The Savage Dragon vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Savage Dragon #2)

While on loan to the NYPD, Dragon encounters the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and they are none to pleased to see him on their turf.

While on loan to the NYPD, Dragon encounters the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and they are none to pleased to see him on their turf.

Daredevil vs. Ka-Zar and the secret origin of Antarctic Vibranium (Daredevil vol.1 #13, 1964)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Gardener and the Time Stone. (The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #248, June, 1980)

Hulk has returned to Jarella’s world of K’ai to bury her body. Having found the world decimated since he last visited it he was taken to the Valley of Life to bury his love. There he was attacked by the Gardener who refuses to let any living humanoid set foot in his small paradise.

Hulk has returned to Jarella’s world of K’ai to bury her body. Having found the world decimated since he last visited it he was taken to the Valley of Life to bury his love. There he was attacked by The Gardener who refuses to let any living humanoid set foot in his small paradise.

Bound in vines, the Hulk demands that the Gardener to let him free so he can bury Jarella. The Gardener refuses, and as the Hulk continues to struggle, the Elder of the Universe realizes that he cannot explain himself to the Hulk in this state of mind. Using his Soul Gem, the Gardener awakens the mind of Bruce Banner….

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war
Although they are all referred to as Soul Gems here, these are actually the Infinity Gems which are not called by that name until Silver Surfer Vol 3 #44. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #5 clarifies that the Infinity Gem that the Gardner had in his possession on the moon was actually the Time Gem. It also confirms that the Gem used by Adam Warlock was specifically the Soul Gem.

He explains how he, like the other Elders of the Universe, have one single obsession to govern the eons-long lifetimes, with his being Gardening. He tells how he obtained a Soul Gem and used it recently to create a lush garden on Earth’s Moon. When the Stranger came to his paradise, the Gardener got assistance in dispelling the invader with the aid of Spider-Man and Adam Warlock. Warlock and the Gardener combined the power of their Soul Gem’s in order to repel the Stranger.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war

However, thinking that he had tainted his Gem’s ability to sustain life on the moon, the Gardener left, leaving the Gem behind. This Gem ended up in the possession of the Mad Titan known as Thanos, who was collecting all the Soul Gems to power a massive synthetic gem which he plotted to use to snuff out all the stars in the universe. Thanos was stopped thanks to the combined efforts of the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Thing and Adam Warlock. However, Warlock perished while turning Thanos into stone. The heroes then buried Warlock’s body on an asteroid and left his Soul Gem there on his grave. The Gardener later came and collected the Soul Gem and took it with him to K’ai where he created the Valley of Life. Remembering how his last paradise was tainted, the Gardener vowed to never allow man to tread in his gardens again.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war

With the tale finished, Banner asks the Gardener to at least allow him to give the woman he loves a decent burial. The Gardener refuses and carries Jarella’s body away, assuring Banner that she will be buried. Having yet another thing taken away from him causes Banner to burst into tears. His sorrow is so great his body reverts back to human form, allowing him to get free of the vines he is caught in. However, Banner refuses to give in and vows to find Jarella and bury her himself, even without the power of the Hulk.


Jarella’s followers wait outside of the Valley of Life fearing that their would-be king had been killed there. Suddenly, a stampede of animals come rushing out of the forest and begin attacking them. While inside the lush region, Banner stops by a stream to get a drink of water when he is suddenly attacked by the very thing he tried to drink. As he is being pulled into the liquid, Banner’s pulse races enough to trigger another transformation into the Hulk. The Hulk fights his way free and then leaps across the Valley in order to intercept the Gardener and his animal followers. The Gardener orders the animals to attack the Hulk, but they are no match for him. Seeing signs of the battle, the people of K’ai are reinvigorated and start fighting back against their attackers. Meanwhile, with no more animals to set upon the Hulk, the Gardener tries to fight the brute one-on-one.

the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity warThe two struggle and the Gardner begins to wonder how powerful the Hulk really is. As they fight, the Soul Gem levitates off the Gardener’s brow and the Hulk knocks the Gardner aside and plucks it out of the air. Hulk comes to the conclusion that if the Soul Gem could create the Valley of Life it could also restore Jarella’s entire world. With that, the Hulk throws the Soul Gem into the ground and it burrows its way directly into the planet’s core.the time stone infinity stones hulk avengers infinity war


As the planet begins springing to life, the animals quit fighting. The people of K’ai soon join the Hulk as he buries Jarella in the Valley of Life. When her grave marker is constructed they are all surprised by a flower that suddenly pops out of the rocks. This is the work of the Gardener who has realized how selfish he was being and asks the Hulk if he can stay. The Hulk tells the Gardener as long as he remains peaceful, he may remain on K’ai. With his lover finally buried, the Hulk tells the Gardener to send him back home. With a wave of his wand, the Gardner causes the Hulk to resume his normal size, leaving the people of K’ai leaderless but with a bright future ahead of them.

Read More: Thanos takes the Time Gem from The Gardner. (Thanos Quest)


Spider-Man & X-Force vs. The Juggernaut (Spider-Man #16, 1991)

This “sideways” issue shows Spider-Man teaming up with X-Force against The Juggernaut who is rampaging through downtown NYC.

This was an interesting issue. It makes the end of Todd McFarlane’s run on Spider-Man. He transitioned from The Amazing Spider-Man to this comic which was simply named… Spider-Man. Todd was given something that is almost unheard of in Marvel Comics these days; creative free reign over the story, art and inks to create his ongoing series of Spidey adventures. The result, in my opinion was a pretty good run of Spider-Man stories.

This “sideways” issue shows Spider-Man teaming up with X-Force against The Juggernaut who is rampaging through downtown NYC.

Cosmic Powered Spectacular Spider-Man vs. T.E.S.S. One (Spectacular Spider-Man #160, 1989)

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

All Cosmic Spider-Man posts in order:

Cosmic Powered Amazing Spider-Man vs. Graviton & The Tri-Sentinel (The Amazing Spider-Man #329, 1990)

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

All Cosmic Spider-Man posts in order:

Cosmic Powered Spectacular Spider-Man vs. The Brothers Grimm (Spectacular Spider-Man #159, 1989)

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

All Cosmic Spider-Man posts in order:

Killer Frost absorbs Superman’s life force. (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad)

From: Suicide Squad vs. Justice League

Supergirl vs. Emerald Empress

From: Supergirl #13


Return to Planet Hulk Part IV! Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar. In one of his arena battles, Hulk is pitched against The Odinson himself… THE MIGHTY THOR.

Amadeus Cho is in self exile in deep space wen he gets a distress call from Sakaar. When his ship lands on the planet surface, he is captured and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena by the evil despot known as The Warlord of Sakaar. In one of his arena battles, Hulk is pitched against The Odinson himself… THE MIGHTY THOR.

READ MORE: Return to Planet Hulk Part V: How Strong is The Hulk? Hulk can absorb the nuclear fire of an ICBM.

From: Incredible Hulk #712 (2018)

Artist: Greg Land

Writer: Greg Pak

Duel With A Dark Lady – Star Wars #96 (1985)

Duel With A Dark Lady – Star Wars #96 (1985) – Classic Star Wars Comics #starwars #HanSolo

Luke vs. Lumiya part 1

Captain America vs. Wolverine

Captain America fight Wolverine

From: Captain America Annual #8 (1986)

Wolverine vs. The Punisher 

From: Punisher War Journal #6, 1989

Can Galactus Eat Ego The Living Planet?

Galactus travels through space…

The world devourer pauses when he detects the thoughts of a powerful creature and decides to seek out its source as his hunger is mounting once more. Taking a smaller craft, Galactus flies into the Black Galaxy and finds himself before Ego the Living Planet.

While aboard the Rigellian flagship, Thor meets with the Rigellian commander and the Recorder to determine their plan of attack against Galactus. With their course set, Thor and the Recorder travel off in a ship to confront Galactus himself. The Recorder detects that Galactus is within the Black Galaxy and the two speed off to meet their foe there. They are spied by a group called the Wanderers, a group of aliens that have survived the destruction of their worlds at the hands of Galactus and seek revenge against the world destroyer and they decide to follow after Thor and the Recorder.

Finally, back in the Black Galaxy, Galactus and Ego boast about their mutual power and Galactus demands to consume Ego’s energies. Ego tries to stop this by unleashing a furious blast at Galactus, the force of which reaches Thor and the Recorder’s ship destroying it and seemingly killing its passengers.



Psylocke vs. Magneto (Uncanny X-Men)

From: Uncanny X-Men #19 (2107)

Review: Supergirl #2

Graphic Policy

supergirl2fiSupergirl #2 has all the ingredients of an intriguing teen superhero comic: twisted family drama, killer robots, punching, and of course, adolescent awkwardness. Writer Steve Orlando, artist Brian Ching, and colorist Michael Atiyeh give Supergirl quite the hard time as various men in her life keep telling her what’s best for her from Cyborg Superman saying that he’s her dad Zor-El to her classmate, Ben Rubel, interrupting her and getting a spot as one of Cat Grant’s Young Innovators. In light of a male presidential candidate interrupting a female presidential candidate multiple times and still complaining about not having equal time, the events of Supergirl #2 are very relevant as Orlando simultaneously explores the tragedy of Krypton’s destruction and the cutthroat world of new media.

Speaking of media, Orlando and Ching’s take on Cat Grant is fantastic as they start to build her arc as a journalist who wants to…

View original post 599 more words

Iron Fist vs. The X-Men

Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men Iron Fist vs. The X-Men

From: Iron Fist #15, 1977

Writer: Chris Claremont

Artist: John Byrne

Inker: Dan Green

Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth (Iron Fist #14, 1977)

Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth Iron Fist vs. Sabertooth


From: Iron Fist #14 (1977)

Writer: Chris Claremont

Artist: John Byrne

Inker: Dan Green


Captain America (Sam Wilson) vs. U.S. Agent (Sam Wilson, Captain America #13, 2016 ~ Civil War II)

captain america vs. US Agent


The character John Walker was first introduced as the super villain Super-Patriot in Captain America #323. Mark Gruenwald created Walker to counter the general message in Captain America of patriotism being invariably good, describing him as someone who embodied patriotism in a way that Captain America didn’t—a patriotic villain.

After a return appearance in Captain America #327, Gruenwald reintroduced him as the new Captain America in issue #333. Though Gruenwald said he would not have done this if it had not been a logical development from the preceding storylines, he also openly acknowledged that the motivating reason for replacing Steve Rogers as Captain America was to boost sales:

John Walker’s installation as Captain America indeed provided a major boost to the series’s sales  and he remained the main character of Captain America for issues 333 through 350, during which his character generally becomes more heroic.  In Captain America #354 he is given another name and costume change, this time as U.S. Agent using a discarded costume of Steve Rogers (the original Captain America), a black outfit with a different alignment of the stars and stripes to differentiate it from Steve Rogers’ suit.

Like some West Coast Avengers teammates who had their own series (such as Iron Man, or Hawkeye in Solo Avengers), the character U.S. Agent was popular enough to earn his own limited series in 1993. The mini-series was used to finish off a long-standing Marvel Universe plot thread involving the Scourge of the Underworld.


John Walker was born in the fictional town of Custer’s Grove, Georgia. He grew up idolizing his older brother, Mike, a helicopter pilot who died in the Vietnam War.  John  wanted to honor his brother’s memory by enlisting in the military, becoming a soldier himself.

After John received an honorable discharge from the United States Army, he was told by a friend about the Power Broker, a mysterious individual who gave people superhuman abilities.  Walker and his friend received treatments that granted him superhuman abilities…

captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent


captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent


captain america vs. us agent

captain america vs. us agent captain america vs. us agent



Sam Wilson – Captain America #13 (2016)

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Daniel Acuna

Letters: VC’s Joe Caramagna



Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes vs. The Living Laser & The Corruptor!

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes

The Avengers are on the run! Until they can be sure who’s on their side, Spider-Man, Captain America, Luke Cage, Ronin, Mockingbird, Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) are using Captain America’s hideout in Brooklyn as a safe house.  In the post-Civil War days, the Superhuman Registration Act is still in effect and they are collectively trying to keep the values of the Avengers name alive even though they are living on the wrong side of the law.

After scoring the final kill shot that was broadcast around the world during the climax of the Skrull Secret Invasion, Norman Osborn has become a media darling and director of H.A.M.M.E.R., the national peacekeeping task-force, which includes his own team of Dark Avengers.

The Hood, now in possession of the powerful Asgardian Norn Stones, thanks to Loki, has made a pact with Osborn to have his syndicate of criminals hunt down the elusive Avengers.

Meanwhile, Osborn prepares his forces for the invasion of Asgard, which is now located hovering above the plains of Broxton, Oklahoma.

From: New Avengers #61 (Siege Tie-In)

Hawkeye vs. Taskmaster (The Avengers #223, 1982)

taskmaster vs. hawkeye taskmaster vs. hawkeye taskmaster vs. hawkeye

taskmaster vs. hawkeye taskmaster vs. hawkeye


Ghost Rider vs. The Incredible Hulk (Ghost Rider Vol. 1 #11, 1975)

Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk Ghost Rider vs. Hulk

From: Ghost Rider Vol. 1 #11, 1975

Daredevil vs. Mr. Fear

Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-006 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-007 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-008 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-009 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-010 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-011 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-012 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-013 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-014 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-015 Daredevil (1998-2011) 105-016

From: Daredevil #105 (2008)

Daredevil vs. Elektra

Daredevil 179-015 Daredevil 179-016 Daredevil 179-017 Daredevil 179-018 Daredevil 179-019 Daredevil 179-020 Daredevil 179-021


From: Daredevil #179 (1982)

Murder by Numbers – Daredevil vs. Punisher vs. Taskmaster

Daredevil293p01 Daredevil293p02 Daredevil293p04 Daredevil293p05 Daredevil293p07 Daredevil293p08 Daredevil293p09 Daredevil293p10

From: Daredevil #293 (1991)

Daredevil vs. Typhoid Mary… a love story.

15 16 17 18 19

From: Daredevil #255 (1988)

Wolverine vs. Deadpool

Wolverine v2 088 03-04 (1994) (noads) (Mediozo-DCP) Wolverine v2 088 05-06 (1994) (noads) (Mediozo-DCP) Wolverine v2 088 07-08 (1994) (noads) (Mediozo-DCP)

From: Wolverine #88 (1994)

Superman vs. Salvaxe King of Barbarians!


Action Comics (2011-) 049-014

Action Comics (2011-) 049-015 Action Comics (2011-) 049-016 Action Comics (2011-) 049-017 Action Comics (2011-) 049-018

From: Action Comics #49 (2016)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Quintronic Man

Hulk213_03b Hulk213_05b Hulk213_07a Hulk213_10a Hulk213_10b Hulk213_13b Hulk213_15b Hulk213_17a Hulk213_17b

The Quintronic Man was a project in which professor Burke was working under the command of A.I.M. based from Iron Man. It’s an exoskeleton which needed 5 men to operate, including himself. But Burke, the key agent on the project left A.I.M. before it was finished.

Colin Thirty-Three sent two agents to kidnap professor Burke, in a apparently failed attempt to prevent A.I.M. mission from success, S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to change a face-covered professor Burke with Bruce Banner, who as soon as he entered A.I.M.’s facility, started causing havoc.

Colin decided that the project could’ve been finished without Burke, and used another A.I.M. agent to cover Burke’s place. Other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who supported Hulk were defenseless until the hero crashed on the scene. The Quintronic Man tried to kill Hulk using the lava of the volcano the A.I.M. base was in, but he survived, and crashed the suit’s protection, allowing the lava to reach Thirty-Three and the other four agents, killing them and destroying the suit.

Source: Marvel Wikia

From: Incredible Hulk #213 (1977)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Absorbing Man

Hulk209_09b Hulk209_10a Hulk209_13a Hulk209_13b Hulk209_15a Hulk209_15b Hulk209_17a

From: The Incredible Hulk #209  (1976)

The Incredible Hulk vs. Namor The Submariner

Hulk118_07b Hulk118_08a Hulk118_09a Hulk118_09b Hulk118_10a Hulk118_10b Hulk118_11a Hulk118_11b

From: The Incredible Hulk #118 (1969)

Thor vs. Thanos (End of Infinity)

Infinity 006-033 Infinity 006-034 Infinity 006-035 Infinity 006-036 Infinity 006-037 Infinity 006-038

From: Infinity 06 (of 6) (2014)

How strong is the Hulk? Hulk survives the breath of Fin Fang Foom! (Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom)

Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom


Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom

Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom

Hulk vs Fin Fang Foom

Hulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang FoomHulk vs. Fin Fang Foom

The Hulk is on an island where Nightmare is manipulating reality and turning Mindless Ones into other creatures, one of those being Fin Fang Foom.

Fin Fang Foom tries to convince the Hulk that he will rule the planet and that the Hulk should kneel before him. The Hulk isn’t playing that game so Foom breathes his fire on him and it barely singes the Jade Giant.

From: The Incredible Hulk v.2 #79 (2005)


How strong is the Hulk? The Hulk catches Iron Fist’s punch (Hulk vs. Heroes For Hire)

How strong is the Hulk? The Hulk catches Iron Fist’s punch (Hulk vs. Heroes For Hire)

Hulk vs. Iron FistHulk vs. Iron Fist


The Hulk is on a rampage!  After destroying much of New York City, the heroes start to arrive on the scene to put a stop to the jade giant. The Human Torch unleashes a blast of flame but apparently The Hulk’s thunderclap is strong enough to snuff out the Human Torch’s flame! Iron Fist charges up his fist and punches at the Hulk, but the Hulk catches the blow and re-channels the energy back into Iron Fist’s body. Power Man charges at him from behind, and the Hulk responds by punching him through four skyscrapers.

From: Incredible Hulk #300 (1984)

How strong is the Hulk? (The Hulk vs. The Mad Thinker)

How strong is the Hulk? (The Hulk vs. The Mad Thinker)

How strong is the hulk?
How strong is the hulk?  How strong is the hulk?

Batman vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-004 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-005 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-006 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-007 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-008 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-009 Batman-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2015-) 002-010

Trapped in a world where they can scarcely tell friend from foe, the Turtles’ first encounter with the Dark Knight puts their fighting skills to the ultimate test. And while Batman and scientist Lucius Fox search for any clue as to where these strange ninjas come from, Shredder strikes a deal with The Penguin!

From: Batman -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2015)

Natasha Romanoff – The Black Widow

Natasha was born in Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Russia. The first and best-known Black Widow is a Russian agent trained as a spy, martial artist, and sniper, and outfitted with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including a pair of wrist-mounted energy weapons dubbed her “Widow’s Bite”.

Black Widow (Natalia Alianovna “Natasha” Romanova, also known as Natasha Romanoff) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by editor and plotter Stan Lee, scripter Don Rico, and artist Don Heck, the character first appeared in Tales of Suspense No. 52 (April 1964). The character was first introduced as a Russian spy, an antagonist of the superhero Iron Man. She later defected to the United States, becoming an agent of the fictional spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and a member of the superhero team the Avengers.

deadly origin

Natasha was born in Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Russia. The first and best-known Black Widow is a Russian agent trained as a spy, martial artist, and sniper, and outfitted with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including a pair of wrist-mounted energy weapons dubbed her “Widow’s Bite”. She wears no costume during her first few appearances but simply evening wear and a veil. Romanova eventually defects to the U.S. for reasons that include her love for the reluctant-criminal turned superhero archer, Hawkeye.

The Black Widow’s first appearances were as a recurring, non-costumed, Russian-spy antagonist in the feature “Iron Man”, beginning in Tales of Suspense No. 52 (April 1964). Five issues later, she recruited the besotted costumed archer and later superhero Hawkeye to her cause. Her government later supplied her with her first Black Widow costume and high-tech weaponry, but she eventually defected to the United States after appearing, temporarily brainwashed against the U.S., in the superhero-team series The Avengers No. 29 (July 1966). The Widow later became a recurring ally of the team before officially becoming its sixteenth member many years later.

TOS052_05 TOS052_06 TOS052_11



The Black Widow was visually updated in 1970: The Amazing Spider-Man No. 86 (July 1970) reintroduced her with shoulder-length red hair (instead of her former short black hair), a skintight black costume, and wristbands which fired spider threads. This would become the appearance most commonly associated with the character.

AmazingSpiderman086-01 AmazingSpiderman086-02 AmazingSpiderman086-03 AmazingSpiderman086-04 AmazingSpiderman086-05

Later that day…

AmazingSpiderman086-08 AmazingSpiderman086-09 AmazingSpiderman086-10 AmazingSpiderman086-11 AmazingSpiderman086-15 AmazingSpiderman086-16 AmazingSpiderman086-17 AmazingSpiderman086-18 AmazingSpiderman086-19

First hints to Natasha Romanova’s childhood come by Ivan Petrovich, who is introduced as her middle-aged chauffeur and confidant in the Black Widow’s 1970s Amazing Adventures. The man tells Matt Murdock how he had been given custody of little Natasha by a woman just before her death during the Battle of Stalingrad in autumn 1942. He had consequently felt committed to raise the orphan as a surrogate father and she had eventually trained as a Soviet spy, being eager to help her homeland. In another flashback, set in the fictional island of Madripoor in 1941, Petrovich helps Captain America and the mutant Logan, who would later become the Canadian super-agent and costumed hero Wolverine, to rescue Natasha from Nazis.

daredevil 088 p_013 daredevil 088 p_014 daredevil 088 p_016 daredevil 088 p_017

A revised, retconned origin establishes her as being raised from very early childhood by the U.S.S.R.’s “Black Widow Ops” program, rather than solely by Ivan Petrovitch. Petrovitch had taken her to Department X, with other young female orphans, where she was brainwashed, and trained in combat and espionage at the covert “Red Room” facility. There, she is biotechnologically and psycho-technologically enhanced—an accounting that provides a rationale for her unusually long and youthful lifespan.

Black Widow 005-015 Black Widow 005-016 Black Widow 005-017 Black Widow 005-018

During that time she had some training under Winter Soldier, and the pair even had a short romance. Each Black Widow is deployed with false memories to help ensure her loyalty. Romanova eventually discovers this, including the fact that she had never, as she had believed, been a ballerina. She further discovers that the Red Room is still active as “2R”.

Black Widow 004-002 Black Widow 004-003

During the incursion event between Earth 616 and Earth 1610, Natasha is involved in the final battle between the Marvel Universe’s superheroes and the Ultimate Universe’s Children of Tomorrow. She pilots a ship holding a handpicked few to restart humanity after the universe ends, copiloted by Jessica Drew. Her ship is shot down during the battle though, and she is killed in the ensuing explosion.



Additional Black Widow files:

BlackWidow-01-029 BlackWidow-01-030 BlackWidow-01-031 BlackWidow-01-032 BlackWidow-01-033 BlackWidow-01-028


Elektra vs. Bullseye

Bullseye kills Elektra Bullseye kills Elektra Bullseye kills Elektra Bullseye kills Elektra Bullseye kills Elektra Bullseye kills Elektra

Despite how terrible the rest of the movie was, they actually got this fight right.

From: Daredevil v1 181 (1982)



Daredevil vs. Bullseye (1981)

Daredevil vs. Bullseye 172-16 (1)Daredevil vs. Bullseye 172-16 (2)Daredevil vs. Bullseye 172-16 (3)Daredevil vs. Bullseye 172-16 (4)Daredevil vs. Bullseye 172-16 (5)Daredevil vs. Bullseye 172-16 (6)

From: Daredevil V.1 #172 (1981)

Thinking his wife is dead, Kingpin takes control of the mob and hires Bullseye as his assassin; Daredevil comes calling and takes Bullseye down but leaves the Kingpin in power to rebuild his organization.

DC vs. Marvel: Superman vs. The Hulk


DC vs. Marvel Comics (issues #2–3 titled Marvel Comics vs. DC) was a comic book limited series crossover published by DC Comics (Detective Comics) and Marvel Comics from April to May 1996. The series was written by Ron Marz and Peter David, with art by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini.

Two godly brothers who personify the DC and Marvel Universes become aware of the other’s existence, and challenge one another to a series of duels involving each universe’s respective superheroes. The losing universe would cease to exist. The story had an “out of universe” component in that, although there were eleven primary battles, five outcomes were determined by fan vote.

The six preliminary battles were:

  1. Aquaman (DC) vs. Namor (Marvel).
  2. Elektra (Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC).
  3. Flash (DC) vs. Quicksilver (Marvel).
  4. Robin (DC) vs. Jubilee (Marvel).
  5. Silver Surfer (Marvel) vs. Green Lantern (DC).
  6. Thor (Marvel) vs. Captain Marvel (DC).

There were five battles in which the outcomes were determined by the votes of fans:

  1. Superman (DC) vs. Hulk (Marvel).
  2. Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Superboy (DC).
  3. Batman (DC) vs. Captain America (Marvel).
  4. Wolverine (Marvel) vs. Lobo (DC).
  5. Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Storm.

Each side attained three victories in the preliminary battles and five battles were decided by fan vote, of which Marvel came out ahead with 3 wins to DC’s 2.

However, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious. As part of a last-ditch effort to save their worlds, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal were able to briefly force the “brothers” to resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam Universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes (such as Dark Claw, a merging of the characters Batman and Wolverine).

An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually managed to restore the universes to their normal state with the aid of Batman and Captain America. The presence of the two heroes (essentially serving as the brothers in miniature, each being unique among their peers) forced the brothers to recognize how petty their disagreement truly was.

The Punisher vs. The Sentry (Dark Reign)


From:  The Punisher, Dark Reign #1

Red Robin vs. Red Hood (Robin War)

Red Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red HoodRed Robin vs. Red Hood

Batman vs. Deadshot

Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot Batman vs Deadshot

From: Detective Comics #474

Daredevil vs. Doctor Octopus

AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-008 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-009 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-011 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-012 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-013 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-014 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-015 AnPymGoldDaredevil 165-016

From: Daredevil v.1 #165 (1980)

Thor vs. Beta Ray Bill (First Meeting)

Thor_V1#337_p15 Thor_V1#337_p16 Thor_V1#337_p17 Thor_V1#337_p18 Thor_V1#337_p19 Thor_V1#337_p20 Thor_V1#337_p21

From: The Mighty Thor V.1 #337 (1983)

First appearance of Beta Ray Bill

Thor vs. Iron Man


From: Thor #3 (2007) – “Everything Old is New Again”

The Armored Avenger squares off against The God of Thunder!

Tony Stark, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., comes to New Orleans to verify the rumors that his old friend and teammate is alive and in town… but Thor isn’t rolling out the welcome mat for Iron Man.  The God of Thunder would have words with the man who cloned him…


Cosmic Powered Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Incredible Hulk. (Amazing Spider-Man V1 #328, 1989)

Amazing Spider-Man and Captain Universe’s Uni-Power

Captain Universe is endowed with the Uni-Power, a sentient energy field that seeks out people in great peril and bonds with them. In another sense, it is every person–it is the potential for heroism that lives in each of us.

When the Uni-Power chooses a partner, it endows that person (or, rarely, persons) with the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The partner can use the powers of Captain Universe until the peril is surmounted. However, if the partner tries to use those powers for personal gain or for evil, the Uni-Power immediately deserts them.

When a lab accident granted Spider-Man the Uni-Power, his costume was cosmically changed into the Captain Universe outfit by the Uni-Power. This form gave him incredibly enhanced senses, strength, speed, flight, a new costume and limited telekinesis.

cosmic spider-man punches Hulk Continue reading “Cosmic Powered Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Incredible Hulk. (Amazing Spider-Man V1 #328, 1989)”

Daredevil vs. The Punisher

Daredevil and The Punisher meet on the rooftops.

Daredevil vs. The Punisher Continue reading “Daredevil vs. The Punisher”

The Mighty Thor vs. Silver Surfer

Something funny happened when Galactus came to town.

The world eater known as Galactus is passing through our neck of the woods threatening to eat earth as a midnight snack. Thor, Sif, Odin and the rest of the Asgardians who are currently living in Broxton, Oklahoma don’t exactly feel like having guests over for dinner at the particular moment.
Thor vs. Silver Surfer

From: The Mighty Thor #4 (2011) Fraction, Coipel, Morales &
Continue reading “The Mighty Thor vs. Silver Surfer”