Kamala Khan, Spider-Man and Nova save their classmates from a miniature fusion reactor. (Civil War II – Tie In)

When a strange Terrigen Mist descended upon Jersey City, Kamala Khan was imbued with poly-morph powers.  Using her new abilities to fight evil and protect Jersey City, she became the ALL-NEW MS. MARVEL.  

After a few calamitous months of solo super hero work made a mess of her personal life, Ms. Marvel was forced to call in back up to save her city from the mindless monsters she accidentally created.  Kamala learned that even the best heroes require a little help sometimes.

With things finally settling down in Jersey City, and having found some balance in her life, Kamala’s able to enjoy some of the simpler pleasures of being in High School even on days like today…

Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales

Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales

Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales

Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales

Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales

Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales


Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales


From: Ms. Marvel #7

Writer:  G. Willow Wilson

Artist:  Adrian Alphona

Colorist:  Ian Herring

Cover Artist:  Cameron Stewart

Meet the newest member of the All-New All-Different Avengers!

All-New All-Different Wasp All-New All-Different Wasp


All-New All-Different Wasp

All-New All-Different Wasp

From: All-New All-Different Avengers #9 (2016)

Drax the Destroyer vaporizes Thanos with an antimatter bomb (The Thanos Imperative #3, 2010)

drax kills thanos drax kills thanos drax kills thanos drax kills thanos drax kills thanos

The Mighty Thor (dual wielding Mjolnir) & The All New Avengers vs. Kang

All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 006-015 All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 006-016 All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 006-017 All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 006-018 All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 006-019

From: All New Avengers #6

Sam Wilson kisses The Mighty Thor

All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 004-017All new all different avengers thor kisses captain america

All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015-) 004-019

Galactus devours The Skrull Throne-World

FF257_13 FF257_16 FF257_17 FF257_18

From: Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #257 (1983)

On the Skrull throneworld, Empress R’Klll chastises her subordinates for failing to erect the planetary screen that has been previously used to hide their world from Galactus in the past. However one of her aides tells him that there was no hiding their planet from Nova, who seemed to see their planet even with the screen up.

R’Klll is joined by her daughter Princess Anelle who asks what is going on. R’Klll informs her that it is the end of their world. Even as she speaks, Galactus arrives on the surface of the Skrull planet. Shrugging off his attackers, Galactus then sinks into the core of the planet, turning into a bubling cauldron of death that consumes all life and decimates the entire planet. With his hunger sated, Galactus goes into a deep slumber, leaving Nova to collect him up and return him to his ship.