First look of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel ✨

Dr. Strange vs. Dormmamu

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Kevin Feige: Captain Marvel Was in the Early Draft of ‘Age of Ultron’

Legion of Leia

captain marvel

During the Avengers: Age of Ultron press junket this weekend, MTV News’ Josh Horowitz pressed Kevin Feige about the rumors on whether or not Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers would make a cameo appearance in the movie. “In an early draft of the script, yes,” said Feige, “We didn’t want to introduce her fully-formed flying in a costume before you got to know who she was and how she came to be.” He then said they’re in very early days of finding the lead actress for the film, which is scheduled to open November 2, 2018. “It’s about finding writers right now; we’re very close.”

Feige also mentioned that they won’t be bringing in Miles Morales as Spider-Man…yet. But they are open to the idea after they introduce Peter Parker. That makes sense. They haven’t explores Parker’s story in the MCU, and that character has a pretty important role in the comic book version of the Civil War story arc.

To add icing to…

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