Rachel Summers (with the Phoenix Force) vs. The Beyonder

beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix beyonder versus phoenix

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1 #203 (1986)

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen

The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen The Uncanny X-Men vs. Selene the Black Queen

From: Uncanny X-Men v.1 #184 (1984)