In what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

what order should you watch all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies?

The best way would be to watch them in order of their release date. The films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have released in three phases. Which order did you watch the movies in?

Phase 1: Avengers Assembled

The Avengers Initiative (a.k.a Phase 1) was a secret project created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create the Avengers, a collection of the most able individuals to defend Earth from imminent global threats; these individuals functioning as a response team to said threats which are too great for the forces of mankind to handle.

The Initiative was scrapped by the World Security Council after the alien incursion in New Mexico in favor of a weapons development program known as Phase 2. It was eventually reactivated in 2012 during the Chitauri Invasion.

  1. Iron Man (2008)
  2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  3. Iron Man 2 (2010)
  4. Thor (2011)
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  6. The Avengers (2012)

Phase 2: Age Of Ultron

Phase 2” was part of a plan initiated by S.H.I.E.L.D. after the alien incursion in New Mexico to create weapons of mass destruction using the Tesseract.

In response to the events in New Mexico and the revelation of alien worlds and powers beyond our own, the World Security Council scrapped the Avengers Initiative in favor of a more practical approach– the development of weapons powered by the alien Tesseract.

  1. Iron Man 3 (2013)
  2. Thor: The Dark World (2013)
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
  5. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
  6. Ant-Man (2015)

Phase 3: Infinity War!

Phase Three is set during a time of discord generated from the aftermath of Ultron‘s attack against the Earth. With public opinion of superheroes becoming increasingly divided, the Avengers become fragmented. In the midst of the Avengers’ turmoils, a number of new characters are introduced, such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Mantis, Spider-Man, Valkyrie, and Captain Marvel. Thanos‘ plot to collect all of the Infinity Stones, which began late in Phase One, is drawn to a close in this saga.

  1. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
  2. Doctor Strange (2016)
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
  4. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
  5. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
  6. Black Panther (2018)
  7. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  8. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
  9. Captain Marvel (2019)
  10. Avengers 4 (2019)

Phase 4:

Phase Four will be the fourth part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Phase Three. Phase Four consists of an unknown number of films planned between 2019 and 2028.

  1. Spider-Man 2 (2019)
  2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020)
  3. Other TBA Films (2020-2028)

Source: Marvel Cinematic Universe

World War Hulk: Epilogue


world war hulk


World War Hulk

World War Hulk Finale

World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale World War Hulk finale world war hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Sentry (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk vs The Sentry


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (2) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (3)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (4)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (5)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (6) World War Hulk vs The Sentry (7)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (8)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (9)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (10)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (11)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (12)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (13)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (14)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (15)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (16)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (17)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (18)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (19)


World War Hulk vs The Sentry (20)

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Invincible Iron Man (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1) World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)


World War Hulk - Hulk vs. Iron Man (1)

The Incredible Hulk vs. Black Bolt (World War Hulk)

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk


hulk vs black bolt world war hulk


hulk vs black bolt world war hulk


hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

hulk vs black bolt world war hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. The Juggernaut (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk


Hulk vs. Juggernaut World War Hulk

The Incredible Hulk vs. Hercules (World War Hulk)

world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules world war hulk hercules


From:  The Incredible Hulk v. 3 #107

The Incredible Hulk vs. Doctor Strange part 2 (World War Hulk)

World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange World War Hulk Dr. Strange

The Incredible Hulk vs. X-Factor (World War Hulk)

world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor


world war hulk x-factor

The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverine (World War Hulk)

wolverine hulk world war hulk


wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut wolverine hulk world war hulk juggernaut

The Incredible Hulk vs. The X-Men (World War Hulk)














world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men world war hulk x-men

The Incredible Hulk vs. Dr. Strange (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. Mr. Fantastic (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. The Human Torch, Storm and The Thing (World War Hulk)

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The Incredible Hulk vs. She-Hulk (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

Hulk vs. She-Hulk

From: World War Hulk

Incredible Hulk vs. Silver Surfer (Planet Hulk)

hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk hulk fights silver surfer planet hulk

From: The Incredible Hulk v.3 #95

Bruce Banner has long seen his alter ego, The Incredible Hulk, as a threat to innocent life.  So when he saw the chance to use the Hulk’s strength for good, Banner accepted a mission from S.H.I.E.L.D. to destroy a rogue ssatellite.  But when the mission was complete, a group of Marvel heroes including Reed Richards, Iron Man, Dr. Strange and Black Bolt exiled Hulk from the Earth, intending to send his shuttle toward and idyllic, uninhabited planet where he would pose no threat to himself or others.

Instead, the shuttle flew off course, passing through a wormhole that deposited Hulk onto the savage planet of Sakaar.  Weakened by his trip through the portal, Hulk was sold into slavery and sent to the Great Arena to die in gladiatorial battle.

Shortly after, a group of rebels tried to free Hulk, offering him the chance to fight against the Empire.  He rejected the offer uninterested in being the  rebels pawn.  But Elloe, a warior whose father was killed during gladiator training, accepts the rebels’ offer only to be taken into custody by Death’s Head Warguards.

In the Great Arena, Hulk and his team learned that if they survived three rounds of combat, they would win their freedom.  But the Emperor broke the rules, attacking the gladiators with a Deathfire bomb and a platoon of Death’s Heads.  Hulks crew survived, except for Lavin Skee who was killed in the fray.  That night, the surviving members of the crew spoke their true names and took an oath – they are now Warbound to each other, no matter what may come.


And what’s coming is the Silver Savage…

Hulk vs. Ghost Rider (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Ghost Rider Continue reading “Hulk vs. Ghost Rider (World War Hulk)”

Uncanny Inhumans #0: Black Bolt. How powerful is he?

Black Bolt reaches the door to Kang’s hall and speaks again. This time barely above a whisper he says, “Open”. The focused blast hits the door, but inexplicably, the door is not shattered. Instead, through whatever time distortion defenses Kang has going on in that weird castle of his, the energy of the blast is redirected through time, back to 1908, thus creating the Tunguska Event in Siberia.

How powerful is Black Bolt really?

I was just reading the new Uncanny Inhumans #0 and noticed something pretty interesting.  Black Bolt is searching for his son and comes across a fortified castle inhabited by Kang the Conqueror.  Kang’s battlement defenses are composed of archers, artillery-men and soldiers from different eras.  All of them raining down hell on Black Bolt who is semi-casually flying through the hail of bullets, bombs and arrows.

black bolt flying

Then, he speaks.

Continue reading “Uncanny Inhumans #0: Black Bolt. How powerful is he?”