Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes vs. The Living Laser & The Corruptor!

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes

The Avengers are on the run! Until they can be sure who’s on their side, Spider-Man, Captain America, Luke Cage, Ronin, Mockingbird, Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) are using Captain America’s hideout in Brooklyn as a safe house.  In the post-Civil War days, the Superhuman Registration Act is still in effect and they are collectively trying to keep the values of the Avengers name alive even though they are living on the wrong side of the law.

After scoring the final kill shot that was broadcast around the world during the climax of the Skrull Secret Invasion, Norman Osborn has become a media darling and director of H.A.M.M.E.R., the national peacekeeping task-force, which includes his own team of Dark Avengers.

The Hood, now in possession of the powerful Asgardian Norn Stones, thanks to Loki, has made a pact with Osborn to have his syndicate of criminals hunt down the elusive Avengers.

Meanwhile, Osborn prepares his forces for the invasion of Asgard, which is now located hovering above the plains of Broxton, Oklahoma.

From: New Avengers #61 (Siege Tie-In)

Dr. Strange official trailer 

Dr. Strange is directed by Scott Derrickson with a screenplay by Jon Spaihts and C. Robert Cargill, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mads Mikkelsen, and Tilda Swinton. 

In Doctor Strange, surgeon Stephen Strange learns from the Ancient One after a career-ending car accident.
Doctor Strange is scheduled to be released on November 4, 2016 in IMAX.

Dr. Strange teaser poster 

The new teaser poster for Doctor Strange was released today!  In the poster you can see the good doctor standing in front of the window of what is clearly the Sanctum Sanctorum 

 The mansion of Doctor Stephen Strange’s is located at 177A Bleecker Street, New York City, NY 10012-1406, on the corner of Bleecker Street and Fenno Place in the heart of Greenwich Village. Also known as the Sanctum Sanctorum (Latin for ‘Holiest of Holies’), the townhouse has served as the personal residence of Doctor Strange and former as the headquarters of the Defenders and the New Avengers. It is also the greatest concentration of occult esoterica and mystical phenomena in existence.  

 Strange is a practitioner of both the mystical arts as well as martial arts. His costume uses two mystical objects, the Cloak of Levitation and Eye of Agamotto that gives Strange added powers. First trained by the Ancient One, Strange is aided along the way by his friend and servant to the Sorcerer Supreme, Wong, and a large assortment of mystical objects.

Doctor Strange is produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is intended to be the fourteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

 The film is directed by Scott Derrickson with a screenplay by Jon Spaihts and C. Robert Cargill, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mads Mikkelsen, and Tilda Swinton. In Doctor Strange, surgeon Stephen Strange learns from the Ancient One after a career-ending car accident.

REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E3: AKA It’s Called Whiskey

In another solid character building episode, we see Jess and Luke bump uglies several times! Full on bed smashing, sweaty coitus!

Sweet Christmas indeed.

In another solid character building episode, we see Jess and Luke bump uglies several times! Full on bed smashing, sweaty coitus!

Sweet Christmas indeed.

We get more screen time with the recurring characters in this episode.  Carrie Ann Moss’ Jeri Hogarth, looks amazing (and a whole heck of a lot like Robin Wright’s Claire Underwood from House of Cards) is working her damndest to get Hope free from prison while dealing with the issue of an estranged wife.

It’s interesting to note that we learn that The Purple Man’s abilities can be suppressed by anesthesia, specifically Sufentanil and Jessica hatches a plan to deliver a dose and knock him out for good.  It’s interesting to note that in New Avengers #3, the Purple Man who was heavily sedated prior to a mass super villain escape was not able to extend his mind control for very long over a stressed out Luke Cage.

Luke Cage vs. Purple Man
Luke Cage vs. Purple Man

Luke Cage vs. Purple Man

Luke Cage vs. Purple Man

Patsy shows off her Krav Maga skills to Jessica and boy those skills will come in handy sooner rather than later because our boy Killgrave is at it again.  After being insulted by Patsy on her radio show, Killgrave sends his newest henchman and our newest recurring character, Sgt. Will Simpson played by Wil Traval.  SGT. Simpson, under the control of Killgrave manages to trick his way into Patsy apartment soundly beating her down before Jessica shows up to save the day.  Jessica follows Simpson back to Kilgraves lair and stumbles upon his creepy room that is set up as an homage to Jones herself.

jessica jones zebediah killgrave
The Purple Man’s creepy hideout

In his lair we finally get a really good look as David Tenant.  I really like they how they portray Purple Man in this show.  He’s not the purple skinned weirdo from the comics, he’s more like a semi suave European huckster.  A man who without powers would be as nondescript as the rest of us.  But given the ability to control other people, well, he turns into a real dick head.

Fending off another attacker, Jessica manages to save a still mind controlled Simpson by faking a roof dive/garbage pile landing getting him far enough away from Kilgraves control to snap him out of it.

The binge watching continues….

See my other Jessica Jones Review here:

REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E1: AKA Ladies Night

REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E2: AKA Crush Syndrome

REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E4: AKA 99 Friends





16 Smashing Luke Cage, Hero for Hire Covers!

21 Awesome Power Man and Iron Fist covers!


Power-Man Vs. Iron Fist


Continue reading “Power-Man Vs. Iron Fist”

How Luke Cage Became Power-Man.

Luke Cage talks about how he became Power Man and becoming a hero.

Ever wonder how Luke Cage got his unbreakable steel skin? The big man explains it himself.

From: Power Man and Iron Fist #50 (1978)

Luke Cage origin 1   Continue reading “How Luke Cage Became Power-Man.”

Captain America uses the Infinity Gauntlet at the end of the world.

The Illuminati assembled after Black Panther discovered that another Earth was colliding with Earth-616. Reluctantly he called the Illuminati together to stop the collision. After long debate they decided that the only way to do so was to destroy the other Earth with the Infinity Gems, but had to find the Mind Gem that was in the possession of Charles Xavier before he died. Beast eventually recovered a memory implant put in his mind by Xavier, which asked him to take his place in the Illuminati, and where the gem was. As soon as Hank retrieved it, Namor, Black Bolt, and Captain America showed up and recruited him into their team.

Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet  Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet  Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet  Captain America uses the infinity guantlet
Captain America uses the infinity guantlet From New Avengers vol. 3  # 3

Prior to the events of Secret Wars:

The Illuminati assembled after Black Panther discovered that another Earth was colliding with Earth-616. Reluctantly he called the Illuminati together to stop the collision.  After long debate they decided that the only way to do so was to destroy the other Earth with the Infinity Gems, but had to find the Mind Gem that was in the possession of Charles Xavier before he died. Beast eventually recovered a memory implant put in his mind by Xavier, which asked him to take his place in the Illuminati, and where the gem was. As soon as Hank retrieved it, Namor, Black Bolt, and Captain America showed up and recruited him into their team.

They went to the location where the other Earth would hit and formed the Infinity Gauntlet, which got the attention of Uatu the Watcher, Galactus, and Thanos. The group decided Captain America should wield it. Cap fired the power at the other Earth, but something went wrong and caused all the Infinity Gems to shatter except the Time Gem, which suddenly vanished.