Deathstroke vs. Red Hood

Deathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red HoodDeathstroke vs Red Hood

Batman explains previous Robins to Damian (Batman & Robin Eternal #22)


Red Robin vs. Red Hood (Robin War)

Red Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red Hood

Robin and the Red Hood vs. Bane

 Batman Robin Eternal Bane  
Batman Robin Eternal Bane  Batman Robin Eternal Bane  
Batman Robin Eternal Bane 

Supergirl and The Red Hood team up. 

Supergirl meets the Red Hood for the first time and is taken aback by his abilities.

Supergirl meets the Red Hood   Continue reading “Supergirl and The Red Hood team up. “