, with [Charles] Grodin and [Robert] De Niro. I feel like that’s kind of where we’re heading with this relationship between Thor and Banner.” Describing the character, Ruffalo stated, “He’s much more of a character than the green rage machine you’ve seen in the Avengers movies. He’s got a swagger. He’s like a god.” Waititi said there was “a big conversation” regarding how verbal and conscious the Hulk would be compared to previous MCU films. Waititi added that the decision was a “larger group decision, rather than anything to do with just me or the writer” since it was taking into account future appearances for the character.

Anthony Hopkins as Odin: The king of Asgard, father of Thor, and adoptive father of Loki, based on the deity of the same name.

Additionally, Benedict Cumberbatch reprises his role as Stephen Strange from the film Doctor Strange and Sam Neill is cast in an undisclosed role.  Waititi makes a cameo appearance in the film.














Hawkeye Kills Bruce Banner (Civil War II)

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2

Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


Tony Stark, Carol Danvers Civil War 2, Marvel


From:  Civil War #3 (2016)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: David Marquez

Colorist: Justin Ponsor

World War Hulk: Epilogue


world war hulk


World War Hulk

World War Hulk Finale

World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale world war hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Sentry (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk vs The Sentry


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (2) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (3)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (4)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (5)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (6) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (7)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (8)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (9)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (10)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (11)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (12)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (13)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (14)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (15)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (16)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (17)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (18)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (19)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (20)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Invincible Iron Man (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)

The Incredible Hulk vs. Black Bolt (World War Hulk)

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk


hulk vs black bolt world war hulk


hulk vs black bolt world war hulk


hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Juggernaut (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. Hercules (World War Hulk)

world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules


From:  The Incredible Hulk v. 3 #107

The Incredible Hulk vs. X-Factor (World War Hulk)

world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor

The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverine (World War Hulk)

wolverine hulk world war hulk


wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut

The Incredible Hulk vs. Mr. Fantastic (World War Hulk)

image image image imageimageimage

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Human Torch, Storm and The Thing (World War Hulk)

image image image image image image image

The Incredible Hulk vs. She-Hulk (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

From: World War Hulk

Ghost Rider vs. The Incredible Hulk (Ghost Rider Vol. 1 #11, 1975)

Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk

From: Ghost Rider Vol. 1 #11, 1975

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Quintronic Man

Hulk213_03b Hulk213_05b Hulk213_07a Hulk213_10a Hulk213_10b Hulk213_13b Hulk213_15b Hulk213_17a Hulk213_17b

The Quintronic Man was a project in which professor Burke was working under the command of A.I.M. based from Iron Man. It’s an exoskeleton which needed 5 men to operate, including himself. But Burke, the key agent on the project left A.I.M. before it was finished.

Colin Thirty-Three sent two agents to kidnap professor Burke, in a apparently failed attempt to prevent A.I.M. mission from success, S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to change a face-covered professor Burke with Bruce Banner, who as soon as he entered A.I.M.’s facility, started causing havoc.

Colin decided that the project could’ve been finished without Burke, and used another A.I.M. agent to cover Burke’s place. Other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who supported Hulk were defenseless until the hero crashed on the scene. The Quintronic Man tried to kill Hulk using the lava of the volcano the A.I.M. base was in, but he survived, and crashed the suit’s protection, allowing the lava to reach Thirty-Three and the other four agents, killing them and destroying the suit.

Source: Marvel Wikia

From: Incredible Hulk #213 (1977)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Absorbing Man

Hulk209_09b Hulk209_10a Hulk209_13a Hulk209_13b Hulk209_15a Hulk209_15b Hulk209_17a

From: The Incredible Hulk #209  (1976)

The Incredible Hulk vs. Namor The Submariner

Hulk118_07b Hulk118_08a Hulk118_09a Hulk118_09b Hulk118_10a Hulk118_10b Hulk118_11a Hulk118_11b

From: The Incredible Hulk #118 (1969)

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur meet The Hulk

Lunella Lafayette is a brilliant little girl living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Her fellow students at Public School 20 Anna Silver frequently mocked her and called her names like “Moon Girl”, because her superior intellect often caused her to daydream. The young Devil Dinosaur was nearly burned to death by a tribe of Killer-Folk, hostile beings native to his planet, but was rescued by Moon Boy, a young member of a rival tribe, the Small-Folk.

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur meet the Hulk


Moon Girl

Lunella Lafayette is a brilliant little girl living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Her fellow students at Public School 20 Anna Silver frequently mocked her and called her names like “Moon Girl”, because her superior intellect often caused her to daydream.
Through her studies, Lunella became obsessed with the Kree and eventually built a device designed to uncover Kree technology, which she used to find an Omni-Wave Projector hidden beneath the Brooklyn Bridge in the Financial District.

Elsewhere, long ago in Earth-78411, a Killer-Folk named Thorn-Teeth was also revealed to be in possession of an Oni-Wave Projector they called the Nightstone. When one of Lunella’s teachers, Coach Hrbek, accidentally activated Lunella’s device, it opened a portal across space and time from Dinosaur World to Earth-616, allowing the Killer-Folk to cross over into present day New York City. Devil Dinosaur followed, looking to avenge the death of his longtime companion Moon-Boy at the hands of Thorn-Teeth’s tribe.

The dinosaur clenched the strap of Lunella’s backpack in his teeth, but she was able to utilize a remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle therein to lure him away from the pursing NYPD. Eventually leading Devil Dinosaur to a secluded part of the Lower East Side, she explained to him that she needed the Oni-Wave Projector because she had discovered that she was actually a Human/Inhuman hybrid, and she believed that the Kree technology was the key to protecting her from the cloud of Terrigen Mist circling the planet, and that if she could only study it further, then she would be able to prevent her latent Inhuman DNA from forcing change upon her through Terrigenesis, something she was terrified of. Instructing Devil Dinosaur to stay put, she set off to do just that; however she was captured by the Killer-Folk, who claimed her Oni-Wave Projector as their own, shortly thereafter.

Devil Dinosaur

Devil is a dinosaur from “Dinosaur World“, or Earth-78411, a primitive Earth-like reality (or past).  Back in 1972, DC tried, and failed, to get the rights to publish a series based on the Planet of the Apes movies. Publisher Carmine Infantino turned to his star artist, Jack Kirby, and asked him to come up with something similar. Kirby’s response was Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth. In that series, Kamandi is a youth wandering a devastated future Earth where all animals are intelligent and have the power of speech lording it over the poor down-trodden humans.

Kirby left DC in 1975 to return to Marvel. After he’d been there a couple of years, Marvel heard that an animation studio were looking into the possibility of producing a Saturday-morning cartoon show based on Kamandi. Liking the idea of having their own property to exploit and looking to one-up their competitor, Marvel asked Kirby to come up with something similar banking on the popularity of dinosaurs with younger children. The series only ran nine months and the cartoon show never went into production. What did go into production was Hanna-Barbera’s animated series, Valley of the Dinosaurs, which featured a very young Jackie Earle Haley as the voice of Greg Butler but only ran for four months and a total of sixteen episodes, so maybe it was for the best.

The young Devil Dinosaur was nearly burned to death by a tribe of Killer-Folk, hostile beings native to his planet, but was rescued by Moon Boy, a young member of a rival tribe, the Small-Folk. Exposure to the Killer-folk’s fire activated a mutation in the dinosaur which gave him powers greater than others of his species and turned his skin from olive green to flame red. Devil Dinosaur was fiercely loyal to his constant companion Moon-Boy and seemed more intelligent than the average dinosaur.


Marvel Wiki

How strong is the Hulk? Hulk survives the breath of Fin Fang Foom! (Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom)

Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom


Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom

Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom

Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom

Hulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang Foom

The Hulk is on an island where Nightmare is manipulating reality and turning Mindless Ones into other creatures, one of those being Fin Fang Foom.

Fin Fang Foom tries to convince the Hulk that he will rule the planet and that the Hulk should kneel before him. The Hulk isn’t playing that game so Foom breathes his fire on him and it barely singes the Jade Giant.

From: The Incredible Hulk v.2 #79 (2005)


How strong is the Hulk? Hulk is able to withstand a blow from Karnak of the Inhumans. (Hulk vs. Karnak)

Hulk vs. Karnak

Seeing the Inhumans under attack by the NYPD, Bruce Banner transforms into the Incredible Hulk in order to lend a hand.  The Inhumans seeing The Hulk as their opportunity to show the world that they are not a threat attempt to subdue the jade giant and “save” the city.  They get more than they bargain for when The Hulk proves to be an almost unstoppable force.

Karnak, the one who finds the fault in all things, probes ol’ jade jaws and finds that his weakness is his chest, right over his heart and attempts to exploit this weakness.

The results were disastrous….

From: The Inhumans #12 (1977)

How strong is the Hulk? The Hulk catches Iron Fist’s punch (Hulk vs. Heroes For Hire)

How strong is the Hulk? The Hulk catches Iron Fist’s punch (Hulk vs. Heroes For Hire)

Hulk vs. Iron FistHulk vs. Iron Fist


The Hulk is on a rampage!  After destroying much of New York City, the heroes start to arrive on the scene to put a stop to the jade giant. The Human Torch unleashes a blast of flame but apparently The Hulk’s thunderclap is strong enough to snuff out the Human Torch’s flame! Iron Fist charges up his fist and punches at the Hulk, but the Hulk catches the blow and re-channels the energy back into Iron Fist’s body. Power Man charges at him from behind, and the Hulk responds by punching him through four skyscrapers.

From: Incredible Hulk #300 (1984)

How strong is the Hulk? (The Hulk vs. The Mad Thinker)

How strong is the Hulk? (The Hulk vs. The Mad Thinker)

How strong is the hulk?
How strong is the hulk?  How strong is the hulk?

Now Somewhere in the Black Holes of Sirius Major There Lived A Young Boy Name of Rocket Raccoon!


The character was created by Bill Mantlo and Keith Giffen and inspired by the Beatles song “Rocky Raccoon”.  Other references to the song were featured in Rocket’s appearance in this issue of The Incredible Hulk which was titled “Now Somewhere In the Black Holes of Sirius Major There Lived a Young Boy Named Rocket Raccoon” which saw the Hulk help Rocket stop a villain trying to steal “Gideon’s Bible”, which in the Marvel Universe was a book that contained the sum of all knowledge on the Loonies colony.

Hulk271_03a Hulk271_03b

Rocket Raccoon acts as the “Guardian of the Keystone Quadrant”, an area of outer space sealed off from the rest of the cosmos by the so-called Galacian Wall. Rocket is captain of the starship Rack ‘n’ Ruin, and he and his first mate Wal Rus (a talking walrus) come from the planet Halfworld in the Keystone Quadrant, an abandoned colony for the mentally ill where the animal companions were genetically manipulated to grant them human level intelligence and bipedal body construction for many to become caretakers of the inmates. Rocket was Halfworld’s chief law officer (“ranger”) who protected the colony against various threats.

Hulk271_04b Hulk271_05a

At one point, Judson Jakes tried to steal the Halfworld Bible, but was thwarted by Rocket and various animal associates.  Later, Lord Dyvyne abducted Rocket’s friend Lylla, and Jakes began the Toy War.  As the Toy War continued, Blackjack O’Hare teamed up with Rocket, and Rocket was reunited with Lylla.  The Rack ‘n’ Ruin was soon destroyed, as Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne teamed up to kill Rocket Raccoon.   Rocket Raccoon and his friends cured the Loonies of their mental illnesses, as Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne were apparently killed. Rocket and the animals as well as the robots left Halfworld and took off into space for their own adventures.  Some time later, Rocket was revealed to have been a laboratory subject on the Stranger’s planet, and escaped his captivity there.



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From: The Incredible Hulk #271 (May 1982)


Nick Fury vs. Thor – With but a whisper…


From: Original Sin #7

DC vs. Marvel: Superman vs. The Hulk


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm.

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

The Hulk can survive inside a fusion reactor. 


Cosmic Powered Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Incredible Hulk. (Amazing Spider-Man V1 #328, 1989)

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

cosmic spider-man punches Hulk Continue reading “Cosmic Powered Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Incredible Hulk. (Amazing Spider-Man V1 #328, 1989)”

What if? Crazy Questions from the 80’s!

From: What If? Vol. 1 #34 (1982)

What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If... What If...

Wolverine Vs. The Incredible Hulk

   Continue reading “Wolverine Vs. The Incredible Hulk”

Review – Planet Hulk #1 (Secret Wars Tie-In)

Kdub's Geekspot


The march of the tie-ins continues with everyone’s favorite unstoppable green Goliath in Planet Hulk #1, but how well does it stand up to the rest of Marvel’s massive summer event?  Let’s find out.

Planet Hulk by writer Sam Humphries and artist Marc Laming takes us to the Northernmost part of Battleworld, on a continent separated from the rest of the planet by a vast ocean.  This continent is known as “Greenland,” and is inhabited solely by a race of gamma irradiated beings.  As one can imagine on a continent full of massive rage monsters, there is a significant amount of turmoil and unrest.  The supreme ruler of Battleworld (can I say it?  I mean, we’re three weeks into this thing, I don’t think I have to give a spoiler warning anymore, right?), Dr. Doom, decides to try and quell the turmoil by sending a gladiator champion, one Captain…

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Marvel VS DC in this New Animated Fan Film – World of Superheroes | The Home of Comic Heroes


via Marvel VS DC in this New Animated Fan Film – World of Superheroes | The Home of Comic Heroes.

I came across this pretty cool animated fan film on Reddit this morning. This amateur film maker made a pretty convincing “What If” film that pits most of the major players in the Marvel and DC universes against each other. Quality work!  I’m now a subscriber. I hope to see much, much more from Saruhan Saral  in the future!!

From the YouTube video description:

Published on Apr 21, 2015

All the Visuals and Animation by Saruhan Saral, created using Blender and After Effects

This is my first short film project. I started in February 2015 and it took me 3 months to finish the whole thing. This is not a commercial but a personal project and I’m not affiliated with any company(i.e. I don’t earn any money from this).

I didn’t model any of the characters,they are from the video games of these 2 companies but I did the rigging then animated the shots. I then used Adobe After Effects and Premiere for composition. Most voice clips are from the video games, mostly from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Sound Effects were edited in Audacity.

Hope you enjoy!

Subscribe to my channel to stay up-to-date on my videos!

Soundtracks In Order;

Ninja Tracks – Exposure
Really Slow Motion – Shredder
The Hit House – Basalt
Hi-Finesse – Millennia
Hi Finesse – Odyssey
Hi-Finesse – Downfall

My Other Works;

Hulk vs. Police:…

Black Spider-Man Animation Video:…

Wolverine gets ripped in half.

From Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1 (2009)

Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk Continue reading “Wolverine gets ripped in half.”

Hulk vs. Ghost Rider (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Ghost Rider Continue reading “Hulk vs. Ghost Rider (World War Hulk)”

Daredevil Vs. the Incredible Hulk

What happens when The Man Without Fear crosses path with The Jade Giant?

Hulk vs. Daredevil   Continue reading “Daredevil Vs. the Incredible Hulk”

Herb Trimpe remembered: ‘Incredible Hulk’ artist saluted by Axel Alonso, Dan Slott and others

Dr. Strange vs. Dormmamu

   Continue reading “Dr. Strange vs. Dormmamu”

Kevin Feige: Captain Marvel Was in the Early Draft of ‘Age of Ultron’

Legion of Leia

captain marvel

During the Avengers: Age of Ultron press junket this weekend, MTV News’ Josh Horowitz pressed Kevin Feige about the rumors on whether or not Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers would make a cameo appearance in the movie. “In an early draft of the script, yes,” said Feige, “We didn’t want to introduce her fully-formed flying in a costume before you got to know who she was and how she came to be.” He then said they’re in very early days of finding the lead actress for the film, which is scheduled to open November 2, 2018. “It’s about finding writers right now; we’re very close.”

Feige also mentioned that they won’t be bringing in Miles Morales as Spider-Man…yet. But they are open to the idea after they introduce Peter Parker. That makes sense. They haven’t explores Parker’s story in the MCU, and that character has a pretty important role in the comic book version of the Civil War story arc.

To add icing to…

View original post 172 more words

Avengers: Age of Ultron Clip – Hulk vs Ironman

Avengers: Age of Ultron – B Roll footage.

The Avengers vs. The Space Phantom

The Avengers battle a strange new foe… The Space Phantom!

the space phantom

Upon debuting, The Space Phantom claimed he was a member of an unknown alien race, coming to Earth to defeat the Avengers as a means of testing if the planet could be invaded by his people. Taking the shape of several Avengers, he tried to sow dissent amongst their ranks. He was defeated when his power backfired, trying to duplicate Thor, sending him to Limbo.

From: The Avengers #2 (1963)

Continue reading “The Avengers vs. The Space Phantom”

Uncanny Inhumans #0: Black Bolt. How powerful is he?

Black Bolt reaches the door to Kang’s hall and speaks again. This time barely above a whisper he says, “Open”. The focused blast hits the door, but inexplicably, the door is not shattered. Instead, through whatever time distortion defenses Kang has going on in that weird castle of his, the energy of the blast is redirected through time, back to 1908, thus creating the Tunguska Event in Siberia.

How powerful is Black Bolt really?

I was just reading the new Uncanny Inhumans #0 and noticed something pretty interesting.  Black Bolt is searching for his son and comes across a fortified castle inhabited by Kang the Conqueror.  Kang’s battlement defenses are composed of archers, artillery-men and soldiers from different eras.  All of them raining down hell on Black Bolt who is semi-casually flying through the hail of bullets, bombs and arrows.

black bolt flying

Then, he speaks.

Continue reading “Uncanny Inhumans #0: Black Bolt. How powerful is he?”

A new look at The Vision and the rest of The Avengers in promo images from the Audi TV spot.