Daredevil Season 2: Final trailer! Binge Watching + Live Tweeting = #NetflixAndChill

Ohhhhh shiznit, it’s about to go down! Everyone excited?


I’ll be live tweeting Daredevil on Netflix this Friday night. No spoilers, just reactions like “OH $#%!!!! Somebody got knocked the F out! 😱😵😵😵”, opinions, observations, easter egg hunting and so on.

Tweet along with me @lowbrowent, Friday night, March 18th, starting around 8:30pm EST!

P.S. I’ll be drinking the Best Damn Root Beer  because it’s awesome and eating pizza… because pizza is awesome too.


Murder by Numbers – Daredevil vs. Punisher vs. Taskmaster

Daredevil293p01 Daredevil293p02 Daredevil293p04 Daredevil293p05 Daredevil293p07 Daredevil293p08 Daredevil293p09 Daredevil293p10

From: Daredevil #293 (1991)

Daredevil vs. Punisher part 2 (Daredevil #257, 1988)

12 13 14 15 16

Daredevil fights The Punisher



The Punisher vs. The Sentry (Dark Reign)


From:  The Punisher, Dark Reign #1