Crystal finds out about Johnny Storm and Medusa’s secret relationship.

Thousands of years ago aliens experimented on cavemen, supercharging their evolution, and then mysteriously left their experiments behind.  These men and women built the city of Attilan and discovered a chemical called Terrigen that unlocked secret super-powers in their modified DNA, making them THE UNCANNY INHUMANS. 

While trapped and nearly crushed beneath the rubble of a collapsed building, Medusa and Johnny were forced to reevaluate their secret relationship.  Medusa believes that she manipulated Johnny’s affection, but Johnny admits that she gave him a new purpose in life.  Just as the debris threatened to cave in and crush them, Medusa and Johnny were saved at the last moment by Crystal, Medusa’s sister and Johnny’s ex-girlfriend…

crystal finds out about medusa and johnny storm


crystal finds out about medusa and johnny storm


crystal finds out about medusa and johnny storm


crystal finds out about medusa and johnny storm


From:  The Uncanny Inhumans #9 (2016)

Writer: Charles Soule

Artist:  Kev Walker

Inker:  Scott Hanna

Colorist:  Dave Curiel

Cover Artist: Mahmud Asrar & Dave McCaig

The Terrigen Mists cover The Ohio State University. (Civil War II)

Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity


Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity


Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity


Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity


Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity


Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity


Civil War II Terrigen Mist Ohio State Universtity

Title: Civil War #0 (2016)

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Olivier Coipel

Colorist: Justin Ponsor


What are the Terrigen Mists?

The Terrigen Mist is a natural mutagen, arising as a vapor from the Terrigen Crystals, which are able to alter Inhuman biology. The Mists were discovered by the Inhuman geneticist Randac approximately 25,000 years ago. He immersed himself in the Mists and gained mental powers comparable to the Eternals.  Sometimes the mutated subjects gain superhuman abilities; Medusa, Black Bolt, and Kamala Khan are three examples of this.

However, in the past, uncontrolled exposure to the Mists (due in part to Randac wishing for all the Inhumans to undergo Terrigen treatment or Terrigenesis) mutated the majority of the Inhuman population into hideously deformed monsters. After centuries of eugenics and birth control, the Inhumans managed to mitigate the genetic damage and cultivated a more responsible use of the Terrigen Mists. The practice they developed was to let only genetically perfect specimens undergo the random mutations provoked by the Mists.

Their theory was that genetic screening could avoid the risk of hideous and animal mutations in an individual. However, there are examples throughout the Inhumans’ canon where an exposed Inhuman became a devolved, sometimes mindless, evolutionarily inferior throw-back. The term Alpha Primitives was coined for these unfortunate outcasts of Inhuman society, who would for centuries become the breeding stock of a slave race. Resentment at this caste system sometimes bubbles up, and the Alpha Primitives have tried to overthrow their rulers in multiple storylines, often as a result of manipulation by a third party.

 A-Force vs. Antimatter (A-Force #3)


How strong is the Hulk? Hulk is able to withstand a blow from Karnak of the Inhumans. (Hulk vs. Karnak)

Hulk vs. Karnak

Seeing the Inhumans under attack by the NYPD, Bruce Banner transforms into the Incredible Hulk in order to lend a hand.  The Inhumans seeing The Hulk as their opportunity to show the world that they are not a threat attempt to subdue the jade giant and “save” the city.  They get more than they bargain for when The Hulk proves to be an almost unstoppable force.

Karnak, the one who finds the fault in all things, probes ol’ jade jaws and finds that his weakness is his chest, right over his heart and attempts to exploit this weakness.

The results were disastrous….

From: The Inhumans #12 (1977)

Uncanny Inhumans #0: Black Bolt. How powerful is he?

Black Bolt reaches the door to Kang’s hall and speaks again. This time barely above a whisper he says, “Open”. The focused blast hits the door, but inexplicably, the door is not shattered. Instead, through whatever time distortion defenses Kang has going on in that weird castle of his, the energy of the blast is redirected through time, back to 1908, thus creating the Tunguska Event in Siberia.

How powerful is Black Bolt really?

I was just reading the new Uncanny Inhumans #0 and noticed something pretty interesting.  Black Bolt is searching for his son and comes across a fortified castle inhabited by Kang the Conqueror.  Kang’s battlement defenses are composed of archers, artillery-men and soldiers from different eras.  All of them raining down hell on Black Bolt who is semi-casually flying through the hail of bullets, bombs and arrows.

black bolt flying

Then, he speaks.

Continue reading “Uncanny Inhumans #0: Black Bolt. How powerful is he?”