Metallo shoots Superman with a kryptonite bullet.  (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Day Special Edition #1


Batman vs. Superman (Lex Luthor Man of Steel #3)

batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel batman vs superman lex luthor man of steel

Batman (with a Kryptonite ring) vs. Superman (Batman #612, 2003)

batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring batman with a kryptonite ring

Superman uses kryptonite to burn away his poisoned cells.

Superman kryptonite

Action Comics (2011-) 049-007

From: Action Comics #49 (2016)

Lex Luthor is a Jerk to California


A genius known only as Nick Acosta spliced together footage from the original Superman movie with the trailer for the upcoming San Andreas movie. They go together flawlessly – at least if you hold this video to the standards of 1978 special effects. I think I actually liked this trailer more than I liked all of Man of Steel.


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