New Infinity War “All of Them” TV Spot, New Movie Posters, 100 Days until “Ant-Man & The Wasp” and one big mosaic of every MCU movie so far! Whew!

Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — the evil Thanos.

Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — the evil Thanos. On a mission to collect all six Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to use the artifacts to inflict his twisted will on reality. The fate of the planet and existence itself has never been more uncertain as everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment.

Avengers: Infinity War

Rating: UR

Release Date: Apr 27, 2018

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Posters

The End is Near with Avengers: Infinity War! See the official trailer, motion poster & screen shots!

The Avengers: Infinity War takes place two years after the Avengers were torn apart during the events of Captain America: Civil War, Thanos arrives on Earth to collect the Infinity Stones for a gauntlet that will allow him to bend reality to his will. The Avengers must join forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop him before his onslaught of destruction puts an end to the universe.

The Avengers: Infinity War takes place two years after the Avengers were torn apart during the events of Captain America: Civil War, Thanos arrives on Earth to collect the Infinity Stones for a gauntlet that will allow him to bend reality to his will. The Avengers must join forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop him before his onslaught of destruction puts an end to the universe.

Avengers: Infinity War is scheduled to have its world premiere on April 23, 2018 in Los Angeles, and is scheduled to be released in the United States on April 27, 2018, in IMAX and 3D. The sequel is set to be released on May 3, 2019.

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

Iron man dies in avengers infinity war

iron man dies in avengers infinity war

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

is black panther in avengers infinity war?

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos
Looks like Cap brought the whole crew to Wakanda!

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

hulkbuster in avengers infinity war
Hulkbuster suit in Wakanda

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos
Thanos and a very young Gamora
the black order in avengers infinity war
Thanos’ Black Order,  Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, Black Dwarf and Supergiant (not pictured) surrounds Loki.

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

thor dies in avengers infinity war

captain america dies in infinity war

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

doctor strange dies in infinity war avengers

ebony maw in avengers infinity war

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

avengers infinity war chris pratt talks to robert downey jr.
“Let’s talk about this plan of yours… I think it’s good, except it sucks.  So let me do the plan and that way, it might be really good.”

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

captain america dies in avengers infinity war

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos

captain america dies in avengers infinity war

Avengers Infinity War has a release date. April 27th, 2018.

Avengers Infinity War has a release date. April 27th, 2018.

Black Panther vs. M’Baku the Man-Ape (The Mighty Avengers #62)

OLD SCHOOL BATTLE! Black Panther vs. M’Baku the Man-Ape (The Mighty Avengers #62)

Black Panther Movie Review

It’s not just a movie, it’s a movement. #blackpanther #wakandaforever

Black Panther movie review

Black Panther is not your ordinary Marvel Comics film.  It has begun a cultural movement all its own.  As a black man, I can’t remember the last time a movie with a black director and a predominately all black cast has made such a splash in the mainstream cultural consciousness in such a positive way.  It’s so amazing to see all these young black kids (and adults) coming out and supporting this movie, its cast and director Ryan Coogler.  It’s an astonishing and humbling site to see.

Is it a good movie though?  I’m not going to let my blackness get in the way of looking at this film with a critical eye…. but the answer is yes.  So lets talk about it.

The general plot of the movie is that Wakanda is an isolationist nation that has never been conquered or colonized by an outsider.  This due to the mountain sized vibranium deposit that was left when a meteor crashed in Africa millions of years ago.  The vibranium powers all of their technology.  Everything from medicine and transportation to the weapons of war and self defense.  As a nation that is entirely self sufficient, they are also loathe to lend aid to others.  A similar analogy would be like feeding the birds at the park.  It starts with just one, but before you know it, you have a whole flock at your feet.

— Read More: Black Panther: Where is Wakanda?

This movie takes place after the events of Captain America 3: Civil War where King T’Chaka was killed by an explosion leaving young T’Challa in charge of a nation. Wakanda and its new king T’Challa, played exceptionally by Chadwick Boseman, want to protect their isolationist way of life from Erik Killmonger, played by Michael B. Jordan.

Killmonger feels like Wakanda is hoarding its technology and wants to use Wakandan advanced weapons and technology to wage war on the rest of the world.  Particularly those who he feels are currently oppressing peoples of color be it local police on up to governments.

— Read More: Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther?

The movie is beautifully shot with epic sweeping cinematography.  Wakanda is fleshed out with vibrant bustling streets, techno-organic skyscrapers, kids rushing off to school, young people jubilantly carousing about in cafes, waiting for sky car taxis, cooking street food and generally going about their business.  It’s definitely the most life like city in all of the Marvel Universe.

And the costumes.  Oh my god, the costumes. Ruth E. Carter, costume designer completely nails the afro-futurism look by blending the history and traditions of tribes from all over Africa. With 30 years of movie experience and two Oscar nominations for her work (on Malcolm X and Amistad), Carter understood the role clothing would play in shaping the film’s world. “Wakandans are serious about fashion,” Carter via said  The Atlantic, of the inhabitants of Black Panther’s tech-forward, eco-conscious, never-before-colonized country. Her vision for Wakandan dress draws from traditional and contemporary African fashion. Sartorial cues help viewers understand the social geography of a fictional place—its political ideologies, cultural norms, etiquette. It’s easier to convey these unspoken elements when a film is set in a space and time the audience already has some reference for. For example, American viewers can read the message of a certain dress or hairstyle in, say, 1960s Alabama, which worked in Carter’s favor when she was designing the costumes for Selma.



The impressive score is crafted by Ludwig Goransson.  The score is as textured and layered like the costumes as it blends and layers traditional African drums and vocalizations with a sweeping grandiosity usually reserved for epic films like Lawrence of Arabia, Out of Africa and dare I say it, Star Wars.

The cast rounds out the movie with powerhouse performances. Chadwick Boseman is a bit understated bringing a quiet maturity and presence to each scene, however I felt that the movie would have benefited from a bit more range from him.

The runaway star of the show, the scene-stealer is far and away is Shuri, the younger sister of T’Challa and played by Letitia Wright. She’s insanely smart, developing most if not all of the “Panther-tech”, plucky, irreverent and best of all: absolutely fearless.  If you are a fan and reader of the Black Panther comics, you already know that at some point Shuri dons the mantle of the Black Panther and becomes the protector of Wakanda. I’m hoping this is something we will seen in the inevitable sequel as word has it, Kevin Feige has already asked Ryan Coogler to return.

Black Panther Shuri Disney princess
Shuri steals the show! Do we have a new Disney princess in our midst?

This film does have some issues however.  So lets talk about those too.

First off, the fight choreography isn’t my favorite.  While Danai Gurira shines bright in her scenes as General Okoye, leader of the all female Dora Milaje, the same can’t really be said for most of the scenes involving hand to hand combat.  The shots are cut quickly and the camera is way too close to see any meaningful movements.  It’s tends to be a jumble of arms, legs and other flailing limbs. Aside from this action scenes (the car chase aside) end a few short minutes after they begin.

The CGI (especially during the final fight between Killmonger and T’Challa) is just plain bad. It looks unfinished is really the only way to describe it and  seeing how well everything else is in the movie it’s really unfortunate and distracting.

This shouldn’t deter you from seeing the movie however.  Not in the slightest. It’s a cultural milestone and I am anxiously looking forward to revisiting T’Challa, Shuri, Okoye and Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther 2.

Go see it.  Now. This isn’t just a movie.  It’s a movement.

— Read More Black Panther Posts here:

  1. Black Panther
  2. Black Panther Categories
  3. Black Panther vs. Kraven the Hunter (Black Panther, The Man Without Fear #519)
  4. Black Panther & Wolverine vs. Sabertooth
  5. Emma Frost tries to read The mind of the Black Panther. 
  6. Black Panther: Klaw kills King T’Chaka
  7. Black Panther: T’Challa avenges his father. 
  8. War Machine, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Black Panther vs. Thanos (Civil War II)
  9. Black Panther 50th Anniversary – NYCC 2016 Panel Highlights
  10. Images from the Black Panther premiere!

Images from the Black Panther premiere!

Looks like it was an amazing night on the purple carpet!

Black Panther teaser trailer and poster reveal!

Ok who’s hype?  This looks awesome and great music choice as well! Here’s the poster:

Black Panther 50th Anniversary – NYCC 2016 Panel Highlights


In July 1966, Marvel Comics published Fantastic Four #54: a landmark issue featuring the first major super hero of color, the Black Panther. Born into the tumult of the 1960’s Civil Rights movement, Marvel’s Black Panther became an immediate inspirational and aspirational symbol to millions. Fifty years later, he has risen into a major pop culture icon, prominently featured in Marvel comic books, animation, games, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe and known across the globe! Join Macarthur Genius, National Book Award Winner, and current Black Panther writer Ta-Nehisi Coates along with artist Brian Stelfreeze, writer Christopher Priest, and other Mighty Marvel Guests on this momentous panel from New York Comic Con 2016, as they pay tribute to the character while discussing his tremendous impact on comics and pop culture.

An introduction and explanation of the INFINITY STONES – (infographic)

Avengers Infinity War Infinity Stones infographic

*note– These are the Infinity Gems as they are represented within the comics, not within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The way the stones look and  function has since been updated by Marvel; keep reading for details.

Thanos and the Infinity Stones
Adam Warlock tells the Avengers how Thanos created a synthetic Infinity Gem. – Avengers Annual #7 (1977)

The Infinity Stones, originally referred to as Soul Stones, are six immensely powerful fictional gems appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Whoever holds all six Gems and uses them in concert gains omnipotence and omniscience. The six primary Gems are the Mind stone, the Soul stone, the Space stone, the Power stone, the Time stone and the Reality stone, and in later storylines, crossovers and other media, a seventh Infinity stone (Ego or Rhythm) is sometimes added. The Soul Gems first appear in The Power of Warlock. All six appear together for the first time in the second “Thanos War” storyline in Avengers and Marvel Two-In-One annuals. Thanos harnesses their latent energies to power a giant gem to extinguish every star in the universe.

In the third volume of the Silver Surfer title, the Surfer refers to the gems as “Soul Gems” for the first time. They are gathered by the Elders of the Universe, who intend to use their combined power to drain Galactus of his life force and then recreate the universe with themselves as the oldest beings in it (Galactus was the last survivor of the Universe that existed prior to the birth of the current Marvel Universe). This plot is thwarted by the Silver Surfer, and several Elders and the gems are lost in a black hole; Galactus consumes some of the other Elders.

Where is the Soul Gem?
The Soul “Jewel” is firmly planted in the forehead of Adam Warlock – The Power of Warlock #2 (August, 1972)

In a follow-up story, Galactus is poisoned by the Elders he consumed. Silver Surfer, Mr. Fantastic, and the Invisible Woman journey through the black hole to recover the gems. Invisible Woman becomes possessed by the sentient Soul Gem, awakening her evil Malice persona. She is later subdued, and the gems are used to remove the Elders from Galactus’ body. The Elders later reclaim the gems.

Each Gem is a small, smooth oval, and known by their respective powers. Each of the Gems represents a different characteristic of Existence and possessing any single Gem grants the possessor the ability to potentially command whatever aspect of Existence the Gem represents. The Gems are indestructible but not immutable. On two occasions one or more of the Gems have appeared in the form of deep pink spheres that were several feet in diameter.

infinity gems in the infinity gauntlet avengers infinity war
The Mind, Reality, Power, Space, Time, Soul Gems housed in the Infinity Gauntlet.

On other occasions the gems have appeared in their normal shape but with different coloring (i.e. when the Soul Gem appeared to be red when worn by the Gardener).  In the Ultraverse, the merged Gems, Nemesis, were once again separated after a climactic battle with Ultraforce and the Avengers. The Space, Power, Soul, and Mind gems morph into humanoid beings.  The nature of these beings is not known, nor how these beings returned to their original forms.

Read More: 

  1. Thanos Steals the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener.
  2. Thanos Takes the Power Gem from The Champion of the Universe.
  3. Thanos Takes the Time Gem from The Gardener.
  4. Thanos Takes the Space Gem from The Runner.
  5. Thanos Takes the Reality Gem from The Grandmaster.

Continue reading “An introduction and explanation of the INFINITY STONES – (infographic)”

Black Panther & Wolverine vs. Sabertooth

Wolverine 052-007 Wolverine 052-008_009 Wolverine 052-010 Wolverine 052-011 Wolverine 052-012 Wolverine 052-013 Wolverine 052-014_015 Wolverine 052-016

Stills from the Captain America Civil War trailer

Captain America: Civil War – Trailer World Premier


Holy S#!t!!!! This looks awesome!  Don’t blink or you’ll miss Black Panther!

Black Bolt vs. Apocalypse 

Apocalypse is on a rampage in Wakanda. Black Panther calls in a favor to Blackagar Boltagon to help with the situation.

black bolt
Apocalypse is on a rampage in Wakanda. Black Panther calls in a favor to Blackagar Boltagon to help with the situation.

From: Black Panther #7

Black Panther: T’Challa avenges his father. 

Black Panther: T’Challa avenges his father. 

black panther vs. klaw

Black Panther posts:

  1. Where is Wakanda?
  2. Who is the Black Panther?
  3. Klaw kills King T’Chaka.
  4. T’Challa avenges his father.

Black Panther: Klaw kills King T’Chaka

   Continue reading “Black Panther: Klaw kills King T’Chaka”

Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther?

Who is the Black Panther? His name is T’Challa. Son of T’Chaka. The Black Panther is the ruler of Wakanda. It’s a spiritually based warrior cult. Sort of like being Pope, President and Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff all at once. The Panther’s title is a hereditary title, but you still have to earn it.

black panther explained   Continue reading “Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther?”

Black Panther: Where is Wakanda?

Wakanda is a fictional nation in the Marvel Universe. It is the most prominent of several fictional African nations in the Marvel Universe, and it is home to the superhero Black Panther. Wakanda is located in Northeastern Africa, although its exact location has varied throughout the nation’s publication history.

wakanda location #wakandaforever #blackpanther #wakanda  wakanda location wakanda location #wakandaforever #blackpanther #wakanda  wakanda location   black panther vs captain america wakanda location #wakandaforever #blackpanther #wakanda

Wakanda is a fictional nation in the Marvel Universe. It is the most prominent of several fictional African nations in the Marvel Universe, and it is home to the superhero Black Panther. Wakanda is located in Northeastern Africa, although its exact location has varied throughout the nation’s publication history: some sources place Wakanda in East Africa, just north of Tanzania, while others – such as Marvel Atlas #2 – show it bordering Lake Turkana, near Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia (and surrounded by fictional countries like Azania, Canaan and Narobia). Wakanda first appeared in Fantastic Four #52 (July 1966), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The name is evocative of the Wakamba tribe of Kenya.

wakanda locationThe Wakandan royal line began with Bashenga, an ancient Wakandan. Bashenga was supposedly the first king of unified Wakanda, and the first Black Panther some 10,000 years ago.

In the distant past, a massive meteorite comprised of the sound-absorbing mineral vibranium crashed in Wakanda, and was unearthed a generation before the events of the present-day.

Black Panther Posts:

  1. Where is Wakanda?
  2. Who is the Black Panther?
  3. Klaw kills King T’Chaka.
  4. T’Challa avenges his father.

Shuri “hires” The Avengers 

The new Black Panther needs to hire the Avengers to take on her arch-enemy, Klaw.

   Continue reading “Shuri “hires” The Avengers “

Ernie Hudson Rumored To Play Black Panther’s Father

Legion of Leia has published a rumor that Ghostbuster veteran Ernie Hudson could possibly be playing King T’Chaka, T’Challa’s father in the Marvel universe with a possible debut in Captain America: Civil War.

What we do know is that we will see ChadwickBoseman debut as Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War, with a stand alone Black Panther film coming in 2018.

According to Latino Review, Hudson has been seen hitting the gym and catching up on BlackPanther back issues.

It was previously rumored that DenzelWashington would take the role, however it is said that Washington is too expensive for a Marvel.

This news on Hudson is speculation at this point.  Hudson is currently playing King Poseidon on Once Upon a Time.

We will keep you updated on this as we attain more information.

Captain America: Civil War hit theaters on May 6, 2016.

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