Why Thanos will never win – Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Why Thanos won’t win

Adam Warlock tells Thanos that he can never wrest power because he knows deep down his soul isn’t worthy of ultimate power.

From: Infinity Gauntlet

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Gardener and the Time Stone. (The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #248, June, 1980)

Hulk has returned to Jarella’s world of K’ai to bury her body. Having found the world decimated since he last visited it he was taken to the Valley of Life to bury his love. There he was attacked by the Gardener who refuses to let any living humanoid set foot in his small paradise.

Hulk has returned to Jarella’s world of K’ai to bury her body. Having found the world decimated since he last visited it he was taken to the Valley of Life to bury his love. There he was attacked by The Gardener who refuses to let any living humanoid set foot in his small paradise.

Bound in vines, the Hulk demands that the Gardener to let him free so he can bury Jarella. The Gardener refuses, and as the Hulk continues to struggle, the Elder of the Universe realizes that he cannot explain himself to the Hulk in this state of mind. Using his Soul Gem, the Gardener awakens the mind of Bruce Banner….

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war
Although they are all referred to as Soul Gems here, these are actually the Infinity Gems which are not called by that name until Silver Surfer Vol 3 #44. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #5 clarifies that the Infinity Gem that the Gardner had in his possession on the moon was actually the Time Gem. It also confirms that the Gem used by Adam Warlock was specifically the Soul Gem.

He explains how he, like the other Elders of the Universe, have one single obsession to govern the eons-long lifetimes, with his being Gardening. He tells how he obtained a Soul Gem and used it recently to create a lush garden on Earth’s Moon. When the Stranger came to his paradise, the Gardener got assistance in dispelling the invader with the aid of Spider-Man and Adam Warlock. Warlock and the Gardener combined the power of their Soul Gem’s in order to repel the Stranger.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war

However, thinking that he had tainted his Gem’s ability to sustain life on the moon, the Gardener left, leaving the Gem behind. This Gem ended up in the possession of the Mad Titan known as Thanos, who was collecting all the Soul Gems to power a massive synthetic gem which he plotted to use to snuff out all the stars in the universe. Thanos was stopped thanks to the combined efforts of the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Thing and Adam Warlock. However, Warlock perished while turning Thanos into stone. The heroes then buried Warlock’s body on an asteroid and left his Soul Gem there on his grave. The Gardener later came and collected the Soul Gem and took it with him to K’ai where he created the Valley of Life. Remembering how his last paradise was tainted, the Gardener vowed to never allow man to tread in his gardens again.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war

With the tale finished, Banner asks the Gardener to at least allow him to give the woman he loves a decent burial. The Gardener refuses and carries Jarella’s body away, assuring Banner that she will be buried. Having yet another thing taken away from him causes Banner to burst into tears. His sorrow is so great his body reverts back to human form, allowing him to get free of the vines he is caught in. However, Banner refuses to give in and vows to find Jarella and bury her himself, even without the power of the Hulk.


Jarella’s followers wait outside of the Valley of Life fearing that their would-be king had been killed there. Suddenly, a stampede of animals come rushing out of the forest and begin attacking them. While inside the lush region, Banner stops by a stream to get a drink of water when he is suddenly attacked by the very thing he tried to drink. As he is being pulled into the liquid, Banner’s pulse races enough to trigger another transformation into the Hulk. The Hulk fights his way free and then leaps across the Valley in order to intercept the Gardener and his animal followers. The Gardener orders the animals to attack the Hulk, but they are no match for him. Seeing signs of the battle, the people of K’ai are reinvigorated and start fighting back against their attackers. Meanwhile, with no more animals to set upon the Hulk, the Gardener tries to fight the brute one-on-one.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity warThe two struggle and the Gardner begins to wonder how powerful the Hulk really is. As they fight, the Soul Gem levitates off the Gardener’s brow and the Hulk knocks the Gardner aside and plucks it out of the air. Hulk comes to the conclusion that if the Soul Gem could create the Valley of Life it could also restore Jarella’s entire world. With that, the Hulk throws the Soul Gem into the ground and it burrows its way directly into the planet’s core.the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war


As the planet begins springing to life, the animals quit fighting. The people of K’ai soon join the Hulk as he buries Jarella in the Valley of Life. When her grave marker is constructed they are all surprised by a flower that suddenly pops out of the rocks. This is the work of the Gardener who has realized how selfish he was being and asks the Hulk if he can stay. The Hulk tells the Gardener as long as he remains peaceful, he may remain on K’ai. With his lover finally buried, the Hulk tells the Gardener to send him back home. With a wave of his wand, the Gardner causes the Hulk to resume his normal size, leaving the people of K’ai leaderless but with a bright future ahead of them.

Read More: Thanos takes the Time Gem from The Gardner. (Thanos Quest)


New Infinity War “All of Them” TV Spot, New Movie Posters, 100 Days until “Ant-Man & The Wasp” and one big mosaic of every MCU movie so far! Whew!

Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — the evil Thanos.

Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — the evil Thanos. On a mission to collect all six Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to use the artifacts to inflict his twisted will on reality. The fate of the planet and existence itself has never been more uncertain as everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment.

Avengers: Infinity War

Rating: UR

Release Date: Apr 27, 2018

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Posters

Marvel unlocks the secret of the Infinity Stones and their current owners. (Infinity Countdown #1)

In Infinity Countdown #1 (2018) it looks like Marvel has changed the colors of the Infinity Stones to match their MCU counter parts and tweaked how they work.

The Infinity Stones in the MCU

In Infinity Countdown #1 (2018) it looks like Marvel has changed the colors of the Infinity Stones to match their MCU counter parts and tweaked how they work. The stones (formerly called Gems) form a circuit when combined with each other forming a positive feedback loop unlocking their full potential and releasing the INFINITE power stored inside. The gems true potential lie within the users mastery of them individually.

The stones have always been mysterious and a subject of debate and discussion for years so it’s fun to see them fleshed out a bit more. I prefer the still have a twinge of mystery, but that’s just me.

Here are the new owners and new descriptions of the stones:

• The Soul Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Reality. It can preserve the soul to allow for life after death.

Current owner: Ultron

Location: Ego The Living Planet (mobile)

Read More: Thanos steals the Soul Gem from The In-Betweener.

• The Mind Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Soul. It can grant telepathy, or intelligence.

Current Owner: Turk Barrett

Location: Earth (mobile), most likely New York City

Read More: Thanos steals the The Mind Gem from The Grandmaster.

• The Power Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Mind. It can make a person more physically powerful.

Current “Owners”: Nova Corps & The Guardians of the Galaxy

Location: The desert planet of Xitaung.

Read More: Thanos takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.

• The Space Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Power. It can allow teleportation through space.

Current Owner: Wolverine

Location: Somewhere in the wilds of Canada

Wolverine space infinity stone

Read more: Thanos takes the Space Gem from The Runner.

• The Time Stone is powered by the user’s masteryof Space. It can allow a person to travel through time.

Current Owner: KL’RT

Location: Sakaar

Read More: Thanos takes the Time Gem from The Gardner.

• The Reality Stone is powered by the user’s mastery of Time. It can allow a person access to the Multiverse.

Current Owner: Captain Marvel (alternate reality Captain Marvels)

Location: Unknown ~ Multiple realities

Read More: Thanos takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.


The current owner of THE SPACE GEM is Black Widow

Location: Madripoor (probably not for long)

Read even more!

Current location of the Infinity Stones 💎 in Marvel Comics (not the MCU)

All of the Infinity Stones have been scattered around the newly merged universe. The Guardians have started a quest to find them all.

The Avengers assembled after the Black Panther discovered that the Earth was affected by the incursions, a multiversal phenomena that caused the periodical collision between realities. In an attempt to stop the the latest incursion, the Illuminati assembled the Infinity Gauntlet.

Even though Captain America managed to prevent the incursion, all the gems shattered, with the exception of the Time Gem, which simply vanished.

Infinity gems destroyed

The Time Gem unexpectedly returned some time later and transported the Avengers through time. During each time jump, the Gem returned more of the heroes back to the present until only Captain America remained, who was rescued by Iron Lad. Following a confrontation against Iron Lad and his future counterparts, Kang the Conqueror and Immortus, Captain America retrieved the Time Gem and used it to return to the present, though it vanished again afterwards.

Following the destruction of the entire Multiverse and its eventual restoration, the destroyed Infinity Gems were recreated and scattered across the universe. The Collector and the Grandmaster allied themselves with the Guardians of the Galaxy to find the stones, as they believed they held the key to learn more about the destruction and restoration of the universe.

This was because from the point of view of its inhabitants, this process occurred in a blink and went mostly unnoticed, and only powerful beings such as the Elders could sense traces of the mysterious re-ordering the cosmos had suffered.

The Space Gem (now colored blue) appeared mysteriously in a S.H.I.E.L.D. storage facility, with a failed attempt from Loki’s part to retrieve it resulting in the gem ending up in the hands of Wolverine.

Wolverine finds the space stone

Wolverine finds the space stone

The Power Gem (now colored purple) manifested in a giant-size in the desert planet of Xitaung, where it was found by the Nova Corps who are being assisted by The Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians of the galaxy infinity stone

Guardians of the galaxy infinity stone

Guardians of the galaxy infinity stone

Thanos takes the Power Stone from The Champion of the Universe. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

The Champion is one of the alien Elders of the Universe. He is an immortal who claims to have been born billions of years ago in the Ancrindo Nebula within the direction of the Magellanic Clouds. Although he wishes to prove himself the greatest warrior in the universe, he usually does so fairly. He keeps himself busy by fighting powerful warriors throughout the universe. The Champion of the Universe’s Promoter Supreme named Proja preceded the Champion’s journey to Earth and recruited eight of Earth’s strongest male heroes (Champion having decided eons earlier that females were inferior and not worth fighting). Champion then forced their participation by threatening to destroy the planet should they not fight him for those unworthy of the glorious gift that is the true spirit of competition would be “purified”.

The Champion challenged the superheroes Thing, Namor, Hulk, Colossus, Sasquatch, Thor, Doc Samson, and Wonder Man to a boxing match in Madison Square Garden while a forcefield is around it and brought them to his extra-dimensional training facility to prepare for the match. The Champion ended up disqualifying Namor for refusing to stoop to training. Then he disqualified Doc Samson for not being sufficiently skilled to qualify as an opponent. When it came to the day of the boxing match, Thor was disqualified for throwing his hammer Mjolnir (he was allowed to use it since he was powerless without it), Hulk was disqualified because the Champion refused to “soil his hands on a mindless animal,” Wonder Man was disqualified for tearing up the ring after being battered badly in the first round, Sasquatch was knocked out in the first round, and Colossus was defeated by technical knockout in the first round when he was unable to continue fighting.

Alone of all of Earth’s superheroes not previously disqualified, Thing managed to put up a semblance of fight against the Champion and lasted longer than any previous opponent the Champion had fought. Of all the opponents the Champion ever faced, only Thing lasted more than two rounds. Although the Champion fought Thing and ultimately defeated him with ease, Thing would not surrender, as he was convinced that the entire planet was in danger. Thing believed that everyone depended on him, and fought on despite broken bones and getting knocked out of the ring. Thing astonished the Champion with his resilience and courage leading the Champion to say Thing was the opponent he had sought through the ages, the one who would require all of his might and skill. His jaw broken and severely beaten after collapsing at the end of the third round, Thing crawled across the ring to demand the fight continue when the Champion claimed victory. When forced to choose between killing his defeated opponent or yielding, the Champion yielded. When Thing said he was “just too stupid and ugly to give up,” the Champion replied he could never defeat Thing. He might break his bones and his body, but he could not break his spirit. The Champion then stated that any planet which could produce a champion such as the Thing was a truly worthy world.

The Champion later attempted to kill the Silver Surfer to prevent him from interfering with a Skrull plot to use Nova to force Galactus to destroy the Kree Empire. The Champion was overpowered by the Silver Surfer, suffering his first known defeat in combat (however it is notable the Surfer used the Power Cosmic to blast the Champion rather than engage him physically).  The Champion was one of the eleven Elders who sought to restart the universe by killing Galactus. He attempted to kill Mantis but she was rescued by the Silver Surfer.  The Champion then battled Galactus and the Silver Surfer but was converted to energy and consumed by Galactus.  The Champion and the other four Elders devoured by Galactus caused Galactus “cosmic indigestion” from within until they were forced out of him by Master Order and Lord Chaos.  When asked to aid the Silver Surfer and Nova in helping Galactus to defeat the In-Betweener the Champion was one of the four Elders who agreed and he physically restrained the Grandmaster to prevent him from opposing them.   Once the In-Betweener had been defeated by Galactus the five Elders used their Infinity Gems to instantaneously travel very far away from Galactus and his vengeance. As a result, the Champion ended up with the Power Gem (one of the Infinity Gems) in his possession. Thanos eventually tracked the Champion down to the planet Tamarata, and tricked the Champion into causing a seismic disruption that destroyed Tamarata, forcing him to forfeit his Infinity Gem for transport to another planet. However, instead of helping the Champion after receiving the Gem, Thanos caused the Champion to fall to another world.


More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.


Thanos takes the Time Stone from The Gardner. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

The Gardener was once Ord Zyonz, a being who came into existence in the Seyfert Galaxy M-77. Like all the other Elders, he belongs to one of the first races to develop since the Big Bang and thus is nearly immortal and extremely powerful. He is absolutely obsessed with peace and quiet, and with his garden.

At one time he created an amazing lush garden in the Blue Area of the Moon using his Infinity Gem, the Time Gem. This was eventually brought to a halt when Adam Warlock,Spider-Man and the Stranger were caught up in a battle on the moon and he used his gem along with the Soul Gem of Warlock and successfully slowed down the Stranger enough to make him leave. After using his gem in battle it was corrupted and he believed he could no longer use it to make things grow; he left it behind in search of a new place for his garden (where it stayed until Thanos found it).

The Gardener was later revealed to possess Adam Warlock’s Soul Gem. He journeyed to K’ai to create a paradise valley. There, he battled the Hulk, and briefly lost the gem, but he soon had it in his possession again.

The cosmic entity Grandmaster had, by proxy, lost a contest for the entity Death. Angered, she forbade him and his fellow Elders, including the Gardener, from entering her realm. Thus the Gardener became immortal.

The Gardener was seen among a group of abstract and near-omnipotent beings (including Uatu the Watcher, Eternity, the In-Betweener, the Living Tribunal, Lord Chaos, Master Order, and a Celestial) confronting the Beyonder.

The Gardener was one of the eleven Elders who allied together to restart the universe by killing Galactus.  He used Earth plants to capture Mantis. He battled Galactus and theSilver Surfer, but was converted to energy and consumed by Galactus. Along with the other four Elders who were devoured by Galactus, he caused Galactus “cosmic indigestion” from within until they were forced out of him by Master Order and Lord Chaos. The Gardener was one of the four Elders who aided the Silver Surfer and Nova in helping Galactus to defeat the In-Betweener.  Once that was done the five Elders used their Infinity Gems to instantaneously travel very far away from Galactus and his vengeance. Afterwards, the Gardener retained possession of the Time Gem and used it once more. Thanos confronted him, using the Gems he had already recollected to seemingly kill the Gardener and take the Time Gem, as part of his ultimate goal to create the Infinity Gauntlet.

Later, during the Infinity War incident, the Contemplator spotted the Gardener in the Dimension Of Manifestations among a group of abstract and near-omnipotent beings who were conversing with the Beyonder. However, that was only a “reflection” (recording) of a manifestation-event that had taken place years earlier (and which is listed above).


More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.

Thanos takes the Space Stone from The Runner. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

The Runner is a traveler and explorer who has lived for billions of years. He seeks complete freedom and to see all there is to see. As such, he has spent his long life traveling across and experiencing the universe. He is regarded as one of the more pacifistic Elders. He once encountered Moondragon when she first left Titan, years ago.

The Runner was one of the eleven Elders who conspired against Galactus and battled the Silver Surfer in an attempt to gain power in a new, re-created universe. He battled Galactus and the Silver Surfer, and was converted to energy for consumption by Galactus. However, along with the other four Elders that had been consumed by Galactus, the Runner caused Galactus “cosmic indigestion” from within until they were forced out of him by Master Order and Lord Chaos. The Runner was one of the four Elders who aided the Silver Surfer and Nova in helping Galactus to defeat the In-Betweener.  Once that was done the five Elders used the five Infinity Gems they had retained to instantaneously travel very far away from Galactus and his vengeance.  Afterwards, the Runner kept the Space Gem, one of the Infinity Gems.


From: Thanos Quest

More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.

Thanos takes the Reality Stone from The Collector. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

From: Thanos Quest

More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.

Thanos steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Stone, from The Grandmaster. (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.

Thanos’s final target is the Grandmaster, a consummate games-man. With the final gem, the Mind Gem, imprisoned in a random teleportation device that will only deactivate with his death, he informs Thanos that he cannot have the gem until he bests him in a game of his choosing. The two then compete in a virtual reality combat game, which Thanos seems to win until it is shown that the Grandmaster had sabotaged Thanos’s weaponry. However, Thanos then reveals that the body with which the Grandmaster had been competing was merely a robotic clone of Thanos; its destruction being inconsequential, the real Thanos proceeds to destroy the gaming equipment, killing the Grandmaster and freeing the Mind Gem.

Thanos returns to Death’s sanctum with the six Infinity Gems in his possession, boasting of his achievement and his new-found status as Death’s equal. Death congratulates his accomplishment, though still speaks to him through her various minions. When Thanos demands that Death address him personally as her mate, she points out to him, again through her minions, with his newly achieved status of omnipotence, Thanos is not her equal, but her superior, and that it would therefore not be fitting for her to address him directly. Thanos destroys the minion in a fit of anger and stalks from Death’s throne room, trying to comprehend his miscalculation, and finally wondering, while shedding a tear, how becoming a god could prove such a hollow victory.


From: Thanos Quest


  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Grandmaster.

Thanos steals the Soul Stone from The In-Betweener (Thanos Quest)

The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim.

The story line is a continuation of the events – involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. The story line leads directly into three consecutive limited series, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and Infinity Crusade.

Recently resurrected by Death in order to wipe out half of the population of the universe, the Titan Thanos discovers the true nature of the six Infinity Gems after gazing into Death’s Infinity Well. Convincing Death that possession of the gems will aid him tremendously in his quest, he gains her permission to seek them out from the cosmic entities that currently possess them.





In Part One of the Thanos Quest, Thanos first travels to the Nexus of Reality where the “concept being” known as the In-Betweener is being imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order; after freeing him from the sphere in which he is being incarcerated, Thanos forcibly takes the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener, whose powers are useless at the heart of the realm of Chaos and Order.

By the In-Betweener’s own admission, he represents duality itself, specifically in respect to concepts such as good and evil; reason and emotion; truth and illusion; and life and death.  The In-Betweener is also an agent of the conceptual beings Lord Chaos and Master Order, although his loyalty is usually to himself rather than to them.  In addition to being an incarnation of balance and duality, the In-Betweener is possibly a metaphysical counterpart of Galactus.

The hero Adam Warlock is the first Terran meta-human to encounter the In-Betweener, and the entity reveals that it is destined to force Warlock to transform into his villainous future self the Magus. Warlock, however, was able to escape this fate with help from the Titan Thanos.

The In-Betweener then claims to be the power behind the plan to alter the fabric of reality orchestrated by the group of sorcerers known as the Creators, but secretly seeks to impose his own concept of balance upon the universe. After an encounter with the sorcerer Doctor Strange, the In-Betweener is imprisoned as punishment for rebelling against his masters.

The In-Betweener later attempts to supplant Galactus’ role in the universe and allies with the Elders of the Universe in their plan against Galactus. However, the In-Betweener betrays the Elders during a confrontation with the entity Death and compels Death to wipe three of the Elders from existence.  Soon after this the In-Betweener also battles Galactus and his robotic servant the Punisher, but the stalemated battle is interrupted by his masters, who subsequently imprison him.

He is later freed by Thanos, who secretly desires the Soul Gem the In-Betweener wears, as it is one of the six Infinity Gems. Thanos then steals the gem and abandons the In-Betweener to face the wrath of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who discover he has escaped his prison.

From: Thanos Quest

More Entries from Thanos Quest in order:

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Collector.
  6. Thanos Steals the final Infinity Stone, The Mind Gem, from The Grandmaster.

T’Challa uses the Time Stone to save the world…(Secret Wars)


Captain America uses the Infinity Gauntlet at the end of the world.

The Illuminati assembled after Black Panther discovered that another Earth was colliding with Earth-616. Reluctantly he called the Illuminati together to stop the collision. After long debate they decided that the only way to do so was to destroy the other Earth with the Infinity Gems, but had to find the Mind Gem that was in the possession of Charles Xavier before he died. Beast eventually recovered a memory implant put in his mind by Xavier, which asked him to take his place in the Illuminati, and where the gem was. As soon as Hank retrieved it, Namor, Black Bolt, and Captain America showed up and recruited him into their team.

Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet  Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet  Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet  Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet From New Avengers vol. 3  # 3

Prior to the events of Secret Wars:

The Illuminati assembled after Black Panther discovered that another Earth was colliding with Earth-616. Reluctantly he called the Illuminati together to stop the collision.  After long debate they decided that the only way to do so was to destroy the other Earth with the Infinity Gems, but had to find the Mind Gem that was in the possession of Charles Xavier before he died. Beast eventually recovered a memory implant put in his mind by Xavier, which asked him to take his place in the Illuminati, and where the gem was. As soon as Hank retrieved it, Namor, Black Bolt, and Captain America showed up and recruited him into their team.

They went to the location where the other Earth would hit and formed the Infinity Gauntlet, which got the attention of Uatu the Watcher, Galactus, and Thanos. The group decided Captain America should wield it. Cap fired the power at the other Earth, but something went wrong and caused all the Infinity Gems to shatter except the Time Gem, which suddenly vanished.

Adam Warlock tells how Thanos stole the Infinity Stones

adam warlock and thanos

Continue reading “Adam Warlock tells how Thanos stole the Infinity Stones”

Tony Stark distributes The Infinity Stones

infinity gems
Tony Stark distributes the Infinity Gems to prevent them from falling into enemy hands.